Instructor:Bergdolt Course Title: Business Tech Applications nov 13-17
Class(es): 2nd&3rd period
Day 1 /Overview:
Database ManagementLearning Objectives:
The student will:
• Organizing database content using formatting, editing, and records tools / Procedures/Activities/Learning Experiences: (Students will)
Database activity
See Access project for Beaver Mountain Company / Time on Task / Materials/Equipment/Technology:
Evaluation/Assessment Strategies:
Access Project
Content Standard(s):
. The student will:
Utilize advanced features of database software, including sorting, filtering, querying and merging data, and creating reports. / Integrated Content: SA, TW, R, W, S, SS, M, ES, PS, MS, CTSO /
/ RemediationMeet with students after school
Essential Questions:
How do database applications organize data commonly used in business settings?
: / CCRS:
Day 2 /
Database ManagementLearning Objectives:
The student will:
• Organizing database content using formatting, editing, and records tools
: / Procedures/ Activities /Learning Experiences: (Students will)
Finish Access project started yesterday / Time on Task / Materials/Equipment/Technology:
Evaluation/Assessment Strategies:
Access Project
Content Standard(s):
. The student will:
Utilize advanced features of database software, including sorting, filtering, querying and merging data, and creating reports. / Integrated Content: SA, TW, R, W, S, SS, M, ES, PS, MS, CTSO /
/ RemediationMeet after and before school with students
Essential Questions:
How do database applications organize data commonly used in business settings? / CCRS:
*Provisions for individual differences will be made based upon specifications in the student’s Career/Tech Implementation Plan.
Available Industry Credential: Course/Program Culminating Product:
Day 3 /Overview:
Database ManagementLearning Objectives:
The student will:
• Organizing database content using formatting, editing, and records tools
Background/Preparation: / Procedures/ Activities /Learning Experiences: (Students will)
Access Test
Work in Testout
Last 20 minutes of class (get in Competition Team groups and choose topics ) / Time on Task / Materials/Equipment/Technology:
Evaluation/Assessment Strategies:
Access Test
Content Standard(s):
. The student will:
Utilize advanced features of database software, including sorting, filtering, querying and merging data, and creating reports. / Integrated Content: SA, TW, R, W, S, SS, M, ES, PS, MS, CTSO
. /
/ RemediationMeet with students after school
Essential Questions:
How do database applications organize data commonly used in business settings? / CCRS:
Day 4 /
Database ManagementLearning Objectives:
The student will:
• Organizing database content using formatting, editing, and records tools
Background/Preparation: / Procedures/ Activities /Learning Experiences: (Students will)
Competition teams will get together and complete first assignment whereby they will define milestones for team’s project pacing guide / Time on Task / Materials/Equipment/Technology:
Evaluation/Assessment Strategies:
Submit your team’s project pacing guide
Content Standard(s):
. The student will:
Utilize advanced features of database software, including sorting, filtering, querying and merging data, and creating reports. / Integrated Content: SA, TW, R, W, S, SS, M, ES, PS, MS, CTSO /
/ RemediationMeet with students after school
Essential Questions:
How do database applications organize data commonly used in business settings? / CCRS:
*Provisions for individual differences will be made based upon specifications in the student’s Career/Tech Implementation Plan.
Available Industry Credential: Course/Program Culminating Product: