Dear students,

Warm greetings from UdmurtStateUniversity!

UdSU is an academic educational Institution steeped in traditions and focused on the future. Every year we welcome students and scholars from all over the world that study and conduct research at the university and enjoy getting to know Udmurtia, the city of Izhevsk and its people.

We have a strong interest in international education and fostering the recognition of the interdependence of the human community as it brings a global perspective and awareness of the other cultures to the university.

We try to provide our students not only with an educational atmosphere but also offer different cultural and social activities where student initiative and participation are always encouraged.

This international handbook is designed for foreign students to help you with an understanding of all the necessary details of your stay here.

I wish you all the best and enjoy your stay at our University.


Professor Semen D. Buntov

Table of contents

Table of contents

Udmurt Republic / Udmurtia

General information




Illegal Drugs:

Famous People


Udmurt State University (UdSU)

System of higher Education in Russia

The International Relations Office

Academic year

Grading System

Orientation Course


Postgraduate studies


Research Subdivisions


Russian Language courses

Test of Russian as a Foreign Language (TORFL)

How to Apply


How to fill in the application form

How to choose courses

Application deadline

Passports and Visas


Student services

Tutor scheme

Student card

University libraries and student facilities


Useful Information




Internet access


Mail Service

Emergency call

Useful Addresses and phones

Official holidays of the Russian Federation

Where to go


UdmurtRepublic/ Udmurtia


General information

Official site is

UdmurtRepublic is a part of Privolzhskiy Federal District.

Izhevsk is the capital of Udmurtia.

The total population of the Republic is 1, 622 million people.

Official languages are Russian and Udmurt.


Russians make up 60,1% of the republic's population, the ethnic Udmurts make up 29,3%. Other groups include Tatars (7,0%), Ukrainians (11,527 or 0,7%), Mari (8,985 or 0,6%), and a host of smaller groups, each accounting for less than 0,5% of the republic's total population.


The Republic of Udmurtia is a state foundation that is an integral part of the Russian Federation located in the Western part of the Middle Urals between the two branches of one of the oldest and largest rivers in Europe – Kama (it is a curious fact that geologically the Kama is senior than the Volga) and its right tributary Vaytka.

In the West and NorthUdmurtRepublic borders the Kirov region, in the East – the Perm region, in the South – Bashkortostan and Tatarstan.


Udmurtia has moderate continental climate, with warm summers and cold winters with a lot of snow.

Average January temperature: −14.50C

Average July temperature: +190C

Average annual precipitation: 400–600mm

Russia has 4 distinct seasons. Hot weather generally lasts from June to September. The warmest month is July, when the temperature is approximately +250C, +280C. Spring and autumn are characterized by unpredictable weather conditions. Frosts can already start in September and in spring temporal cool weather with temperature below 0°C can return in May and even in June. The coldest months are January and February when the temperature is 200C -250C.

Precipitation spread extremely irregular. It is not a seldom occurrence when it rains heavily or, on the contrary, dry days happen during harvesting in spring.

Illegal Drugs:

Russian society and law are very harsh to illegal drugs. Possession or peddling of drugs can result in several years of imprisonment.

Famous People

Our Republic is proud of the fact, that Great Russian composer Peter Tchaikovsky was born in Udmurtia in the small town of Votkinsk. The place where he stayed and lived for 8 years is a museum now. It is a unique memorial architectural ensemble.

In April we celebrate the annual musical festival devoted to Peter Tchaikovsky’s birthday.

The other person who brought a great fame to the Republic is Mikhail Kalashnikov, a well-known gunsmith designer of the submachine-gun AKM.

The museum-exhibition complex of small arms of M.T. Kalashnikov was founded in November 2004 inIzhevsk.


The capital of UdmurtRepublic is Izhevsk (615, 6 thousands of people), founded in 1760.

The area of the city is 316, 66 km2.

The distance between Izhevsk and Moscow, the capital of the Russian Federation, is 1325 km, distance to other cities: to St.Petersburg – 1904 km; to Ekaterinburg – 800 km; to Kazan – 395 km.

