Instructor: Brianna Patterson

Room: B206 Phone: 281 245 2232


Course Description

Biology is the study of the natural world. We will explore our world from the smallest parts of the cell up to the universal level of understanding. We will also learn how to utilize our scientific skills with observation, experimental design, testing hypotheses, making conclusions, and communicating results. Classroom activities will vary between discussions, labs, lectures and other activities. Students enrolled in 9th grade in this course are required to take and score a minimum grade on the STAAR Biology End Of Course (EOC) assessment as part of their graduation requirement.

Student Expectations:

1.  Students will enter the classroom prepared and ready to work when the bell rings.

2.  Students will respect themselves, other students, teachers, staff, guests, classroom tools, substitute teachers, and the school building.

3.  Students will abide by expectations and guidelines in the Student Handbook.

Classroom policies and Laboratory rules:

1.  Wait your turn to talk.

2.  Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

3.  No swearing, teasing, or put-downs.

4.  Attend to the task assigned.

5.  Do not harm school property

Individual Corrective Action:

These rules are easy to comply with and I do not anticipate having any problems; however, if problems do arise, then the following steps will

be taken:

1.  Warning/Reminder

2.  Conference with student after class, and/or loss of participation points.

3.  Detention, parent phone call, and/or loss of participation points.

4.  Detention, parent conference, and/or loss of participation points.

5.  Referral to the Principals office.

*Severe Clause: Should a discipline problem arise that requires immediate attention, such as willful defiance, the student may be sent directly to the Assistant Principal.

Materials & Supplies needed

·  Two 1-subject Spiral notebooks or composition notebook (1 notebook for each semester)

·  Earbuds for listening to audio on electronic devices

·  Pencils & erasers

·  Pens (blue or black ink,

·  1 Box of tissues

·  Loose leaf notebook paper

Grading Policy

Biology is a 1 year, 1 credit course. The two semester grades will be averaged at the end of the year for the course grade. There are 2 nine weeks per semester.

Each nine week grade is computed based on the following:

Grade percentages: Major grades including tests: 40%

Labs/Progress Checks: 40%

Daily work: 20%

Major Grades: There will be a minimum of three major grades per nine weeks. Calculators may be used for tests when mathematical computations are necessary. Calculators may not be shared or borrowed during tests. Sharing will result in a grade of zero. Re-teaching and retesting will be offered if 25% in a period do not score at least 70% on a test or assessment.

Labs/Progress Checks: There will be a minimum of three labs/progress checks per nine weeks. Lab grades are based on participation during the lab, adherence to safety regulations, lab cleanliness, and lab documentation. A signed lab safety contract is required for participation in all labs.

Progress checks are assessments such as quizzes over the unit content to determine individual student mastery of the standards for that unit. These progress checks may be announced or unannounced.

Homework: Homework will be assigned sporadically and typically is any work not finished in class. It is expected to be complete and turned in on time.

Notebook: You will need to keep a notebook. This should include any handouts you get in class, lab notes, project base learning activity reflections, and daily lecture notes.

Make-up work: You should avoid absences on test days and lab days. If you are absent for a test or lab, it is your responsibility to make up the work at the next available time before or after school. Failure to do so will result in a grade of zero for that assignment. If you need extra time for completion of make-up work, please speak to me and make arrangements for an extension prior to the due date for your assignment.

Tutoring: My scheduled tutorial days are Monday and Wednesday afternoon from 3 to 4pm. Other tutoring times may be made by appointment only. A tutorial schedule for the Science department will be posted in each science classroom and on the MHS Science website. I encourage all students to take advantage of tutoring but especially if they are having difficulty in class. Notebook: You will need to keep a notebook. This should include any handouts you get in class, lab notes, project base learning activity reflections, and daily lecture notes.

BYOD: Bring Your Own Device (technology).

The following procedures will be enforced in Ms. Howland’s classroom at all times. If a student is not following these classroom procedures, consequences will follow.

1)  During class time when devices are not being used as part of classroom instruction, devices should not be out or used for other purposes.

2)  When devices are being used, only website, apps, etc that are appropriate for the lesson will be used.

3)  If a student is abusing their device by not following these procedures, the device will be taken up and turned in to the office according to MHS campus policies.

4)  If a student does not have a device, he/she will not be penalized

Class Pet:

We will be keeping a Mollie Fish, a rabbit, and an aquatic turtle. If there is any problem (i.e. an allergy, etc.) inform me A.S.A.P.

It is my goal to keep open communication with both my students and their parents. If you have any questions or would like to talk with me, please do not hesitate to contact me by phone or email. I will do my best to reply as soon as possible. To better meet the needs of all students, this course outline can be modified at the teacher’s discretion.

Stay informed of reminders, tests, and major projects by notifications through Remind and Google Classroom.


Remind is a free, safe, and simple messaging tool that helps teachers share important updates and reminders with students & parents. Subscribe by text, email or using the Remind app. All personal information is kept private. Teachers will never see your phone number, nor will you see theirs.

Google Classroom

This year we will be using Google Classroom in our class more specifically for learning activities. Google Classroom is provided for free using the student’s alvinisd google account and secure learning network for teachers, students, and schools. It provides a safe way for teachers and students to connect, share content, access homework, participate in discussions, manage due dates, and receive class information. Students use their already established Google account to access.