PLAN 6 : 2003 – 2009

“Towards Realisation of Vision 2016: Sustainable and Diversified Development Through

Competitiveness in Global Markets”





Ghanzi District Development Plan 6 (DDP 6) is a framework of goals and objectives as well as strategies to achieve the district economic and social development. The main goal of the plan is economic growth and poverty alleviation. The District Development Plan 6 was prepared concurrently with the National Development Plan 9 and they are both aligned to the National Vision 2016. The theme of NDP9 is "Towards Realisation of Vision 2016 sustainable and diversified Development Through competitiveness in the Global Market". It is therefore anticipated that achievement of both the district and the national plan goals and objectives will contribute greatly to the national aspirations as espoused by the Vision.

DDP6 prepared through bottom up planning approach. The preparation entailed extensive community consultation, whereby the communities submitted prioritized list of development projects requests for the next 6 years. The bottom-up planning approach raises communities participation levels in the planning process, exposes them to more information as well as helps them own up the developments.

In preparation of the plan several issues were considered including the status of economic and social development. Thus the plan proposals were set to address the status quo and basing on the district's uniqueness and its developmental needs. It is therefore necessary to note that, the Ghanzi district is one of the remotest in the country because of its isolation from other developed centres in the eastern part of the country. For some time the district has lagged behind in infrastructure, social and overall economic development. Communication linkages were poor especially roads and telecommunications. However over the years especially during District Development Plan 5 the situation improved with construction of the Ghanzi-Sehitwa and the Trans Kalahari Roads which link the district to the two nearest urban centres of Maun at 280 kilometres and Jwaneng at 519 kilometres respectively. Some tertiary roads worked improved from earth to gravel roads, Botswana Telecommunications installed telephones in 7 villages and 5 locations out of 20 have the Mascom, Orange or both of the cellular networks. Consequent to the developments, the last lap of the DDP 5 witnessed an influx of private investment in the form of shopping complexes and 2 lodges as well as expansion to other complementary infrastructural developments and services such as Botswana Power Corporation, schools and health facilities. The district has a potential for tourism development especially at the CKGR and some of the RADs settlements.

The climate is semi arid with extreme temperatures in cold and hot seasons, sandy and rocky soils in some places and unreliable and often late rainfall. These climatic conditions do not favour arable farming. On the contrary livestock or pastoral farming is sustainable and forms one of the major economic activities in the district.

Remote Area Dwellers population composes approximately 45% of the district total population. The RADs communities are characterised by high illiteracy and poverty levels as well as poor social development. There are few economic opportunities and thus most people are unemployed.

Most of the areas are still accessed by gravel and earth roads and have no telecommunications, electrical power and office accommodation. As a result private investment has been concentrated mainly in the township and low at other locations.

The above factors have posed as constraints to the development of the district in the past and DDP 6 is attempting to address. It should be noted however that, the extent of achievement and success of the plan will depend on availability of funds, human resources implementation capacity as well as availability of other resources. In other words this calls for among other things efficient use of resources by all the stakeholders being the District Communities and Civil Service.

This District Development Plan 6 is a reference material available to Government officials, as well as to a wide range of users who may be interested in development of the district including the Private Sector. Hopefully it will benefit all.

