If you would like to receive one graduate credit for this course, you need to do the following:

  1. Fill out completely the enrollment form enclosed with these instructions and return it to the Viterbo University registration area on Wednesday, March 11, 2015between 7:30 a.m. and the second morning break.Credit is optional and this is the only way to register to receive the credit and a grade. Payment can be made by check, charge, cash or we will bill your district. Cost of the course is $220.00 and if paying by check, please make the check payable to Viterbo University. If you need a receipt, please note that on your registration form and we will mail you a receipt.
  1. Enclosed in your registration packet is information on a writing assignment that needs to be completed no later than March 27, 2015.The more concise and complete the information is will determine what grade will be received for this graduate credit course. Enclosed in this packet is the syllabus with the grading criteria and percentage of participation that will be expected for the letter grade.

If for some reason, you are unable to complete the registration, it can be mailed with your credit validation form which must include evidence that you have done the outside reading assignment –your report must be received no later than March 27, 2015 to:


4797 Hayes Road, Suite 101

Madison, WI 53704

Attn: Woodrow Wiedenhoeft

You can fax the materials to WASBO at 608-249-3163 or e-mail them in to:

All registration materials and written assignments pertaining to the credit option at the conference must be received no later than

March 27, 2015. After that date, the course will be considered closed to enrollment and assignment receipt and grades will be awarded.

  1. A copy of a transcript request form is enclosed in this packet.

Please see the information on how you can download and print your

grade sheet. Grade sheets are no longer mailed to participants.

When you access your grade sheet, you will also be able to order a transcript by clicking on the information contained in the menu on your VITNET site.

Should you have any questions or concerns in regard to this course, please contact Chris Valenti at ViterboUniversity, 1-800-234-8721.

ENJOY THE SEMINAR and thanks for your interest in ViterboUniversity – we really appreciate it!