Revised 07/012

Instructions for Completing theApplication Approval Form

The Application Approval Form must be completed prior to any authorized person signing the proposal and the proposal being submitted. The authorization to sign grant proposals is limited to the president, provost, vice presidents and the director of the Office of Grants and Sponsored Projects. The Application Approval Form applies to all grants and contracts from outside funding sources such as SSHE, foundations, private businesses, federal agencies and state agencies. It does not apply to grants from the Kutztown University Research Committee or Kutztown University Professional Development Committee.

Item 1. Principal Investigator/Project Director. Your full legal name as it appears in the university’s payroll system, your highest degree earned, and academic rank or administrative title. This line is limited to one name.

Item 2. The Principal Investigator’s/Project Director’s academic department and college, campus address (e.g. 108 Old Main), phone, fax and e-mail address.

Item 3. Your co-investigator(s) and each one's academic rank or administrative title, and college / departmental affiliation. If there are no co-investigators, please indicate as such with “N/A.”

Item 4. Project title. The title of the project.

Item 5. Sponsor. Provide the full name of the sponsor to which the proposal is being submitted.

Item 6. Sponsor Type. Select the type of sponsor from the drop down menu. For PASHEE grants select System Transfer.

Item 7. Deadline Date. Give the deadline date indicated by the sponsor (use date format xx/xx/xxxx). If the sponsor has not provided a deadline, pleasedo not make one up.

Item 8. Deadline Type. Indicate whether the proposal must be postmarked or received on the specified date or if the proposal must be submitted electronically (select from the drop down menu).

Item 9. Project Type. Is the project Research/Development, Instruction/Training, Service or some Other type? Please select one from the drop down menu.

Item 10. Project Status. Is the project New, Non-competing Renewal, Competing Renewal, Supplemental or a Revision? Please select one from the drop down menu.

Item 11. If the project involves human subjects, you will be required to submit an IRB proposal. A copy of your approval letter must be provided to the Office of Grants and Sponsored Projects. Note: assuming an agency will fund your project without IRB approval, the Office of Grants and Sponsored Projects will not authorize the release of award funds until after IRB approval has been granted.

Item 12. If the project involves animals, please indicate by checking “Yes.”

Item 13. If the project involves radiation or radioactive materials, please indicate by checking “Yes.”

Item 14. Select “Yes” if the project involves biohazards, such as recombinant DNA, infectious agents of plants, animals & humans for the use of serum and/or tissue from humans or sub-human primates.

Item 15. Estimated Project Dates. Project the requested start date and end date for both the “Current Year” and the entire “Project Period.” The “Current” project year is the first budget period proposed for a new project, or the current year if proposal represents a continuation. Budget periods are usually 12 months intervals but may also be more or less if the project warrants. The “Total Project Period” is all-inclusive of any additional years of support requested. It is only applicable if the project will last more than the “Current” project year.(use date format xx/xx/xxxx)

Item 16. Indicate if the project incorporates reassigned time for faculty.

Item 17. Indicate if the project incorporates dual compensation for faculty.

Item 18. If cost sharing/matching is a requirement by the sponsor please indicate and complete the cost sharing/matching information under Item 18.

Item 19. Budget. Provide the requested information of direct costs and F&A (indirect) costs using the dates described in Item 15 above. The “Total Costs” column should represent what is being requested of the sponsor agency (direct and F&A costs).

Cost sharing/matching - Insert total dollar amounts to be provided by Department & College and Other sources for cost sharing. Additionally, follow the instructions for cost-sharing given on the form (i.e. separate, detailed budget for all cost sharing). Be sure to follow sponsor guidelines for cost-sharing. All costs sharing commitments must be documented and appropriately approved prior to the proposal being submitted to an agency.

Item20. Fixed Priced, Commercially Sponsored Activity or Service for Fee Agreement. If the funding is provided through a fixed-price contract, you must contact the Office of Grants and Sponsored Projects regarding the contract template to use and procedure to follow for approval.

Item 21. Subcontracts or Subawards. If the proposed project involves one or more subcontracts or subawards please indicate accordingly.

Item 22. Conflict of Interest. Follow instructions on the form.

Item 23. Intellectual Property. Follow instructions on the form.

Item 24. Certification and Approval Signatures. You, your co-investigators, all appropriate chairs and all appropriate deans or directors must sign and date the certification. All co-investigators and their department chairs must sign on the second page of the form if they wish to receive credit and recognition for work performed on the project.

Item 25. SponsorAgency’s Address. Provide the complete mailing address as provided in the sponsor's guidelines, whether or not the Office of Grants and Sponsored Projects is mailing the proposal. Note that often the mailing address for proposals is different from the mailing address for other communications with the sponsor.

Item 26. All grant applications must be reviewed by the Office of Grants and Sponsored Projects prior to submission. There may be instances where the PI submits the grant application rather than the Office of Grants and Sponsored Projects. Please indicate on the form whether the PI or the Office of Grants and Sponsored Projects is submitting the application.

Office of Grants and Sponsored Projects Internal Use Only – This section of the form is for the Office of Grants and Sponsored Projects to complete. The Office of Grants and Sponsored Projects will obtain the Provost’s, President’s KU Foundation’s signatures when applicable.