From its very beginning till present time the industry of Izhevsk was focused on defense types of arms production. By the middle of the 19th century the city turned into an important industrial center of pre-Urals region and produced steel of very high quality, arms, hunting guns and rifles of different kinds.

Now Izhevsk is a major industrial, cultural and scientific centre of Udmurtia.

There is State Opera and Ballet Theater, State Russian Dramatic Theater named after V.G. Korolenko, Udmurt National Theater, the Young Man Municipal Theater, State Puppet Theater, Udmurt State Philharmonic and State Circus of Udmurt Republic.

Official site of Izhevsk is


UdmurtStateUniversity (UdSU)


UdmurtStateUniversity is one of the oldest, largest and prestigious universities of Udmurtia. Till present time it is continuing its leadership role in our republic.

Founded as Udmurt State Pedagogical Institute in 1931, it raised to the status of university accredited by the Ministry of Higher and Further Education of the USSR in 1972.

It is located in the center of the city. It consists of 6 major buildings with a lot of classrooms, laboratories, cafeterias and athletic facilities. All of them including student campuses are located close to each other.

System of higher Education in Russia

Since 1992, Russian higher education has had a multi-level structure, and higher education institutions may confer the following degrees and diplomas:

Intermediate Diploma (at least two years of study);

Bachelor’s Diploma (at least four years of study);

Specialist’s Diploma (five to six years of study);

Master’s Diploma (six years of study).

The Bachelor’s degree is conferred after at least a four-year course of study. Bachelor’s programs can cover all disciplines except medicine. The function of the Bachelor’s degree is to provide a more academically rather than professionally oriented education.

The traditional qualification of Specialist’s Diploma has two functions. It opens access to professional practice (e.g., to engineers, teachers, chemists, etc.), and it is also the traditional prerequisite for admission to doctoral studies. The qualification of Specialist’s Diploma is conferred after studies lasting five to six years. The diploma is awarded in all fields of study (specialties).

A Master’s programme is at least a two-year course programme centered more around research activities than the Specialist Diploma.

Each Master’s programme consists of two equal components: the course component and the independent research component.

The university level higher education curriculum stipulates thirty-six weeks of study a year.

The International Relations Office


The International Relations Office staff will be glad to help you with all the aspects of studying and living in UdSU and Izhevsk: Please, feel free to contact us with any questions that might occur.

At the International Relations Office you may contact:

Maria I. Beznosova,Head of International Relations Office

phone: +7(3412) 917357

fax:+7 (3412) 685669


Olga G. Ivanova, Chief of International Education Department

phone: +7(3412) 917358

fax:+7 (3412) 685669


Olga V. Buntova, Exchange Programs Coordinator

phone: +7(3412) 917358

fax:+7 (3412) 685669


SophiaR. Sadykova, Head of International Education Center

phone: +7(3412) 682155

fax:+7 (3412) 685669


Academic year

Autumn Semester:September 1, 2010 - January 31, 2011

Spring Semester:February 1, 2011 - June 30, 2011

Academic year:September 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011

Academic calendar for exchange students:

Autumn period / Spring period
Arrival dates / August 28-30, 2010 / January29-31, 2011
Orientation course / September 1- 8,2010 / February 1-4, 2011

Grading System

Each course usually includes lectures and seminars. At the end of each course you are to pass a test or exam (written or oral).

The Russian system of grading is a five-point system.

Russian grades are as follows:

5 (A) - excellent;

4 (B) - good;

3 (C) - poor;

2 (D) -failed.

The assessment can be also made in terms of: “passed” (зачтено - zachteno) or “not passed” (незачтено - nezachteno).

Orientation Course

The university offers an orientation program at the beginning of the term to help students understand Russia and adjust to the university and the local community. The orientation staff will discuss legal, health and safety issues; cultural adjustment; visas and regulations; enrollment and advising; language learning and other matters of personal concern. It lasts a week and students have an opportunity to get to know the other international students, staff of the International Office and their Faculty. Students also work out their individual study schedules.


