MATH 308, Fall 2011
Course Syllabus, Section 03 and 04
Instructor: Dr. Su Liang
Office: JB-328 Phone: (909) 537-7349 E-mail:
Office Hours: Tu. Th.10:30-12:00 or by appointment
Classroom: JB 386 for both section 03 and 04
Meeting time:12:00 – 1: 50 Pm, Tuesdays for section 03
12:00 – 1:50 Pm, Thursdays for section 04
(Course syllabus, course supplements and assignments will be found there)
Textbook: Problem Solving inMathematics by Divida Fischman and Shawnee McMurran.It
Isavailableat the bookstore and also available on the class Blackboard site in pdf
format. We will (tentatively) be covering sections: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 but not
necessary exactly following the order appeared in the textbook. The Lecture notes
can be found in Blackkboard.
The goal of this course is to develop an appreciation of and facility for mathematical and logical problem solving. During the quarter we will work on improving problem solving skills by discovering and exploring various problem-solving strategies while working on challenging multi-level problems.
One of our key objectives is to learn to communicate mathematics verbally and in writing in order to become better teachers of mathematics. Problem solving provides an opportunity to write and verbalize mathematics, which in turn will improve our ability to think logically and abstractly. This course is intended to help you develop confidence in your own problem solving abilities and to help you develop the ability to determine for yourself whether a solution to a mathematics problem is correct or not. It also provides you with the opportunity to work together and to communicate mathematically with your peers.
Learning Objectives
After completing this course, successful students:
- will have explored and solved problems in areas that reinforce the concepts they learned in Math 301A,B,C
- will have solved challenging problems by integrating various established problem-solving ideas and techniques
The learning outcomes are consistent with the Standards for Mathematical Practice of the California K-12 Common Core Content Standards for Mathematics. The Standards for Mathematical Practice describe varieties of expertise that mathematics educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students. Please see the following links to the California Department of Education for more details regarding these standards: and
The nature of this course requires that you meet certain prerequisites. In particular, you must have completed Math 301A,B,C with a grade of C or better. Students who have not completed the prerequisites will be dropped from this course.
Course Expectations
Quizzes and Exam: We will have 2 quizzes, one midterm, and final exam based on class discussion and assigned homework. The average of these quiz scores will constitute 20% of your grade. Calculators will not be allowed on any exam or test.
We will also have a cumulative final exam and you must achieve a grade of at least 60% on this exam in order to pass the course.
The (tentative) test dates are as follows. I reserve the right to change a test date with one week’s notice. The final date is set by the university and cannot be changed.
Quiz 1 Tuesday, 10/18 for section 03; Thursday, 10/13 for section 04
Quiz 2 Tuesday, 11/15, for section 03; Thursday, 11/17for section 04
Midterm Tuesday, 11/1, for section 03; Thursday, 10/27for section 04
Final Exam Tuesday, 12/6for section 03; Thursday, 12/8 for section 04
Tests will have problems similar to those in the homework and class discussions. Correct answers are worth at most 25% and your solution (explanation) is worth at least 75%. Answers without any supporting work will not receive credit. See the rubric in appendix F of your textbook for details on what is entailed in a “complete” solution.
If you miss a test you will receive a 0 for that test. Make-up tests WILL NOT be given without serious and compelling reasons for your absence.
Weekly Reflective Journal: This journal should reflect your progress of learning. After each class, you should think deeply about: 1. what did you learn from this week’s class? 2. did you have the “aha” moment? If yes, describe it in detail. 3. what do you still struggle with? 4. how would you teach the type of problems explored in class? 5. What did you learn from doing the homework problems or doing problem in class? This list is not exhaustive. It just gives you some ideas about what should be included in your reflective journal. You can always add something meaningful in your learning process. You should write your reflective journal every week and hand it in on the blackboard. The journal is worth 10% of your final grade.
Homework: There will be no homework that is collected or evaluated for credit. For each
section that we cover, I will give you some problems to try (at home) and the
quiz and exam questions will look very similar to the questions assigned in class–
these questions will not be collected or evaluated, although you may wish to go
over any questions you have with me in my office hours. What that means is that
you don’t have to do any homework if you don’t want to, but since the quizzes
and exams will be based on these questions and subjects, it is in your interest to
spend time on these on your own. I strongly suggest doing as many questions as
you feel the need to do on yourown, and I am always happy to spend some time in
class answering your questions.
REMEMBER:Since this is a 2 unit class, students who wish to succeed should expect to average about 4 hours per week on homework. Keeping up with this homework is essential for your success in this class!
Class participation: This course is listed as a seminar and as such your participation is essential in creating a productive classroom environment. Students will work on problems in small groups during most of each class. Groups will be assigned and will rotate regularly. You also must present at least one problem to the class during the course of the quarter. Your participation in class discussions is a required component of this course. You are encouraged to ask questions about anything that is not completely clear – ask me and ask your classmates. Also feel free to volunteer ideas and suggestions for the solution of problems.
Because of the interactive nature of this course, attendance is mandatory. The discussion and activities during the class session cannot be replaced by reading someone’s notes. 3 unexcused absences will result in an automatic no credit for the course. I will excuse only serious, unavoidable family or medical problems. Please arrive on time for class.
Grading: Grading for this course is not competitive, nor is it “curved”. Working cooperatively with your classmates is encouraged and will more than likely be beneficial to all involved.
Midterm 30%
Quizzes 20%
Journal 10%
Total 100%
Assuming you have achieved at least 60% on your final exam, your course grade will be calculated according to the following scale; “+” and “– ” grades will be given at the upper and lower ends of the appropriate ranges.
A: 90-100%B: 80-89%C: 70-79%D: 60-69%F: 0-59%
Important Notes:
- Please turn off the ringer your cell phone! Thank you.
- It is considered rude to text message, listen to your ipod, and receive or make calls during class.
- If you miss 2 consecutive classes during the census period and do not contact me, you may be dropped if other students are waiting to enroll. However, if you wish to drop the course it is your responsibility to formally withdraw from class prior to the drop date.
- Plan to be on time for class and to stay for the entire class period. If you must be tardy for an unavoidable reason it is polite to make a simple apology. If you must leave early for an unavoidable reason you should let me know as soon as possible. Frequent tardiness will be counted as an absence.
- If you are in need of an accommodation for a disability in order to participate in this class, please let me know as soon as possible and also contact Services to Students with Disabilities at UH-183 (537-5238).
- Please refer to the university policy on academic dishonesty and plagiarism. I endorse
these policies and generally have no tolerance towards any and all acts of academic
dishonesty or plagiarism.