Table of Contents

Foreword ii

Table of Contents iv

Appendices xiii

List of Tables xiii

List of Figures xv

List of Maps xv

List of Acronyms xvi

1 District and People 1

1.1 District Geographic Setting 1

1.1.1 Location and Size 1

1.2 Institutional Arrangement 1

1.2.1 Communications and Linkages 1

1.3 District Environmental Features 3

1.3.1 Climate 3

1.3.2 Topography 3

1.3.3 Geology 3

1.3.4 Hydrology 4

1.3.5 Natural Resources 4

1.4 District Social Development 5

1.4.1 Population Characteristics, Density And Distribution 5

1.4.2 Migration 6

1.4.3 Socio-Cultural Characteristics 6

1.4.4 Settlement Hierarchy 7

1.4.5 Settlement Growth and Decline 8

1.4.6 Employment and Unemployment 8

1.4.7 District HIV/AIDS Status 9

1.5 District Economic Development 9

1.5.1 Major Economic Activities 9

2 Review Of DDP 5 and Long Term Development Potential 12

2.1 Introduction 12

2.2 Achievements and Opportunities – DDP5 13

2.2.1 Production 13

2.2.2 Physical Infrastructure 18

2.2.3 Public Services 23

2.2.4 NGOs, Community Based and Voluntary Organisations 36

2.2.5 District Institutions 36

2.2.6 Constraints/ Challenges in DDP 5 39

2.2.7 Long Term Potential Developments 40

2.2.8 Link with NDP 9 40

3 DDP 6 Development Goals and Objectives 41

3.1 The Planning Framework 41

3.1.1 Vision 2016 41

3.1.2 National Key Environmental Issues 44

3.1.3 Ministry of Local Government Strategic Plan 46

3.1.4 District Key Issues 48

3.1.5 Long Term District Plans 49

3.2 DDP 6 Overall Goals and Objectives 51

3.2.1 Summary of the District Key Issues 51

3.2.2 Development Goals 52

3.2.3 Environmental Goals and objectives 53

3.2.4 Specific Development Objectives 53

3.2.5 Framework for Monitoring the Sector Goals and Objectives. 54

3.2.6 Framework for Monitoring Environmental Goals and Objectives. 54

3.3 Framework for Strategic Environmental Assessment 54

4 Environmental Conservation 57

4.1 Introduction 57

4.1.1 Institutional Framework 57

4.1.2 Environmental Priorities 60

4.2 Environmental Policies and Legislation: 62

4.2.1 The National Conservation Policy: (1990) 63

4.2.2 Waste Management Act (1998) 63

4.2.3 Environmental Impact Assessment Act (draft) 63

4.2.4 Community Based Natural Resource Management Policy (Draft). 63

4.2.5 Climate Change Convention (1992) 63

4.2.6 Waste Management Policy/strategy1999 64

4.2.7 National Wastewater and Sanitation Policy (2000) 64

4.2.8 Environmental Health Policy (Draft) 64

4.3 Overall Environmental Sector Goals and Objectives 65

4.4 Framework for Strategic Environmental Assessment 67

4.4.1 Evaluation of Environmental Key Issues With Sector Goals and Objectives 67

4.4.2 Evaluation of Sector Policies and Programmes 68

4.5 Proposed Environmental Strategies to Implement District Environmental Programmes. 69

4.6 Resource Requirements for DDP 6 69

4.6.1 Plan Monitoring Programme 71

5 Land Use Planning 72

5.1 Introduction 72

5.1.1 The Institutional Framework 72

5.1.2 Strategic Plans for Respective Ministries on Land Use Planning 72

5.1.3 Land Use Planning Consultation Priorities: 73

5.2 Land Use Policies and Legislation: 74

5.2.1 National Settlement Policy (1998): 74

5.2.2 District Settlement Plans: 74

5.2.3 National Policy on Agricultural Development (1991) 75

5.2.4 Wildlife Management Area Plans: 75

5.3 Land Use and Land Resources 76

5.3.1 District Land Use Zones 77

5.3.2 Land Use Resource Assessment 80

5.4 Land Use Planning Sector Goals and Objectives: 82

5.5 Framework for Strategic Environmental Assessment: 83

5.5.1 Evaluation of Environmental Key Issues with Sector Goals and Objectives 83

5.5.2 Evaluation of Sector Policies and Programmes 84

5.6 Proposed Strategies to achieve Land Use Sector Goals and Objectives for DDP6: 84

5.7 Resource Requirements for DDP6: 85

5.7.1 Issues and Strengths in Land Use Planning: 85

5.7.2 Performance Targets for DDP6: 85

6 Settlement and Housing 87

6.1 Introduction 87

6.1.1 Institutional Framework 87

6.1.2 Strategic Plans for Strategic Ministries – Settlement and Housing 87

6.1.3 Private sector, Parastatals, NGOs and CBOs 88

6.1.4 Settlement and Housing Consultation Priorities 88

6.2 National Policies and Legislation 88

6.2.1 National Settlement Policy 88

6.2.2 Physical Development Plans 89

6.2.3 Town and Country Planning Act 90

6.2.4 Tribal Land Act 90

6.2.5 Self Help Housing Agency 90

6.3 Settlement and Housing 90