Faculty of History




Political Science;

Regional Studies;

International Relations.

Faculty of Philology




Library and Information Activity;

Russian Language and Literature;

Russian as a Foreign Language.

Faculty of Udmurt Philology




Russian and Udmurt Languages and Literature;

Udmurt Language and Literature, Foreign Language (English, German, Hungarian or Finnish);

Udmurt Language and Literature, New Philology Information Technologies;

Udmurt Language and Literature, Philology Education Management.

Pedagogical Faculty of Physical Training



Physical Training.

Faculty of Sociology and Philosophy





Faculty of Journalism

( )



Institute of Foreign languages and Literature



Translation and Translation Studies (English, French, German or Spanish);

Foreign Philology, Language and Literature (English, Frenchor German).

Faculty of Foreign Languages for Specific Purposes

( )


Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and Culture (English, German or French);

Translation and Translation Studies. Foreign Languages (English, German or French).

Institute of Pedagogics,Psychology and Social Technology




Clinical Psychology;

Professional Training;

Technology and Business;

Social Work;

Pedagogics and Psychology;

Pedagogics and Methods of Preschool Education;

Social Pedagogics;


Speech Training;

Abnormal Psychology

Institute of Social Communications

( )


Culture Studies;

Publishing and Editing;

Social and Cultural Service and Tourism;

Public Relations;


Organization of Work with Youth;

Cultural Studies (Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree).

Institute of Law, Public Management and Security



Documentation Management,

Documentation Activity Management;

Organization and Technology of Information Protection;

State and Municipal Management;

Law (Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree).

Faculty of Medical Biotechnologies

( )



Institute of Economics and Management

( )


Economics of Labour;

Finance and Credit;

Accounting, Analysis and Audit;

International Business;

National Economics;

Economics and Management of Enterprise;

City Economy and Management;

Trade and Food Service Economy and Management;

Sport Enterprise Economy and Management;

State and Municipal Management;

Human Research Management;

Mathematical Methods in Economics;


Faculty of Geography





Nature Management

Faculty of Mathematics





Applied Mathematics and Informatics;


Mathematics. Applied Mathematics (Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree).

Faculty of Biology and Chemistry






Institute of Civil Protection



Save Human Activity;

Crisis Situation Protection;

Environmental Territory Development.

Faculty of Physics and Energetics




Condensed Matter Physics;

Thermoelectric Power Stations,

Economics and Management on Electrical Energy Enterprise;

Unconventional Renewable Energy Sources.

Facultyof Oil



Economics and Management of Oil and Gas Enterprises;

Oil and Gas Geology;

Exploration of Oil and Gas Accumulation;

Oil and Gas Well-boring.

Faculty of Information Technologies and Computer Engineering



Applied Mathematics and Informatics;

Informational Systems and Technologies;

Applied Informatics in Economics;

Applied Informatics in Law;

Applied Informatics in Design.

Faculty of Art & Design



Fine Art;

Decorative Applied Arts; Design;

Interior Design; Crafts;

Theory and History of Folk Art Culture;

Music Creative Work;

Classical Choir;

Folk Choir;


Decorative Applied Work;

Amateur Theater;

Costume Design.

Postgraduate studies

48 scientific specialties of the following sciences are available:

Physics and Mathematics; Chemistry;Biology; Techniques; History; Economics; Philosophy; Philology; Law;Pedagogic;Art Criticism; Psychology; Sociology; Earth Science.


7 scientific specialties of the following sciences are available:

Physics and Mathematics; History; Economics; Philology; Law.

