Instructions for Submitting Bids
Using the Online Bid Submission Application
West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) will only accept bids submitted online.Please use the link provided to you on the WVDE instructional materials home page to complete the online bid.
Individuals must register before logging in.See Step One below for registration directions.
Online Vendor Registration
You only need one online vendor registration to participate in the each content adoption. Before entering your information, please look at the Registered Vendor list on the left side of the screen.If your company is already listed, a representative from your company has completed online vendor registration and you must contact that individual to gain login access.ONLY ONE ENTRY PER VENDOR for EACH CONTENT is permitted.
If your company is NOT listed, please proceed with the vendor registration.
- Company Name
- Company Address
- Company’s Phone
- Company Fax
- Company Web Address
ENTER THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR YOUR COMPANY’S BID/CONTRACT CONTACT (This is the person the WVDE will contact regarding the bid, contracts, bonds, refund of bid deposit, etc.):
- Bid/Contract Representative's Name
- Bid/Contract Representative'sAddress
- Bid/Contract Representative's Phone
- Representative's E-mail Address *(Note, this e-mail will be used for login)
You may replace the automatically generated password unique to this registration with a password of your choice.Please note that a different password is required for every content area for which you choose to register.The password must contain a minimum of 5 characters. The password cannot be changed after the initial registration.
ENTER THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR YOUR COMPANY’S LOCAL (WV) SALES REPRESENTATIVE (This information will be published in the Official Multiple List for use by county personnel.)
- West Virginia Sales Representative’s Name
- West Virginia Sales Representative’s Address
- West Virginia Sales Representative’s Phone
- West Virginia Sales Representative’s E-mail Address
Return to the Main MENU ( ) and click on the “Go” button of the content area for which you registered.Enter the user email with which you registered and the password you selected.
If at any time your login credentials do not work or if you forget your password, click the link for LOST/FORGOTTEN PASSWORD. Enter the email address you used to register, and a password will be sent to the email address you provided.
Step Two:Online Bid Entry
Sign In to the Bid Submission website by entering the email address and password you selected when you registered.If you have forgotten the password, click on Lost or Forgotten Password, and it will be emailed to you.Note:If you are not the person who registered, you will need to get the sign in information from that person.
Once you have signed in, select MAIN BID TEMPLATE from the Main Menu. You must submit an entry for EACH Instructional Material you include with your bid. Any material that is not listed will NOT be considered as a bid.Bid individual resources in one category only.Any ISBN bid that has more than one item included must be bid as “Instructional Materials."
The Default Bid Template Is for Electronic Resources; to enter a print resource, click on the “Add Print Materials” button located on the right side of the page.
- From the drop-down menu, select the course for which you are submitting a bid. Enter the exact title of the Student Edition for which you are submitting a bid.
- Enter the ISBN number.
- Enter the Copyright Date (mm/dd/yyyy).If the exact month and day are unknown, the approximate month and day may be substituted.
- FOR COLUMNS 1-5, enter the pricing as follows:
For Electronic Resources:
- Column 1: (1)Enter the price of a license/subscription for an individual user.
- Column 2: (2)Enter the price of a license/subscription for all users in a classroom.
- Column 3: (3)Enter the price of a school wide license/subscription.
- Column 4: (4)Enter the price for a district subscription/license.
- Column 5: (5)Enter an explanation of your pricing and any relevant information.This might include the length of the subscription (one year? the life of the contract?), the number of users in a class/school/district subscription (is this actual accounts or number of users at the same time), specific requirements (operating systems, special software, etc.
IMPORTANT:It is imperative that Column 5 contain specific information about the resource in order for all WV stakeholders to know what distinguishes this resource from another with a similar name.For example, distinguish the deluxe version from the basic resource.
NOTE:If any pricing option is not offered, keep the default 0 price and offer a brief statement to that effect in Column 5.