6.3.1 Settlement Patterns and Morphology 90

6.3.2 Physical Development Growth 91

6.3.3 Housing Demand 91

6.3.4 Housing Supply 91

6.3.5 General Infrastructure and Services 91

6.4 Settlement and Housing Sector Goals And Objectives 92

6.5 Framework For Strategic Environmental Assessment 93

6.5.1 Evaluation of Environmental Key Issues With Sector Goals And Objectives 93

6.5.2 Evaluation of Sector Policies and Programs 93

6.6 Strategies to Achieve Settlement and Housing Goals and Objectives 94

6.6.1 Proposed Projects 94

6.7 Resource Requirements for DDP 6 96

6.7.1 Plan Monitoring 97

7 Agriculture 98

7.1 Introduction 98

7.1.1 Institutional Framework 98

7.1.2 Strategic Plans for Respective Ministries 99

7.1.3 Agriculture Consultation Priorities 100

7.2 National Policies and Legislation 100

7.2.1 Community Based Strategy for Rural Development (1997) 100

7.2.2 Convention on Combating Desertification (CCD) 101

7.2.3 National Policy on Agricultural Development (1991) 101

7.2.4 Botswana Range Inventory and Monitoring Project (BRIMP) 101

7.2.5 Agricultural Resources Conservation and Sub Herbage Act 102

7.3 Agricultural Sector Activities 102

7.3.1 Arable Sub Sector 102

7.3.2 Livestock Sub Sector 103

7.3.3 Cooperative Sub Sector 104

7.3.4 Combating Desertification 104

7.3.5 BRIMP 104

7.4 Agricultural Sector Goals and Objectives 105

7.5 Framework for strategic Environmental Assessment 106

7.5.1 Evaluation of Environmental Key Issues with Sector Goals and Objectives 106

7.5.2 Evaluation of Sector Policies and Programmes 106

7.6 Strategies to achieve Agriculture Goals and Objectives 107

7.6.1 Proposed Projects 107

7.6.2 Potential Impact of Proposed Projects and Mitigation Measures 109

7.7 Resource Requirements 110

7.7.1 Plan Monitoring Programme 111

8 Trade, Industry, Wildlife and Tourism (MTIWAT) 112

8.1 Introduction 112

8.1.1 Institutional Framework 112

8.1.2 Strategic Plans for Respective Ministries 113

8.1.3 The Role of the Private Sector 114

8.1.4 Consultation Priorities 114

8.2 National Policies and Legislation 115

8.2.1 National Licensing Act 115

8.2.2 Citizen Entrepreneurial Development Agency(CEDA) 115

8.2.3 Tourism Policy 116

8.3 Trade and Industry 116

8.3.1 Industrial and Commercial Development 116

8.3.2 CEDA 117

8.3.3 Tourism 117

8.3.4 Department of Wildlife and National Parks 117

8.4 Trade, Industry, Wildlife and Tourism Sector Goals and Objectives 119

8.5 Framework for strategic Environmental Assessment 120

8.5.1 Evaluation of Environmental Key Issues with Sector Goals and Objectives 120

8.5.2 Evaluation of Sector Policies and Programmes 121

8.6 Strategies to achieve Trade, Industry, Tourism and Wildlife Goals and Objectives 122

8.6.1 Proposed Projects 122

8.6.2 Research 123

8.6.3 Parks 123

8.6.4 Management and Utilization 123

8.6.5 Community/Private Sector Support - CI 203 124

8.6.6 Local Enterprise Development – CI 504 124

8.6.7 Tourism Development – CI 701 125

8.6.8 Development of Trade and Consumer Affairs 125

8.6.9 Potential Impacts of Proposed Projects and Mitigation Measures 125

8.7 Resource Requirements for DDP6 125

8.7.1 Plan Monitoring Programme 126

9 Education and Training 128

9.1 Introduction 128

9.1.1 Institutional Framework 128

9.1.2 Role of Private Sector and Non Governmental Organizations 130

9.1.3 Education and Training Consultation Priorities 131

9.2 National Policies and Legislation: 132

9.2.1 The Revised National Policy on Education 1994 132

9.2.2 Policy on Tertiary Education 133

9.3 Education 133

9.3.1 Schools 133

9.3.2 Training 137

9.4 Education and Training Sector Goals and Objectives. 138

9.5 Framework for Strategic Environmental Assessment 140

9.5.1 Evaluation of Environmental Key Issues With Sector Goals And Objectives 140

9.5.2 Evaluation of Sector Policies and Programmes 140

9.6 Strategies to Achieve Education and Training Goals and Objectives. 141

9.6.1 Proposed Projects 141

9.6.2 Potential Impacts of Proposed Projects and Mitigation Measures 142

9.7 Resource Requirement. 142

9.7.1 Plan Monitoring Program 143

10 Health 145

10.1 Introduction 145

10.1.1 Institutional Framework 145

10.1.2 Strategic Plans for Respective Ministries 146

10.1.3 Role of the Private Sector 146

10.1.4 Health Consultation Priorities 147

10.2 National Policies and Legislation 147

10.2.1 National Health Policy 147

10.2.2 National Policy on HIV/AIDS 147

