• Discuss your proposed project and plan for sabbatical leave with your Chair/Dean well in advance of the application due date. Since these individuals will fill out a form of recommendation in support of your application, it is in your best interest to keep them informed of your plans.
  • Review the description of the sabbatical leave program on the Faculty Development website.
  • Cover page: Fill out all requested information on the cover page and check agreements to the provisions of the sabbatical. Make sure to include a project title in the appropriate area.
  • The Narrative portion of the application begins on pg. 2 and consists of 4 sections. Address the question(s) given in each section clearly and succinctly, keeping within the specified length. Write in a way that minimizes disciplinary jargon as much as possible (if necessary to include, provide definitions) and is understandable for a non-technical reviewer.The Narrative is limited to 3 pages of double-spaced, 12 point font text.
  • Attachments: attach your curriculum vitae to the Narrative. If you have had a previous sabbatical, you must also attach a copy of the sabbatical final report. Finally, attach supporting documents, if any.
  • Submit the completedelectronic copy of your application in one Word or PDF document to the Faculty Development Center () by 4 p.m. October 1.
  • Chair/Dean Recommendation Form: Give a copy of your completed application to your Chair by October 1, andalsoprovide the Chair with an electronic version of the Sabbatical Recommendation Form. Remind your Chair that he/she must complete the appropriate section of the Recommendation form and forward it to the Dean and to Faculty Development by October 8. The Dean then fills out the Dean’s section of the form and sends it to Faculty Development by October 16. (If the applicant is Chair, or in departments that do not have Chairs, only the Dean completes the form.)


(1) Describe Your Project’s Goals, Activities, Anticipated Outcomes or Product(s) (1 page limit).Describe the specific goals of your sabbatical project, the major activities you will undertake to accomplish these goals, and the anticipated outcomes or products. Be succinct, and make sure to minimize disciplinary jargon as much as possible—write for a non-technical audience.

(2) Provide a Timetable for the Project’s Activities and a Rationale for Why the Requested Leave (Half-Year or Full Year) is Necessary to Accomplish Them (1/2 page limit). Sketch out the timetable for the major activities that you described in section 1. Then briefly state a rationale for how those activities and goals justify the need for your request of a half-year or full year sabbatical leave.

(3)Explain How Your Background Has Prepared You to Undertake the Project. What Steps, if Any, Have You Taken Already to Accomplish It? (1/2 page limit). Briefly describe how your professional background and/or previous work has prepared you to undertake this project. Describe any preliminary work on the project that will be done before the sabbatical leave period.

(4) Explain the Value of this Project to 1) Your Professional Development; and 2) The University of St. Thomas (1 page limit). Sabbaticals are awarded to enhance the professional development of faculty members for the good of the University. In this section, explain how this project will be of value to your personal professional development as well as of value to the University.


  • Curriculum vitae. Attach an up-to-date copy of your cv.
  • Previous sabbatical final report.If you have had previous sabbaticals, a copy of the report you submitted foryour most recent sabbatical must be attached.
  • Supporting materials(if any). Attach copies of any written agreements with outside organizations that are integral to your planned work: e.g. letters of invitation if you will be working at another university; expressions of interest or commitments from publishers, etc.

For any questions about completing your sabbatical application or for a review of your draft before the due date, please contact Dr. Mary Reichardt in Faculty Development: mrreichardt; 2-6040.

Revised Form (1/25/2017)