Instructor Information Request
The Celtic Spring Festival will be held this year at Wendler Middle School (tentative) on March 24, 2018 from 10 am to 5 pm. The school will be open starting at 9 am for setup.
The information below is needed for the registration form, which includes a short (one or two sentence) description of the class, its title, and a short biography of yourself. Longer descriptions will be posted on our website, along with photos, materials lists, and any other information you’d like to get out before the event.
An example from last year:
Course description:
Ogham Writing, Learn about the ancient writing of the Irish, used from the 5th to 8th centuries AD. Use provided materials to produce your own examples. Instr: Kevin Hall, Cost: $15
Instructor bio:
Kevin Hall is a graphic artist from Anchorage. His artwork has been a feature of the Scottish History exhibits and at the Alaska Scottish Highland Games.
The following information will be used for the Course Brochure:
Instructor Name:Phone number:email address:
Name of class:Web site:
Course Description:
Instructor Bio:
Class and Workshop Charges:
Instructor Fee:Instructor will be charged $20per each hour ofspace utilized for their class orworkshop.
Student Fees: The Instructor sets the fee that students will pay for their class or workshop. All StudentFees will be collected by CCA,and willbe handed overto the Instructorafter the class(minus the $20 Instructor Fee).
Fees tended to range from $5 - $20 last year, with $10 being the most popular amount.
The reason we charge for the classes is threefold:
1. The first year many classes were free, and we heard the comment that if the class was free, it probably wasn’t worth attending (from members that didn’t attend).
2. To defray the instructors’ costs for time and materials.
3. The $20/hour goes to pay the School District to pay for the space.
Class length (1/2 hour increments): Class fee:
Special needs for your classroom (e.g., projector, working oven, sink, microwave, etc.):
✓Do you prefer to hold the class in the am or pm
We also offer scholarships for people who can’t afford to pay, so hopefully no one gets left out.
Please return this form to CCA, c/o Celtic Treasures:
4240 Old Seward Hwy, Anchorage, AK 99503 or email to