Instructions for the Ithaca College
StudentDriver Safety Course
offered on-line through United Educators
(Manymobiledevices,likeiPhonesandiPads,donot supportFlash).
TheTrainingwilltakeapproximately2hourstocomplete. (including registration)
If youhaveanyissuesaccessingorusingthecoursepleasefeelfreetocontactthe24 hourhelpdesk via:
NOTE: Ithaca CollegeStudents are only required to take the Student Driver Safety Course once. If you have previously taken the Student Driver Safety Course, do not proceed; instead please review the Student Driver Handbook and contact the Office of Risk Management to complete a re-test.
1. Goto
2. NewUser:Createnewaccountbyclickingonthe“RegisterNow”buttononthebottomright ofthescreen.
ReturningUser:OnlythosewhohaveregisteredafterJanuary1,2014areconsideredReturningUsers.IfyouregisteredafterJanuary1,2014andyouhaveforgottenyouruser nameand/orpassword,pleaseclicktheappropriatelinkundertheLoginbutton.
3. Completeallofthe required fields(*):
a. Username:MustbeyourIthaca College Netpass IDtoreceive credit.
b. Email:Must use yourfullIthaca Collegeemailaddressinordertoreceivecredit.
c. Students:Select‘Student’fortheDepartment,Describeyourposition,andRole fields.
d.InstitutionCode: 1048-SC37-XY12
e. StudentID:EnteryourIthaca CollegeID Number,if youknowit, intheapplicablefield.
Leave the“other”fieldblank.IfyoudonotknowyourIthaca College Student ID Number,
pleaseleavethe fieldblank. (If you have already completed the Sexual Harassment Training, please use the same credentials.)
4. Youwillreceiveanemailwithyourtemporarypassword.Pleaseusethispasswordto login.
Youwillbe immediatelydirectedtocreateanewpassword.
5. Choose ‘LaunchLearningProgram’underDriver Safety.Note: You may see different course options under the ‘Learning Programs’ tab. Please be sure to choose the Driver Safety Course.
6. Clickon‘Course.’
a. Choose ‘ModuleDS-101-Pretest.’
i. Pressonthepop-upscreen.
ii. AfteryoucompletethePretest,click.
iii. Closeoutofthepop-upscreen.
b. Choose ‘ModuleDS-101-DriverSafetyTraining’
i. Pressonthepop-upscreen.
7. YoumustcompletetheSafetyTipsforDrivingPassengerVansinModule2- VehiclePreparationandInspection.
Note: Students, please refer to the Ithaca College Student Driver Handbook for maximum van size and passenger occupancy.
8. Whenyoufinishallofthemodulesin ‘DS-101-DriverSafetyTraining,’you will immediately begin the Driver Safety Test. After you finish the test, you will see the below screen.Youwillneedtoscoreat least80%inordertopassthecourse.
a. Click'Next'foradditionalresources. b. Onthelastscreen,click‘here’.
c. Closeoutofthepop-upscreen.
9.Atthehomescreen,clickthe‘My Certificates’tab. (If you have closed the home screen, follow the link here.)
11.Submita copyofyourtranscriptwithyour Driver Information Formvia:
Inter-officemailorin personto:Office of Risk Management
319 Peggy Ryan Williams Center
Regular Mail:Ithaca College
Office ofRiskManagement
953 Danby Rd
*If you are unable to print at the time you finish the course, you can download your transcript by saving it as a PDF and email it tothe Office of Risk Management; or at a later time, you can return to the UE website when a printer is available to you.