Instructions for School Divisions: Student Selection for HRGS-CTA
General Background
Applications for the Hanover Regional Governor’s School for Career and Technical Advancement (HRGS-CTA) are being accepted for the inaugural session to be held at the University of Richmond from July 2 to July 21, 2017. HRGS-CTA is a regional three-week summer residential program designed for gifted CTE students in Regions 1 and 3 who have demonstrated accomplishment, aptitude, and interest in CTE curricula and careers.
The HRGS-CTA will focus on the development of workplace readiness and entrepreneurial skills. Student skills will be cultivated and honed through group problem solving activities, guest speakers from the business and academic communities, visits to regional businesses recognized as leaders in their fields, and mentorship experiences designed to highlight workplace readiness within the context of students’ individual career interests. Participants will enjoy a fast-paced, exciting and extremely relevant hands-on experience with students and staff who share their passion for career and technical education.
Below is information for school divisions regarding procedures for the selection of students for the 2017 HRGS-CTAsession.
Identification of Students Gifted in Career and Technical Aptitude
Consistent with Regulations Governing Educational Services for Gifted Students and for the purpose of selecting students to attend the HRGS-CTA, participating school divisions will identify students who have demonstrated high levels of accomplishment or who show the potential for high levels of accomplishment in career and technical education.
Specifically, selected students will have demonstrated accomplishment or the potential for accomplishment in career and technical aptitude as characterized by superior reasoning; persistent technical curiosity; advanced use of language; exceptional problem solving; rapid acquisition and mastery of facts, concepts, and principles; and creative and imaginative expression beyond their age-level peers in career and technical
Process for Student Selection
The student selection process will be conducted in two phases: 1) the initial selection of three top candidates by participating school divisionsand 2) the final selection of participants by the HRGS-CTA selection committee.
In the initial phase, using professionally qualified persons, participating school divisions will develop their own internal process for identification of students gifted in career and technical aptitude; however, the process must include the review of valid and reliable student data based on criteria established in the HRGS-CTA application process, which includes the review and evaluation of information and data from multiple sources. Factors that must be taken into consideration by participating school divisions during the selection process include: the applicant’s CTE and general education transcripts; honors and recognitions; earned industry certifications; student project portfolio; work and/or internship experiences; community service; written student essay, student interview; and recommendations.
The interview and student portfolio will be part of the local selection process but will not be evaluated by the HRGS-CTA selection committee. A rubric that will be used by the HRGS-CTA selection committee in the second level of applicant evaluation has been enclosed for use by school divisions at their discretion.
Please note: The HRGS-CTA selection committee seeks a diverse group of CTE students with varied career interests. The selection committee encourages school divisions to identify and refer to the selection committee three applicants whose backgrounds and career interests are different to promote diversity in the summer program. It is the selection committee’s goal to select the final 40 students whose strengths and interests are from a variety of career clusters.
In their selection process to identify students for the program, participating school divisions will provide assurances that identification procedures used are structured to identify high potential or aptitude in students whose identification as a participant may be affected by economic disadvantages, by limited English proficiency, or by disability.
Who May Apply
Applicants must be rising juniors who are enrolled in at least one CTE course with a grade of “B” or better and who expect to continue in the CTE program during their final two years of high school; or rising seniors who have completed at least one credit in a CTE course and/or are currently enrolled in a CTE course with a grade of “B” or better and who expect to continue in the CTE program during their final year in high school. Applicants must demonstrate the willingness and ability to attend the summer program.
Where to Send Completed Applications
The HRGS-CTA Selection Committee must receive applications by Friday, March 10, 2017. Electronic attachments, sent to , received by March 10 will be accepted; however, signed, original applications must follow,postmarked on or before March 10. Only complete applications will be accepted.
School divisions should send their top three applications to the address below:
Chandra Rhue
HRGS-CTA Selection Committee
Hanover High School
10307 Chamberlayne Road
Mechanicsville, VA 23116
Questions about the application process should be directed to Chandra Rhueby email at by phone at 804-723-3700. Students selected to attend the HRGS-CTA will be notified by April 3, 2017 and must return their Intent Forms to Hanover County Public Schools by April 14, 2017.
Student Evaluation Rubric
The HRGS-CTA selection committee will use the rubric below in its final selection of participants. The rubric is provided for use by school divisions at their discretion.
* Please note that the interview and portfolio will be evaluated only at the school division level, not by the HRGS-CTA selection committee.
? Criteria? / 4? Exemplary? / 3? Commendable? / 2? Satisfactory? / 1?or?0? Lacking?Portfolio?*? / Significant?and?exceptional? relevant?content? / Significant?and? relevant?content? / Relevant?content? / No?relevant?content?
Certifications?and? awards? / Top?award?or?certification? / Finalist?or?certification? / Participation? / None?
Community?service?? / 17?hours?or?more? / 9?16?hours?? / 5?8?hours?? / 4?hours?or?less?
Recommendations?? / Exceptional? recommendations? / Good? recommendations? / Satisfactory? recommendations? / Limited? recommendations?
Essays?? / Exceptional?essay? / Above?average?essay? / Average?essay? / Deficient?essay?
Interview?*? / Exceptional?interview? / Good?interview? / Satisfactory? interview? / Inadequate? interview?
? / 3.7?or?greater? / 3.4?to?3.6? / 3.0?to?3.2? / 2.7?to?2.9?
(overall?GPA)?? / 3.0?or?greater? / 2.7?to?2.9? / 2.3?to?2.6? / 2.0?to?2.2?