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Discussion Meeting on Vocational Training

Template for Briefs


The Minister of Education, Recreation and Sports would like to hear your innovative ideas for shaping vocational training in the 21st century. To assist you in preparing your brief, you can consult the Participant Guide, which presentsthe three topics that will be addressed during the discussion meeting:

1.Partnership-based approaches

2.Program offerings adapted to needs in the different regions

3.Stakeholders committed to innovation

This template provides for a text of up to 15 pages in length, using Times New Roman 12-point font. You do not have to address all of the topics and discussion points listed.

It is important to enter the name of your organization and your contact information (title, name, function and email) in the space provided.

Please send your brief on or before March 9, 2018, to: .


TOPIC 1: Partnership-based approaches

Since the aging population is creating new workforce needs, the globalization of markets is changing the economic situation and technology is developing at an exponential rate, concerted action between education stakeholders and their partners is essential in order to ensure that vocational training continues to meet changing workforce needs in the 21st century.

Discussion points

1.1A better, more flexible and more rapid process for revising programs of study

1.2Mechanisms for taking emerging needs and 21st-century competencies into account in program offerings

1.3Closer ties between the Ministère and the school boards


TOPIC 1: Partnership-based approaches

1.1A better, more flexible and more rapid process for revising programs of study

In your opinion, which stakeholders need to participate in improving the process of revising programs of study? What role could each of these stakeholders play? How do you view the current role played by the Ministère in this regard? How could the Ministère improve its practices in order to become part of the solution?

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1.2Mechanisms for taking emerging needs and 21st-century competencies into account in program offerings

In your opinion, how could we work toward meeting emerging workforce needs? How could we introduce 21st-century competencies into vocational program offerings? How do you view the current role played by the Ministère in this regard? How could the Ministère improve its practices in order to become part of the solution?

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1.3Closer ties between the Ministère and the school boards

In your opinion, what process could be put in place to make the circulation of information among the partners more effective? How do you view the current role played by the Ministère in this regard? How could the Ministère improve its practices in order to become part of the solution?

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1.4Stronger ties between the education system and the job market

In your opinion, what steps could be taken to improve the exchange of information between the education community and the workplace community, including the municipalities? How do you view the current role played by the Ministère in this regard? How could the Ministère improve its practices in order to become part of the solution?

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TOPIC 2: Program offerings adapted to needs in the different regions

Since each region has its own challenges (e.g. population decline, growing immigrant population) and resources are limited, school boards in the same region must work together more closely to make sure that program offerings better meet regional workforce needs.

Discussion points

2.1Concerted development of vocational program offerings

2.2Closer and more effective regional cooperation

2.3Vocational training in support of regional development

2.4Stimulus to continuing training and business services

2.1Concerted development of vocational program offerings

In your opinion, how could the provision of vocational training programs be better adapted to the needs of each administrative region? How do you view the current role played by the Ministère in this regard? How could the Ministère improve its practices in order to become part of the solution?

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2.2Closer and more effective regional cooperation

In your opinion, how could we provide a more coherent regional program offering? What mechanisms could be established to foster regional cooperation? How do you view the current role played by the Ministère in this regard? How could the Ministère improve its practices in order to become part of the solution?

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2.3Vocational training in support of regional development

In your opinion, what measures should be implemented so that vocational training better supports regional development?How do you view the current role played by the Ministère in this regard? How could the Ministère improve its practices in order to become part of the solution?

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2.4Stimulus to continuing training and business services

In your opinion, how could we further support the development of continuing training? Does the Formatio measure still meet the needs of business services? If not, how could we make it more effective? How do you view the current role played by the Ministère in this regard? How could the Ministère improve its practices in order to become part of the solution?

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TOPIC 3: Stakeholders committed to innovation

Since the need for a skilled workforce is becoming more and more pressing (e.g. 21st-century competencies, immigrant population, labour shortage), the mobilization of partners is essential in positioning vocational training as a gateway to exciting career opportunities in line with students’ interests.

Discussion points

3.1Innovative training approaches

3.2Innovative training paths

3.3Collaborative efforts to attract and retain students

3.1Innovative training approaches

In your opinion, how could we use new technologies to better advantage in and for our training approaches? How do you view the current role played by the Ministère in this regard? How could the Ministère improve its practices in order to become part of the solution?

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3.1Innovative training approaches (cont.)

In your opinion, how could the RAC process be improved? How could CERACs and Qualifications Québec work together to improve services? How do you view the current role played by the Ministère in this regard? How could the Ministère improve its practices in order to become part of the solution?

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3.2Innovative training paths

In your opinion, is increased workplace training a way of the future? If so, how can more workplace training be introduced into programs of study? How do you view the current role played by the Ministère in this regard? How could the Ministère improve its practices in order to become part of the solution?

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3.2Innovative training paths (cont.)

In your opinion, how could we facilitate the implementation of SSD-DVS double-diploma programs? How do you view the current role played by the Ministère in this regard? How could the Ministère improve its practices in order to become part of the solution?

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3.3Collaborative efforts to attract and retain students

In your opinion, how could we give new impetus to the promotion of vocational training? How could we better position vocational training in the Québec school system? How do you view the current role played by the Ministère in this regard? How could the Ministère improve its practices in order to become part of the solution?

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3.3Collaborative efforts to attract and retain students (cont.)

In your opinion, how could we continue to develop complementary educational services in vocational training?How do you view the current role played by the Ministère in this regard? How could the Ministère improve its practices in order to become part of the solution?

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