Instructions for filling out the registration form on Excel
- Save the registration form to your computer and open it in Excel.
- The registration form is color coded. The general instructions for filling out each section are in yellow. Anything that you need to type has a blue box over it or next to it. Any money information is in green.
- If you’d like to see an example of how a filled out sheet looks, click on the tab at the bottom of the Excel document labeled “Sample form filled out”. You can switch back and forth between that tab and your registration form “SES 07 Registration” any time to see how things should look.
- In Section A, contact information, you can skip the fax and the email address if you do not have one.
- Section B is a grid of all the costs. The only thing you need to fill out is what your cost is for the conference. (box in the lower right corner of the section.)
- Section C, if you’d like any meals, just put an “x” (no quotation marks) in the appropriate box (you have a choice between non-vegetarian and vegetarian options). Anything longer than one text letter will give you an error message (just hit “cancel” or “retry” if you get an error). If you type a letter or number other than “x”, you will need to add up your registration costs manually. If you don’t want a particular meal, leave the meal blank. If you don’t want any meals, leave the whole section blank.
- Section D, if you’d like a shirt, put an “x” under the size you’d like. Anything longer than one text letter will give you an error message (just hit “cancel” or “retry” if you get an error). If you type a letter or number other than “x”, you will need to add up your registration costs manually. If you don’t want a t-shirt, leave the whole section blank.
- Section E, if you would like to use an SES shuttle from the Salt Lake City to Moab, put an “x” under “yes”. If you don’t want to use the shuttle service, put an “x” under “no” or leave this section blank.
- Section F, if you would like to go on a field trip/s, put an “x” next to the field trip/s of your choice. You can go on one field trip per day (Mon-Wed). If you don’t want to go one or two days, just “x” the appropriate number of trips. The cost of field trips is included in your registration. You can click on the name of the trip to be taken to the website page with the trip descriptions.
- Section G, if you are planning to attend the Education Workshop on Sunday, please put an “x” under “yes.”
- When your form is complete, Please save the file (you can use the default name or use your name as the file name) and send it and the accident waiver (on the registration page of the website) as attachments to . You can also print your form and fax it to: 520-621-9190
Both forms must be received by February 23, 2007 in order to receive the early registration discount. We apologize that we are unable to process credit card payments at this time.
Please send the registration fee payment in the form of a check or money order (in US dollars). Checks should be made out to the Soil Ecology Society. You may also pay in cash at the conference. If we receive your registration form by February 23, we will reserve your place and honor the early registration fee.
Send payment to:
Mitchell Pavao-Zuckerman
Biosciences West, Room 310
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ85721-0088
Tip: *If you try to type in a cell you shouldn’t. You will get an error message. Just click “ok” and go to a different cell.