Research Subdivisions

  • Institute of History and Culture of Finno-Ugric Nation in Ural Region;
  • Institute of Human Being;
  • Institute of Mathematic Modeling;
  • Institute of Mathematics and Informatics;
  • Institute of Ecology and Bioresources;
  • Institute of Thermo physics of New Materials;
  • Institute of Folk Trades and Arts;
  • Branch of the Institute of Municipal Management;
  • Centre of Electronic Spectroscopy;
  • Design-centre;
  • Construction Department of Electronic and MedicalDevicesBuilding;


At the end of the program all the students receive certificate indicating their study at the university.

Russian Language courses

The most popular course is the Russian language course atSummer school of the Russian language

We offer unique, diversified courses on the Russian language, culture, history, traditions and customs.

The programs offered by the Summer School are based on the requirements of the State Testing System in the Russian Language for Foreigners (TORFL) which is approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Summer school of the Russian Language was set up by the International Relations Office of Udmurt State University in 1997. Students from different countries such as China, South Korea, the USA, Spain, France, Germany, Finland, Great Britain, Denmark, and others come to the Summer school of the Russian Language to learn the Russian language and culture.

The International Relations Office staff has designed an Intensive Course of the Russian Grammar and Spoken Russian. We also offer extra courses (optional):

  • Theoretical Linguistics; (Phonetics / Syntax / Lexicology / Morphology / Word-Formation / History of the Russian Language);
  • Business Russian, the Russian Language of Mass communication;
  • Course in the Russian History, Russian and Slavonic Culture.

The duration of the course: 7-10 weeks.

International students live in a comfortable student hostel in double rooms.

Test of Russian as a Foreign Language (TORFL)

UdmurtStateUniversity offers TORFL through all the year round to help students achieve their goals.

Testing for obtaining the Certificate presents one of the components of the State Testing system defining different levels of the command of Russian as a foreign language.

State Testing System of the Russian Language for Foreigners is carried out within the Russian National State Testing System of the Russian Language for Foreigners created by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in the performance of the Federal target program "The Russian Language".

Having passed the TORFL you will receive the Certificate of the established standard and the Appendix containing your results of separate sections of the test - kinds of speech activity. Irrespectively of a place and time of issuing the State Certificate has equal force in all the territory of the Russian Federation, for all Russian establishments and the organizations abroad. Association of linguistic testers of Europe (АLТЕ) recognizes the Russian State Certificate.

The system includes:

Elementary level

Obtaining a positive grade on this level testifies to the minimum level of commutation competence, which enables the applicant to satisfy elementary communication needs in a limited number of everyday situations.

Basic level

Obtaining a positive grade on this level testifies to the beginners’ level of commutation competence, which enables the applicant to satisfy basic communication needs in a limited number of everyday situations.

Certification level I

Obtaining a positive grade on this level testifies to the Intermediate level of communication competence which enables the applicant to satisfy his primary communication needs in everyday life, cultural, educational and professional areas of communication in compliance with the federal standards of RAF. The above Certificate is required for the admission to higher education’s institutions of Russia.

Certification level II

Obtaining a positive grade on this level testifies to the sufficiently high level of communication competence which enables the applicant to satisfy his communication needs in all areas of communication, to perform in Russian in the professional capacity as a specialist in the following fields: the Humanities (excluding Linguistics), Engineering and Techniques, Natural-Science etc. The above Certificate is required for obtaining Bachelor and Master degrees on graduation from Russian higher education’s institutions (excluding a degree in Linguistics).

Certification level III

Obtaining a positive grade on this level testifies to the sufficiently high level of communication competence, which enables the applicant to satisfy his communication needs in all areas of communication, to perform in Russian in the professional capacity as a specialist in the Linguistics. The above Certificate is required for obtaining Bachelor degree in Linguistics on graduation from Russian higher education’s institutions.

Certification level IV

Obtaining a positive grade on this level testifies to the fluent Russian close to the level of native speakers. The above Certificate enables to conduct all kind of teaching and research activities in the field of the Russian language.

All levels of TORFL are available at UdmurtStateUniversity.

UdmurtStateUniversity offers:

  • courses of test training for all levels;
  • individual test consulting;
  • trial testing.

How to Apply
