Instructions for Completing the Performance Agreement Application and Reporting Form
Provide the following information in thePERFORMANCE AGREEMENT/REPORT:
1.Identify theKEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR (i.e. data) that will be used to determine progress toward goals. Be as specific and as succinct as possible. The key performance indicator (data) may be quantitative or qualitative.
2.Show theBASELINEvalue of the key performance indicator (data). The baseline means “where are you now?”
3.Show TARGETS for the next 3 years. Targets must be expressed in terms of the key performance indicator (data) identified in the first column.
4,PERFORMANCE OUTCOMES must be expressed in terms of the key performance indicator (data) listed in the first column.
5.AMOUNT OF DIRECTIONAL IMPROVEMENT equals the difference between baseline and performance.
6.At least one institutional goal must support Regents’ System Goal B. Institutional goals must support two additional Regents’ System Goals selected from Regents’ System Goals A, C, and D.
Instructions for Narrative to Accompany the Performance Agreement Application
1.Institutional Goal 1: List goal as succinctly as possible.
Key Performance Indicator 1 (Data point 1): Identify the data to be collected as succinctly as possible. Use the same description that appears in the first column of the form.
a.Data Collection: Describe EXACTLY how the data for the key performance indicator will be collected. For example, if the data is “retention,” describe exactly how retention will be calculated.
b.Targets: Describe the rationale for selecting the targets in order for the Board to determine the degree of difficulty in achieving the target. This information is required. (Note: Targets must be expressed in terms of the key performance indicator/data. For example, if the key performance indicator is “retention,” the targets should be expressed in terms of the actual retention figures expected in the next 3 years.)
Continue in the same fashion for all indicators for this goal.
Comments: Include only comments that are ESSENTIAL to understanding the goal. Comments are optional.
And soon up to six goals.
Performance Agreement/Report
Institution: Cowley County Community College / Contact Person: Charles McKown, Dean of Research & Technology / Contact phone & e-mail:620-441-5264
/ Date: 07/10/2006
Regents System Goal Select OneA: Efficiency/Effectiveness/SeamlessnessB: Improve Learner OutcomesC: Improve Workforce DevelopmentD: Increase Targeted Participation/AccessE: Increase External ResourcesInstitutional Goal
Institutional Goal 1: To expand partnerships with other educational institutions, governmental agencies, and business and industry.
Key Performance Indicator (Data) / Baseline / Targets / Performance Outcome / Amount of Directional Improvement
1. Number of new partnerships. / At least 5 new partnerships will be established each year. For a baseline, five existing partners were identified as representative of the type of opportunities that will be pursued. / Target yr 1: At least 5 new partnerships
Target yr 2: At least 5 new partnerships
Target yr 3: At least 5 new partnerships.
2. Number of course sections offered in conjunction with any Cowley partner. / 36 sections (baseline established in 2005 performance agreement). / Target yr 1: 12% increase over baseline year (i.e., at least 40 course sections)
Target yr 2: 15% increase over baseline year (i.e., at least 41 course sections)
Target yr 3: 17% increase over baseline year (i.e., at least 42 course sections)
3. Number of students enrolled in course sections offered in conjunction with any Cowley partner. / 232 students (baseline established in 2005 performance agreement). / Target yr 1: 12% increase over baseline year (i.e., at least 260 students)
Target yr 2: 15% increase over baseline year (i.e., at least 267 students)
Target yr 3: 17% increase over baseline year (i.e., at least 271 students)
NARRATIVE — INSTITUTIONAL GOAL 1 (Title Only): To expand partnerships with other educational institutions, governmental agencies, and business and industry.
Key Performance Indicator 1 (Title Only): Number of new partnerships.
Data Collection: New partnerships will be established either through collaboration with a new entity or through new project opportunities with existing partners. The partnerships will be with other educational institutions, governmental agencies, and/or business and industry.Expanded partnerships will directly support the regents’ system goal by improving the efficiency, effectiveness, and seamlessness of higher education through collaborative efforts. As new partnerships are formed, existing partnerships may be discontinued as the result of changing demands and limited resources. Accordingly, this target measurement is based on new partnerships rather than the total number of partnerships. However, the number of discontinued partnerships will not exceed the number of new partnerships in any given year. Therefore, the total number of partnerships will remain the same or increase each year. This will assure that Cowley is constantly striving for new opportunities.Key performance indicators 2 and 3 within this institutional goal are designed to ensure continued overall growth in our collaborative relationships.
