Math 221B / Higher Algebra II / Spring 2008

Instructor: Dimitar Grantcharov Office: MH 312

Telephone: 924-5175 Email:

Office Hours: MW 12:00-13:15; M 15:30-17:00 Web page:

Prerequisites: Math 221A or instructor consent.

Required Text: T. Hungerford, Algebra, Springer

A. Pianzola, R. Moody, Lie algebras with triangular decompositions, John Wiley & Sons

Suggested supplements: A. Joseph, Quantum groups and their primitive ideals, Springer

Material covered: The course will be a natural continuation of Math 221A. We will focus on rings, fields, Galois theory, and non-associative algebras, in particular Lie algebras. The schedule is tentative and other topics of interest might be included as well.

Homework: Homework assignments will be given on a regular basis. Keep a collection of all assigned homework. A selected portion of the homework assignment will be collected and graded after a specific topic is covered. Students are allowed and even encouraged to work together in groups on their homework assignments. No late homework will be accepted. Each student will present a selected problem from the homework assignment in class.

Midterm and Final: There will be one take home Final exam.

Grading system:
Homework: 20%
Presentation: 20%
Final: 60% / Letter grades scale:
Students with total course score of 90% or higher are guaranteed a letter grade A/A- for the course. Those with 80% or higher: at least B-; 70% or higher: at least C-; 60% or higher: at least D-.

Make-up exams: No make-up exams will be allowed unless there is a verifiable excuse such as a medical emergency. In such a case you should contact me (via phone, email, in person, note, etc.) before the exam. Make-up exams will be more difficult.


1. Feel free to drop by my office at any time but keep in mind that I am not usually on campus on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

2. On all exams and homework assignments you should show all your work on every problem and give explanations/proofs when they are required.

3. The class is a cell/beeper-free zone. Please turn off all cellular phones and beepers before entering in the class.