Instructions for paper preparation for the SolarPACES Symposium – Title of Paper

Peter Test a, Jeff Miller b, Anne Author b,[*]

a Department or Division Name, University or Company Name, P.O. Box or Street, Zip Code + City, Country

b Department or Division Name, University or Company Name, P.O. Box or Street, Zip Code + City, Country

Abstract - This file represents a template for preparing a paper for the Proceedings of the 11th SolarPACES International Symposium on Concentrated Solar Power and Chemical Energy Technologies, which will be held in Zurich, September 4-6, 2002. Please follow the format used. The paper should be formatted for A4 paper (210  297 mm), using the font type “Times New Roman”, and following the same font size as indicated in this template. This is the abstract, which should not exceed 250 words and be complete in itself. The corresponding author should be identified with an asterisk and footnote.


Write your introduction here. A limit of 6 pages for the full paper applies.


Use numbered subtitles in bold style to separate between sections.

2.1About subsections

Use numbered subtitles in italics style to separate between subsections.

2.2About equations

This is how to incorporate equations:


Equations must be referred to in the text, in the form Eq. (1) or Equation (1).

2.3About footnotes

Please try to avoid footnotes as much as possible. All footnotes (except for table footnotes) should be identified with superscript Arabic numbers[1] and typed on the pages where they are referred.

2.4About page numbers

Please do not number pages.

2.5About tables, graphs, and figures

Tables: Tables should be numbered consecutively and given a suitable caption. Footnotes to tables should be typed below the table and should be referred to by superscript lowercase letters. No vertical rules should be used. Tables should not duplicate results presented elsewhere in the manuscript, (e.g. in graphs).

Illustrations: Charts and diagrams are all to be referred to as "Figure(s)" and should be numbered consecutively in the order to which they are referred. They should be included within the text. All figures are to have a caption.

3.About References

All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references by a number in square brackets on the line (e.g. Since Rehman [1]), and the full reference should be given in a numerical list at the end of the paper. References should be given in the following form:


[1]Rehman S. Solar radiation empirical models. Energy 1998;23(12):1077-1082.


[2]Gumz W. Gas producers and blast furnaces. New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc., 1950.


[3]Tribus M, Evans RB. A contribution to the theory of thermoeconomics, report no. 62-36. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Engineering Department, 1962.


[4]Sintak Y. Models and projections of energy use in the Soviet Union. In: Steiner T, editor. International energy economics. London: Chapman and Hall. p. 1-53.

Conference or Symposium Proceedings:

[5]Brabec CJ, Padinger R, Dyakonov V, Jummelen JC, Janssen RAJ, Sariciftci NS. Realization of large area flexible fullerene-conjugated polymer photocells: a route to plastic solar cells. In: Molecular Nanostructures, Proceedings of the International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, Kirchberg, 1998.

References sourced via the world wide web:

Example 1:

[6]EWTS bulletin. A sixmonthly newsletter of the European Wind Turbine Standards (EWTS) project. Petten, the Netherlands; ECN-Renewable Energy. See also:

Example 2:

[7]Windpower Monthly, industry magazine, monthly published since 1985, ISSN 0901-7318, PO Box 100, DK-8420 Knebel, Denmark. Tel.: +45-86365465; fax: +45-86365626, email: ,

4.About Submission

The deadline for the submission is March 31, 2002.You should submit an electronic copy of the manuscript per e-mail to , as a file attachment formatted in MS-Word 97 or MS-Word 2000. Please, use the corresponding author's last name as the file's name.


Further information about the SolarPACES Symposium 2002 can be found at


[1]Rehman S. Solar radiation empirical models. Energy 1998;23(12):1077-1082.

[*] Corresponding author. E-mail address: 3

[1] This is a footnote.