Instructions to the Minister before Ministering Father’s or Mother’s Love
Have a tissue box ready.
We don’t do anything in ministry unless we tell the person what we’re doing and why we are doing it. The Bible says to lay hands suddenly on no man. And don’t do any ministry unless you prepare the heart to receive. Make sure they have heard the Father’s Love teaching so their hearts are prepared.
Do no say anything more than what is below. When you finish reading the card, he/she will be ready to receive, so just take and hold them, saying nothing. Let Father God do the work. Don’t pat them on the back, don’t talk, just hold them.
When he/she is finished, they will disengage, say “Thank You” and release you from your assignment.
Speak to person:
You were introduced to your Father in the teaching. Satan is a legalist and is holding some areas over your head to oppress you. And these concern what you did not hear your father say to you:” I love you. I’m glad you were born. I am proud of you. You are a good son/daughter.”
Let’s pray. Father, only You can heal the broken heart. You made it possible through Jesus who came to show us Your power and Your presence. So, Father, let him/her come in faith and I ask You, Father in the name of your Hold Child Jesus, to come and drive out the fears, drive out the psychoses, drive out the paranoia, drive out the guilt, drive out the shame and while You are at it, begin to drive out the infirmity and the death the diseases. Come, heal and deliver now, Father , in the name of Jesus. Amen.
On behalf of a father/mother that did no, could not, would not, or maybe just did not know how to tell you he/she loved you, I your brother/sister __(name)______will take responsibility for your heart this night.
On behalf of that father/mother, will you forgive them for not telling you that they loved and I am so sorry for the silence, the junk that may have injured you and confused you and left you stranded on the inside when you needed him/her so much? (keep going- do not wait for an answer here)
In the name of the lord Jesus Christ, I release you from this fear and confusion.
Now you are going to hear these words for your heart (make eye contact) :
· I love you.
· I am glad you were born.
· I am proud of you.
· You are a good daughter/son.
Instructions to the Minister Before Ministering Father S Or Mother S Love