For Print Resources:
- Column 1:(1) Lowest Net Wholesale Price:Such price is that which is stated in the bid and will be sold to county schools and/or county school units, the approved depository(ies) and/or the responsible dealers.
- Column 2:(2)Retail price to patrons (parents):Such price is the net wholesale price in Column 1 plus a sum not to exceed a fifteen percent (15%) allowable increase to local dealers.
- Column 3:(3) Lowest net exchange price.Such price is the lowest net exchange price a vendor will allow any county schools and/or county school units, depository(ies), and/or responsible dealers, when items correspond in subject, grade level, and in prior legal use in the public schools of West Virginia is returned in exchange.
- Column 4:(4) Retail exchange price:Such prices is the retail price exchanged with the vendor by school patrons (parents) plus a sum not to exceed a ten (10%) percent increase has been added to the net exchange price in Column 3, when items correspond subject, grade level, and prior legal use in West Virginia.
- Column 5: (5) Enter additional information about the resource bid, including but not limited to equipment or materials needed for product utilization (but not on bid).This column should alsoinclude an exact list of what will be included with the item being bid.Information in this column should clearly distinguish the difference between resources with similar names (e.g., ELA Student Edition/ELA Deluxe Student Edition).
- Click in the space provided if this student edition is being bid as a supplemental item.
- If you know an item just bid as a primary instructional materials will not meet 100% of the non-negotiable criteria, 80% of the general criteria and 80% of the specific criteria independently of other materials in your bid, you may want to reconsider submitting this item for review. You may submit a bid for a primary instructional material that is ‘bundled’ to allow the threshold of criteria correlation to be met.
The Student Edition you entered appears on the screen below the "Save Information" button.Of equal importance, are the two new options with which you will be provided:Add Student Book and Add Book Resources.
- Select Add Book Resources to bid Teacher Editions, Instructional Materials, or Learning Technologies developed to support the student edition.
- Select Add Student Book to bid a student edition for a different course. Note:It may be necessary to select print or electronic bid template.
If you need to make a correction, select UPDATE next to the specific item that needs a correction.This repopulates the Add Bid Item area.Make changes as necessary and select SAVE INFORMATION.You may make edits at any time prior to the specified bid deadline.
Use the links at the bottom of the bid page to print your bid and/or export your bid to an Excel File to save for your records.Do NOT mail hardcopies of your bid to WVDE.Only ONLINE BIDS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
Return to Vendor Information/Misc Information page.
- Question 4 on the Main Menu provides information about required training of your programs.If training is mandatory, please check the box in section 4a.Indicate who will be trained (4b) and the length of training (4c).
When your bid is complete, click the link for Official Signature Page.
Complete the Signature Page, print it and mail it along with the required deposit and/or review fee in a certified check to
West Virginia Department of Education
Office of Middle/Secondary Learning
Attn: Becky Butler, Assistant Director
1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East
Building 6 Room 603
Charleston, WV25305-0330
The Signature Page and your deposit and/or review fee must be received by April 2, 2017.It is recommended that you send the deposit and signature sheet using a method by which you can track the package to ensure it is delivered by the bid deadline.
A Reminder: The bid deposit is refundable only for materials bid during the official ‘on-cycle’ bid year and only if all contracts and bonds are submitted by the deadline provided.Materials may be removed from the bid prior to the deadline for sending them to review committee members without forfeiting the bid deposit.The off-cycle review fee is non-refundable. The review fee for materials bid on both on-cycle and off-cycle years is$1000.00per programmatic level for each resource bid. Programmatic levels are defined as K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12.
- All instructional materials in print format are sold initially through Column 1 (wholesale) and Column 2 (retail) prices.Exchange prices (Columns 3 or 4) shall extend through one entire school year, either following the date of initial purchase or the date of complete use.Proof of exchange required.Vendors' options apply.
- Prices and items submitted for bid are subject to further verification due to the vastness of this state multiple listing of instructional materials.In the event any discrepancy exists, the original bid submitted by the vendor would determine any inquiry.