
Justin Lloyd

Instructor: Jeff Sturges

English 101

4 February 2004

Should question reply

Save Music and Movies

Millions of people around the world are guilty of theft, in the form of piracy. They download hunreds of thousands of hours worth of audio and visual entertainment. It most certainly should not be legal to download music and movies off the internet. Many people loose out on money that is due to them, similar to the people who provide elecronic databases who do get paid for their services!; the likleyhood that "music and movies producing intrest to be mastered decreases," increases; and eventually they cease to exist. Perhaps regulation of the downloading availability of these things,in some way, may prove productive in solving the problem.

Hip-hop, well music in general is similar to a database, or information resource you have to pay for. It's like that becaue it offers a detailed look at many broad and specific topics. It gives the listener an up-close and personal point of view. It teaches you about ways to cope with things and redifines the way several issues are viewed in society. Just think about the excellent explanation of male promiscuity given by DMX on his latest album; and other similar imputs on a situation. Like these databases that people pay for for information, the same information that is offered by the music the artists compile, you should just the same have to pay for music.

Movies involve the work and creativity of a lot of people; people who need to be paid. When a company decides to produce a film, a long procedure is followed. First, the writer develops a concept and puts it in the form of a script. The script passes through many hands and desks before becoming a potential film. The potential film then, goes through the process of becoming a film. Actors are selected, producers are hired, stunt men employed, lines reviewed, and props gathered and formed. After these things and others take place, the film is started. Even after the making of the film, the distribution and circulation must be taken into account. Think about the cinemas, video stores, service people and cable companies, and the people employed by these establishments, the common high schooler or hard working parent, the cycle is endless. The process of all of this requires an extraordinary amount of financial backing. The companies, coporations, and people who back these ventures, plan to make money. If movies aren't paid for, a strong positive correlation is developed in a negative way; sales go down, profits go down! Just the same, when sales go up, profits go up!

In the same fashion as the correlation between the sales and profits, money made and more, new, better quality products produced, share the same relationship. If the profits are not inspirational enough to these artist and creators, they may stop creating music and movies. This may lead to a digression in creative expression(i.e. music and movies) such as, in the past, lead to the Dark Ages. Do you think anyone wants to sit around uninspired, waiting for another Renisance? The concequences of piracy are severe.

Enough good things are becoming endangered of extiction, that we don't need two of the worlds favorite past-times to accompany them on the list. Music is important to our education and movies are significant to bring out affection (emotion), to cope with stresses in life. Music can change a persons mood, while movies can alter the way someone looks at the world. We need music and movies! Let's keep them alive.