Instructions for new version of the Mass Time Entry Spreadsheet
Step 1: Click on this link and then bookmark for future reference
The following page will appear…
Step 2:Skip down to where it says Timesheet Organization.
Key in your Timesheet Org code in the box that says Timesheet Organization (if you need to submit time for employees in other timesheet orgs, you need to do the entire process once for each org code).
Step 3: Choose either SM or TS from the dropdown box for Payroll ID (if you need to submit time for some SM and some TS employees, you will need to do the entire process once for SM and then again for TS- they cannot be combined on the same spreadsheet).
Step 4: Click the button that says Get Spreadsheet.
This process will go get all of the employee job data for your Timesheet org and pre-populate this information into the Mass Time Entry Spreadsheet.
The following box will appear…
Step 5: Click on Open. In a few seconds a spreadsheet that looks like this will open for you in Excel…
This spreadsheet has already been populated with all of the current job data from Banner for all of the employees who are in the timesheet org and payroll id that you entered.
Step 6: Complete ONLY what is necessary…
Top section:
Name of Person: Leave this alone. The spreadsheet will be populate your User ID which will serve as your name.
Department: Leave this alone. The spreadsheet will populate the description of the timesheet org that you keyed in.
Name of Approver: Enter the name of the person you will be e-mailing this spreadsheet to for approval.
Phone Number: Enter your phone number in case payroll needs to reach you.
Year: This will default to current year as of today’s date but, if necessary, change it to the correct year for the payroll you are submitting.
Payroll ID: Leave this alone. It will populate based on the Payroll ID you chose when you completed the spreadsheet.
Payroll Number: Enter the payroll number for which you are submitting time. Jan 15th=01, Jan 31st=02, etc. thru 24 for Dec 31st.
Bottom section:
The bottom section contains all of the job data from Banner for the employees in the timesheet or and payroll id that you entered.
Enter only the following…
Earnings Code: Enter the appropriate 3 digit Banner Earnings Code
Special Rate: Enter the amount you intend to pay if the earnings code you entered is a special rate code.
Hours: If the earnings code is NOT a special rate code, enter the number of hours you intend to pay.
DO NOT ENTER ANYTHING IN THE FUND, ORG, ACCOUNT, PROGRAM, or ACTIVITYfields unless you need to override the funding on the job. Overtime, Beeper Pay etc. is already programmed in Banner with the appropriate account information. If you enter information here, you can override the correct account in Banner with incorrect information that will require you to do a redistribution later.
If do not know whether or not an override is necessary, ENTER NOTHING.
Step 7:Save. File, Save As and save the file to a place on your workstation where you will be able to find it again.
Step 8: E-Mail spreadsheet to the Approver.
Step 9: The Approver needs to review and e-mail the spreadsheet to Payroll.
To remove the rows for people you will not pay, highlight the entire row, right click and choose CLEAR CONTENTS.
You will see multiple rows for some people. Be sure you are paying against the correct job – position, suffix and job regular hourly rate will help you.
If you see 2 identical rows, just clear the row you do not need.
Do not use the DOWNLOAD EMPTY WORKBOOK button. This option is for internal use only and is not intended for you.
Do not make changes to the format of this spreadsheet. Do not change columns. Do not copy data from another source into this. Do not change tab names, etc. The load process for this data requires the spreadsheet format to remain intact.
If you make changes that create errors for Payroll, they will return the spreadsheet and the pay will not be processed unless you can return a corrected version before the payroll deadline.
If a new employee does not yet have a job in Banner, they will not have a job on this spreadsheet andyou may not pay them on this payroll.
If you do not see an employee that should be here, look them up on NBAJOBS in Banner and make sure they have an active job in this timesheet org. Timesheet org appears on the Payroll Default tab in NBAJOBS.
If you have any questions, please contact the payroll office at 737-1942.
1 of 512/1/2018