Instructions for Social Studies Fair Projects
The annual Social Studies Fair will be held on March 20th, 2013. Students may work in pairs, individually, or in small groups depending on the project selected. Projects may depict any historical event, time period, or historical individual in history. It does not have to be based on the time period studied in seventh grade Social Studies. Projects and groups of students must be approved by Mr. Munoz prior to the commencement of the project. Please follow the steps below.
- Select a partner with whom to work. Your partner does not have to be in your class. It may be any seventh grade student. You may only form a small group if the project that you have chosen warrants it. Such projects include documentaries, plays or skits, puppet shows, or projects that are approved for groups by Mr. Munoz. You may also work on a project by yourself. Remember, because you have the choice to work with a partner or alone, the evaluation of your project will be based on that decision. You may not change your mind in the middle of the project. Select your partner wisely. Make sure your partner is someone with whom you can work, as well as someone with whom you can meet outside of school.
- Select a project from the attached list or design one of your own. Your project topic and project must be approved by Mr. Munoz. You must get your project topic approved by Mr. Munoz on or before January 25th.
- Complete research on your topic in the media center during the time given to you by your teacher. Any other necessary research must be completed outside of class. You will be given at least two class periods to work on research. Do not waste this time.
- Completed research note sheets will be turned in by February 8th Detailed plans for the design of the project will be turned in by February 15th You will be given forms for both notes and project designs.
- Each project must have a tri-fold poster display board in addition to the project. The board must include a title of the project, typed information on the project, pictures of the making of the project or that relate to the project topic, and colorful decoration. Grammar and spelling will be taken into consideration as will the overall neatness of the board.
- OnFebruary 22nd, you will need to hand in a rough copy of the written report that will accompany the project. Also on February 22nd, you must show that the project is in progress. If the work in progress is difficult to bring in, you must submit a photo of the work in progress and get a signed note from a parent stating that the project is at least half way completed.
- Projects will be due on March 19thby the end of 8th period. Projects must be accompanied by the final written report on your topic, which must have a title page and a bibliography.
- Final projects will be counted as both a project and a test grade. They will be graded on historical accuracy, workmanship, creativity, research, written reports, and following directions. Preliminary grades will be given for note sheets, plans, rough drafts or reports, and work in progress.