Northumberland (North East)
Garden Openings 2017 Thank you for opening your garden for us and raising money for our beneficiaries. Please use this form to record the details of your opening. If you need any help, please contact your County Treasurer, whose name and contact information is over the page.
Garden (or Group) name:Contact name & phone or e-mail:
Date(s) of opening:
Date(s) of opening(s) By Arrangement
Number of visitors: all visitors including free entries. See note 1 overleaf
Admission charges / £
By Arrangement admission charges / £
Refreshments receipts / £
Plant sales / £
Donations received and any other receipts / £
A Total receipts (sum of all the above) / £
B Expenses (if any) See note 2 overleaf / £
In exceptional circumstances gardens can request to make a donation to a local charity
D Less donation to local charity (if any) See note 3 overleafName of charity:
Reg charity number: / £
Refreshments receipts for other charities See note 4 overleaf
Name of charity: / £
Plant sales for other charities See note 4 overleaf
Name of charity: / £
For donations to another charity (box D above), please fill in the receipt below, cut it off and send it to that charity to complete.
Receipt for donation to local charity (if any)
Garden Name______Opened on (dates) ______
For the National Garden Scheme
A cheque for £______is enclosed as a donation to your charity
Signed: ______Garden Owner
Payment to National Garden Scheme can be made by:
Electronic Bank Transfer: / Y / N / Bank Payment Date:Please inform your County Treasurer, whose details are below, when you have made the transfer.
NGS bank details for your County are as follows:
Bank: / The Co-operative Bank, (Kingston Branch)Account Name: / The NGS Northumberland
Account Number: / 65507807
Sort Code: / 089034
Reference: / Your garden name or an abbreviation
Cheque enclosed, payable to National Garden Scheme: / Y / N
Cheque to be posted with this form to your County Treasurer
North East County Treasurer / DavidOakleyAddress: / Bridge Eal
NE47 9EX
Telephone: / 01434 618994
e-mail: /
Notes for completing this form. Please complete a separate form for each garden opening or, in the case of multiple openings over a short period, after the last garden opening, and send it to your County Treasurer. More forms are available from your County Treasurer or from the NGS website.
1. Number of visitors: It is invaluable for the National Garden Scheme to know visitors numbers. So do please include the number of ALL visitors, including non-paying (e.g children), even if you have to make an estimate.
2. Expenses: We gratefully acknowledge that most garden owners do not claim expenses. Should you deduct expenses from the proceeds received from garden visitors, whenever possible, you should send receipts to your County Treasurer with this form.
3. Donations to local charities: Any donations to other charities must be agreed in advance with your County Organiser and must be included in The Garden Visitor’s Handbook and County Booklets. The charity must have a valid Registered Charity Number.
4. Refreshments/teas and plants provided by other charities: Any donations to other charities must be agreed in advance with your County Organiser. When teas or plants are provided by another charity or income from their sales retained by or donated to a charity, please enter the amount(s) in these boxes.
Recipient Charity: Please send this receipt to the National Garden Scheme County Treasurer for Northumberland (North East)(within 14 days please) as follows:
Mr David Oakley Bridge Eal Allendale Hexham NE47 9EX
Charity Name: ______Charity Number: ______
I confirm that £______was donated to this charity
The National Garden Scheme, a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England & Wales.Company No. 5631421 Charity No 1112664
Registered & Head Office: Hatchlands Park, East Clandon, Guildford, Surrey GU4 7RT, T 01483 211535 F 01483 211537 E