Instructions for Preparing Camera-Ready Extended Abstract for ICMaSS2017

(Title May be Maximum Two Rows if Needed)

First Author1, 2 , Second Author2 and Third Author1

1Department of Xxxxxx Engineering, Yyyyyy University,

2 Xxxxxx Institute of Technology

e-mail@corresponding author's address. jp


The extended abstract should emphasize what is new and important and contain as much detail of the work as possible in English. Please follow the format and style described in this template.

Experimental Procedures

Use A4 paper (210 mm X 297 mm). The extended abstract should fit on one A4 page including figures, tables and references. Use font type Times New Roman, with single spaced lines. Title of the paper (12 points, first letters caps, centered) could span in maximum two rows, and is followed by one blank line. Author’s names are written (11 points, centered) with initials followed by dot, family names are written in full. Authors are separated by commas and marked with superscript when necessary to distinguish authors from different affiliations.

Results and Discussion

The presenting author’s name should be underlined. Author’s affiliations (11 points, centered) are written in separate rows when there are more than one and last is followed by one blank line. The text (10.5 points) is justified at single column format; paragraphs are indented, only separated by one blank line. References should be indicated in the text in square brackets and listed at the end of the paper (9 points) [1-3]. Figures should be placed preceding the reference list. Acknowledgement may be addressed as a last paragraph of the text body. The extended abstract, converted to PDF file, should be submitted through the conference web page by June 30, 2017.


Acknowledgement may be addressed as a last paragraph of the text body.


[1] A. B. Cxxxxx, D. Fxxxxx, G. Hhhhh and E. F. G. Hxxxxxxx, Lyyyyyyy 17, 7554-7559(2001)

[2] A. B. Cxxxxx, D. Fxxxxx, G and E. F. G. Hxxxxxxx, J. Azzz Cxxxx. Soc. 117, 3145-3155(1995)