Follow the previous set of instructions for creating the code and building the model itself. However, if you are working in StarLogo TNG 1.5, you will not be able to alter the terrain using those instructions. Instead, once turtles are moving and programmed to react to colors, go to SpaceLand and follow these instructions to add blocks of color. Before you do, check that you have a CLEAR EVERYONE and NOT a CLEARALL block in your set-up, or you will lose this work each time you set up.

In SpaceLand, at the bottom of the screen (the top of the gray area) you will see 3 tabs – until now, you have been working in the Runtime tab. Click on the Drawing tab. You will see several choices on the left - for now, let’s choose RECTANGLE. When you click on that tab (or any of the others), three lines will appear with sliders to set the color.

Let’s start with black – as you can see from the chart below, to make black you need to move all three sliders all the way to the left, to zero. The screen will confirm by turning black at the bottom and if you move the cursor in the black area, you will get a message “current color is black.” Then, use the cursor to draw some black rectangles on SpaceLand.

When you are finished, click the word Rectangle again (and the sliders will disappear). To add another color, choose rectangle, circle, polygon, or pencil (with pencil, you also need to set the width of the line), set the color to red (top slider to far right, second slider to far left, third slider to far left, or 255 0 0) and create some red circles on the screen.

When you have finished editing your terrain, click back to the Runtime tab to run your program.

Here is the color chart for the RGB values of common colors – it is also on the GUTS webpage, in the cookbook:

Color: Red Green Blue
black 0 0 0
gray 142 142 142
white 255 255 255
red 255 0 0
orange 255 85 0
brown 160 112 80
yellow 255 255 0
green 81 197 0
lime 0 255 0
turquoise 0 255 198
cyan 0 255 255
sky 0 127 255
blue 0 0 255
purple 127 0 255
magenta 255 0 255
pink 255 0 127