Instructions for Preparing an ACLPS Abstract - 2010
- Please read all instructions before typing the abstract. Failure to adhere to these instructions may lead to rejection of your abstract. The abstract will appear in the program exactly as you submit it. Any misspellings, errors, etc. may be glaringly apparent in the printed abstract.
2.Abstracts should be submitted on the provided form (ACLPSAbstract Submission Form). Thecompleted abstract must be submitted as a MS Word filevia an e-mail attachment.Abstracts are submitted to reviewers through a “blinded” review process. All reviewers are blinded to the identity of the authors and institution where the work was done.Dr. McAdam will delete identifiers before sending abstracts to the reviewers.
- Type the abstract in the large text box on the form.Do not adjust the size of the box (it must be a 5.5 x 5.5 inches square). Leave no top or left margin within the box. The “2010-##” is for office use, please do not delete it. Use a 10 to 12 point standard font (e.g. Times New Roman or Arial) and single space all typing on this form, staying within the text box. Do not attempt to circumvent the space restrictions. Enter the required information (and type “X”) in the appropriate spaces on the lower half of the form. The abstract form should fit on one page; do not modify the formatting. The second page contains information about associate membership in ACLPS. Contact Dr. McAdam [(617) 355-5754 or if you have questions about the form.
- Preparation of the abstract: The title of the abstract should be in bold. Underline the names and initials of all authors. Place an asterisk (*) after the name of each author who is a full member of ACLPS (see first example below). If all authors are either non-members or associate members, follow name(s) of the author(s) by SPON: and the name of the sponsoring ACLPS member (see second example below). State the location where the work was done (name of institution, city, state and ZIP code). Examples:
(2010-XX) Soluble CD40 Ligand In Elderly Patients Undergoing Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization. Anna M. Halldorsdottir1,Joshua M. Stolker2, Charles S. Eby,1,2*. 1Departments of Pathology and Immunology and 2Medicine, WashingtonUniversity, St. Louis, MO, 63110.
The early detection of patients with apparently stable coronary artery disease but who are at increased risk for future cardiovascular…
(2010-XX) Translating 16S rDNA Sequencing Identification Into Cost Effective Phenotypic Testing. Carl Wigren and Jill E. Clarridge III. SPON: Petrie M. Rainey.Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System, Seattle, WA91108.
Although sequencing of bacterial 16S rDNA is the gold standard for positive bacterial identification…
- The abstract should consist of text only (no graphs or tables). It should be a single paragraph starting with a 3space indentation. The abstract is a brief distillation of your work and should be as informative as possible, including:
a)a sentence stating the study’s specific objectives;
b)a brief statement of the methods;
c)a summary of the results obtained; and
d)the conclusions based on the results.
Actual data should be summarized. It is inadequate to state, “the data will be presented.”
- Give your abstract file a different name before saving it as a Word document. Send the file as an e-mail attachment to Dr. McAdam ().
- Submit the SIGNEDCME Disclosure Form so that CME credits can be given to those attending the talks.
- Submit the Copyright Release Form SIGNED BY ALL AUTHORS if you want the abstract published in the American Journal of Clinical Pathology. Put the title of your abstract at the top of the form on the line marked “Title of Article.”
- An e-mail confirmation will be sent upon receipt of the abstract. If no confirmation is received within 1 week the primary author should contact Dr. McAdam.
CHECKLIST FOR SUBMITTING ABSTRACT FORM (verifythese items before sending the abstract):
____Text is prepared in 10 to 12 point font and single-spaced.
____Title of abstract is in bold.
____Names of all authors are included and underlined.
____Names of full-members of ACLPS are indicated with an asterisk.
____Name of ACLPS sponsor is shown if all authors are non-members or associate members of ACLPS.
____Name of institution, city and state are given.
____An ACLPS memberhas signed the abstract form (an associate member may not sponsor an abstract). The sponsor’s name should be typed in on the electronically submitted form.
____ALLauthors have signed the copyright release statement (not required if you do not want the abstract published in Am J Clin Path).
____AN ELECTRONIC VERSION (e-mail attachment) of the COMPLETED ABSTRACT MUST BE RECEIVED BY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY19, 2010. Include the primary author’s name in the subject line.
____SIGNED abstracts, copyright release forms and speaker’s disclosure forms must also be received by FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2010(they can be faxed to Dr. McAdam at 617 730-0383 or sent as a .pdf attachment).