Instructions for J-SAS
- Website:
- Login name: your Jordan Skyward Login also used for Grade Book (first name.last name)
(NOT case sensitive)
- Password: first name.last name (after first login-change password)
*Horizontal Tabs (Home, Student, Reports) and Vertical List (Students)
- link to the same place
*Click on Students tab or link, and then click on Student Roll
STUDENT ROLLStudent Roll: Class list, including demographic information for each student, is uploaded every Monday through Friday at 2:00 a.m. from Skyward.
- Column Headings:
- Id: Student ID Number
- Name: Student legal name
- Tier: (See explanation below)
- Status: (See explanation below)
- School
- Track: Track assignments for year-round schools; 126 for traditional schools
- Grade
- Entry Date
- Exit Date
- Homeroom: Class designation from Skyward
- ELL: Yes/No to indicate Limited English Proficient identification
- ELL Level: WIDA language proficiency level for ELL students (See explanation)
- MVP: (McKinney-Vento) Yes/No designation for homeless
- Migrant: Yes/No designation for migrant status
- Special Ed: Yes/No for Students with an IEP
- Scores: (See explanation below)
TIER Information- Teachers can change TIERinformation as needed; these will not be uploaded from Skyward.
- TIER Column: Information in this column is used to generate growth reports for each tier separately and for all students as a class collectively.
- T1:This is the default for all students. All students should receive regular, Tier 1 core instruction daily.
- T2: Teachers choose T2 (Tier 2) from the drop down menu for students receiving strategicshort term, targeted intervention in addition to Tier 1 instruction. Tier 2 may be provided by: classroom teacher, grade-level teachers, special education teachers, or other school employees.
- T3: Teachers will choose T3 (Tier 3) from the drop down menu for students receiving intensive, comprehensive intervention over a longer duration of time in addition to Tier 1 instruction. Tier 3 may be provided by special education teachers or other highly trained school employees.
STATUS Information
- Teachers will change STATUS information as needed; these will not be uploaded from Skyward.
- STATUS Column: Distinguishes between students enrolled for the entire school year or part of the year, and generates reports based on this data. Teachers will change this status as it will not be automatically changed with Skyward uploads. However, students who exit before the end of the school year or enter after the first of the school year will automatically be added to the class list through daily Skyward updates.
- FY: (Full Year)This designates students who have been in the class for the entire school year and is the default for all students.
- PY: (Part Year)This designates students who enter after the school year begins or exits prior to the end of the school year.
SCORES Information
- Scores: Clicking this link will allow teachers to view individual student assessment scores at any point during the school year.
*Click on the Studentstab, and thenclick on Assessment link
ASSESSMENTS page- Assessment Entry Filter: (at the top in the white box)
- School: School(s) will be uploaded specifically for each teacher. Teachers working in more than one school will have those options in the menu.
- Grade: Grade(s) will be uploaded specifically for each teacher. Teachers teaching more than one grade will have those options in the menu.
- Homeroom: Class(es) will be uploaded specifically for each teacher. Teachers teaching more than one class (Kindergarten and Dual Immersion) will have those options in the menu.
- ELL: Classifications for students who have been assessed by the JSD Alternative Language Department will be available in this dropdown. Teachers may disaggregate byWIDA levels or JSD classifications, that are found in the drop down menu:
- 1- Entering
- 2 - Emerging
- 3 - Developing
- 4 - Expanding
- 5 - Bridging
- T – Transitioned studentwho was monitored for two years
- N - Student was referred but was never classified ELL
- O - Student qualified for ELL services, but parents “opted out”
- Tier: Teachers may filter students based on T1 (Tier 1), T2 (Tier 2), or T3 (Tier 3) for disaggregating data by using the Tier dropdown button and then clicking on “filter”. Teachers will designate the tier levels of instruction on the “student roll” page.
- Status: Teachers may filter students based on FY (full year) and PY (part year) for disaggregating data by using the Status dropdown button and then clicking on “submit” (filter).