10.2.3 Waste Management Act 148

10.2.4 Health Strategy and Plans 148

10.3 Health 149

10.3.1 Environmental Health 149

10.3.2 Hospital Services 150

10.3.3 District Health System 150

10.3.4 Control of Pandemic Disease 151

10.4 Health Sector Goals and Objectives 153

10.5 Framework for Strategic Environmental Assessment 154

10.5.1 Evaluation of Environmental Key Issues with Sector Goals and Objectives 154

10.5.2 Evaluation of Sector Policies and Programmes 155

10.6 Strategies to Achieve the Health Sector Goals and Objectives 155

10.6.1 Proposed Projects 155

10.6.2 Potential Impacts of Proposed Projects and Mitigation Measures 158

10.7 Resource Requirements 158

10.7.1 Plan Monitoring Program 159

11 Labour and Home Affairs 160

11.1 Introduction 160

11.1.1 Institutional Framework 160

11.1.2 Strategic Plans for Respective Ministries 161

11.1.3 Culture and Social Consultation Priorities 162

11.2 National Policies and Legislation 162

11.2.1 Women in Development 162

11.2.2 Youth 162

11.2.3 Disability Policy 163

11.2.4 Botswana National Library Service Act 163

11.2.5 Social Welfare 163

11.3 Labour, Culture and Social Services 164

11.3.1 Gender and Development 164

11.3.2 Culture and Youth 165

11.3.3 Social Welfare 165

11.3.4 Information and Broadcasting 166

11.3.5 National and Civil registration 166

11.3.6 Sports and Recreation 166

11.4 Labour, Culture and Social Service Sector Goals and Objectives 168

11.5 Framework for Strategic Environmental Assessment 169

11.5.1 Evaluation of Environmental Key Issues with Goals and Objectives 169

11.5.2 Evaluation of Sector Policies and Programmes 169

11.6 Strategies to achieve the Labour, Cultural and Social Services sector Goals and Objectives 170

11.6.1 Proposed Projects 170

11.6.2 Potential Impact of Proposed Projects 173

11.7 Resource Requirements for DDP 6 173

11.7.1 Plan Monitoring Program 174

12 Minerals, Energy And Water 175

12.1 Introduction 175

12.1.1 Institutional Framework 175

12.1.2 Strategic Plans for Respective Ministries on Minerals Energy and Water 176

12.1.3 The Role of the Private Sector 177

12.1.4 Minerals, Energy and Water Consultation Priorities 177

12.2 National Policies and Legislation 177

12.2.1 Minerals 177

12.2.2 Energy 178

12.2.3 Water 178

12.3 Mining, Energy and Water 178

12.3.1 Energy Sector 178

12.3.2 Water Sector 179

12.3.3 Mineral Sources 181

12.4 Framework for Strategic Environment Assessment 181

12.4.1 Evaluation of Environment Key Issues with Sector Goals and Objectives 181

12.4.2 Evaluation of Sector Policies and Programmes 182

12.5 Strategies to Achieve Minerals, Energy and Water Goals and Objectives 182

12.5.1 Proposed Projects 182

12.5.2 Plan Monitoring 185

13 Works, Transport and Communication (MWTC) 186

13.1 Introduction 186

13.1.1 Institutional Framework 186

13.1.2 Strategic Plans for Respective Ministries 187

13.1.3 The Role of the Private Sector 188

13.1.4 Works and Transport Consultation Priorities 189

13.2 National Policies and Legislation 190

13.2.1 Road Transport Policy (--)/Public Roads Act (1977) 190

13.2.2 National Road Safety Policy 190

13.2.3 Road Traffic Act (1975) 190

13.2.4 Civil Aviation Policy (1977) 190

13.2.5 Telecommunications Policy (Revised - 1995) 191

13.2.6 Postal Service Act (1980) 191

13.3 Works, Transport and Communication 191

13.3.1 Roads 191

13.3.2 Civil Aviation 192

13.3.3 Telecommunications 193

13.3.4 Postal Services 193

13.4 Transport and Communications Goals and Objectives 194

13.5 Framework for Strategic Environmental Assessment 195

13.5.1 Evaluation of Environmental Key Issues with Sector Goals and Objectives 195

13.5.2 Evaluation of Sector Policies and Programmes 195

13.6 Strategies to achieve Works, Transport and Communication 196

13.6.1 Proposed Projects 196

13.6.2 Potential Impact of Proposed Projects and Mitigation Measures 198

13.7 Resource Requirements for DDP 6 199

13.7.1 Plan Monitoring Program 199

14 Law, Justice and Security 201

14.1 Introduction 201

14.1.1 Institutional Framework 201

14.1.2 Strategic Plans for Respective Ministries 202

14.1.3 The Role of the Private Sector 202

14.1.4 Consultation Priorities 202

14.2 National Policies and Legislation 202

14.2.1 Botswana Police Act 202

14.2.2 Prisons Act 203

14.3 Law, Justice and Security 203

14.3.1 Law and Justice Sector 203

14.3.2 Customary Law and Courts 204