Helpful Information
- Student names appear on both the left and the right side of the report and the column titles appear on both the top and bottomof the columns.
- GRL Data entry and growth:
GREEN (Above Grade Level)
YELLOW (On Grade Level)
RED (Below Grade Level)
- Avg. Growth (found above student names on left side): This is a hot link for a quick review of class average growth based on different tiers, all assessments, full year and part year students. The column “count” indicates the number of students in each category.
- Student Details (click on a student’s name): This is a hot link for a quick review of student demographic information.
- Column titles (i.e. GRL Aug.): This is a hot link to view the guidelines for that particular assessment period.
TEACHERS CANNOT CHANGE THE FOLLOWING NUMBERS, this information will be uploaded from Skyward. Teachers can only change the GRL letters.
- GRL LYGrades 1-6 (Guided Reading Level LAST YEAR)
- CRT LA LY Grades 3-6: Last year’s Language Arts CRT level (1, 2, 3, 4)
- CRT MA LY Grades 3-6: Last year’s Math CRT level (1, 2, 3, 4)
- CRT SC LY Grades 3-6: Last year’s Science CRT level (1, 2, 3, 4)
- PALS Kindergarten: PALS Data will be uploaded into J-SAS three times per school year.
- SRIGrades 3-6 (Fall, Mid-year, Spring): Lexile score will be uploaded from the district servers after each assessment window.
- DIBELS Grades 1-3: The DIBELS score with risk-level designation will beuploaded after
- GRL Grades K-6– Guided Reading Levels will be determined through running records and Fountas & Pinnell assessments.
- The classroom teacher will enter Guided Reading Levels (GRL) each month.
- Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment should be given two times per year
Records will be completed to determine GRLsin other months.
- CRT LA Final Grades 3-6: Spring Language Arts CRT level (1, 2, 3, 4)
- CRT MA Final Grades 3-6: Spring Math CRT level (1, 2, 3, 4)
- CRT SC Final Grades 3-6: Spring Science CRT level (1, 2, 3, 4)
Yearly Growth Projections and Calculations
(far right columns)
- GRL Projected Growth: The Guided Reading Level in this column calculates what a year’s growth would be for each student based on the last year’s Guided Reading Level (grades 1-6) or on the first Guided Reading Level entered by the teacher when a student enters the class.
- CRT LA Growth GRADES 4-6: This is the difference between the levels (1, 2, 3, 4) from last year to this year’s CRT Language Arts achievement.
- CRT MA Growth GRADES 4-6: This is the difference between the levels (1, 2, 3, 4) from last year to this year’s CRT Math achievement.
- CRT SC Growth GRADES 4-6: This is the difference between the levels (1, 2, 3, 4) from last year to this year’s CRT Science achievement.
- GRL Growth Grades K-6: This is calculation of how many Guided Reading Levels the student has gained throughout the school year.
- PALS Growth: The raw scores entered into the columns are converted to percentages within the system, based on the number possible in each assessment. Growth is the difference between the two percentages figured in the system for fall and spring.
- SRI Growth: Growth is the difference between lexile scores in each assessment window; fall, mid-year, and spring.
(Click on the Reports Tab, then Growth Report link)
- Student filter (at the top): Specificselections can be made to view different data, then click the submit button
- Column Titles (i.e. PALS T2): This is a hot link to view the guidelines for that particular assessment
Growth Reporting (examples)
Teacher #1 / # students / #ELL Tier 1 / #PALS Tier 2 / GRL Tier 3
Teacher #2 / # students / # ELL Tier 1 / #PALS Tier 2 / GRL Tier 3
Teacher #3 / # students / # ELL Tier 1 / #PALS Tier 2 / GRL Tier 3
Teacher #4 / # students / # ELL Tier 1 / #PALS Tier 2 / GRL Tier 3
Teacher #5 / # students / # ELL Tier 1 / #PALS Tier 2 / GRL Tier 3
(totals) / 200 / 35 / 15 / 6
Principals will be able to view:
* Each individual Teacher’s totals
* Each Grade Level totals
* Whole School totals