Targets: The anticipated partners for 2007 include Pioneer Technology Center; Mulvane USD 263 Alternative School; Rubbermaid; Spirit Aerosystems; a paraprofessional program with Arkansas City USD 470; Winfield Medical Arts; community banks in Cowley and Sumner counties; and area businesses and high schools through our new Mulvane Industrial Technology Center. Of course, Cowley is always cognizant of the need to be flexible and to be responsive to other emergent opportunities as they arise.
Key Performance Indicator 2 (Title Only): Number of course sections offered in conjunction with any Cowley partner.
Data Collection: As new partnerships are added, the total number of course sections offered with all Cowley partners will increase. This will demonstrate an on-going commitment to look continually for new opportunities to collaborate and to maintain existing partnerships whenever possible.
Targets: The baseline data of 36 sections was established on the 2005 performance agreement. That agreement called for a 10% increase in target year 3 (which would be the 2007 calendar year). Due to our continued success in forming partnerships, we have expanded that target to 12% over the baseline. This will allow us to continue an ambitious but manageable growth. Since the number of course sections are controlled by available classroom space and instructional teaching loads, these increases are reasonable expectations for our resources.
Key Performance Indicator 3 (Title Only): Number of students enrolled in course sections offered in conjunction with any Cowley partner.
Data Collection: As new partnerships are added, the total number of students enrolled in the partnership programs will increase. This will further demonstrate an on-going commitment to look continually for new opportunities to collaborate and to maintain existing partnerships whenever possible.
Targets: The baseline data of 232 students was established on the 2005 performance agreement. That agreement called for a 10% increase in target year 3 (which would be the 2007 calendar year). Due to our continued success in forming partnerships, we have expanded that target to 12% over the baseline. This will allow us to continue an ambitious but manageable growth. Since the number of course sections are controlled by available classroom space and instructional teaching loads, these increases are reasonable expectations for our resources.
Key Performance Indicator 4 (Title Only):
Data Collection:
Key Performance Indicator 5 (Title Only):
Data Collection:
Regents System Goal Select OneA: Efficiency/Effectiveness/SeamlessnessB: Improve Learner OutcomesC: Improve Workforce DevelopmentD: Increase Targeted Participation/AccessE: Increase External ResourcesInstitutional Goal
Institutional Goal 2: To improve the success of students in the core skills of reading, writing, and mathematics.
Key Performance Indicator (Data) / Baseline / Targets / Performance Outcome / Amount of Directional Improvement
1. Number of students exceeding the national average in reading on the CAAP test. / 203 students(baseline established in 2006 performance agreement). / Target yr 1: 5% increase (i.e., at least 213 students)
Target yr 2: 7% increase (i.e., at least 217 students)
Target yr 3: 9% increase (i.e., at least 221 students
2. Number of students exceeding the national average in writing on the CAAP test. / 183 students(baseline established in 2006 performance agreement). / Target yr 1: 5% increase (i.e., at least 192 students)
Target yr 2: 7% increase (i.e., at least 196 students)
Target yr 3: 9% increase (i.e., at least 199 students)
3. Number of students exceeding the national average in mathematics on the CAAP test. / 229 students (baseline established in 2006 performance agreement). / Target yr 1: 5% increase (i.e., at least 240 students)
Target yr 2: 7% increase (i.e., at least 245 students)
Target yr 3: 9% increase (i.e., at least 250 students)
4. Percentage ofstudents who successfully complete their first semester with at least a 2.0 GPA after successfully completingOrientation to College Life. / 88.9 percent (304 out of 342) / Target yr 1: 0.5% increase (i.e., at least 89.4%)
Target yr 2: 1.0% increase (i.e., at least 89.9%)
Target yr 3: 1.5% increase (i.e., at least 90.4%)
5. Decrease the “performance gaps” on the Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Survey of instructional effectiveness / The 14 measurements of instructional effectiveness on the Spring 2005 survey. / Target yr 1: Decrease the “performance gap” on at least 6 of the 14 measurements.
Target yr 2: Decrease the performance gap on at least 8 of the 14 measurements.
Target yr 3: Decrease the performance gap on at least 10 of the 14 measurements.
NARRATIVE — INSTITUTIONAL GOAL 2 (Title Only): To improve the success of students in the core skills of reading, writing, and mathematics.
Key Performance Indicator 1 (Title Only): Number of students exceeding the national average in reading on the CAAP test.
Data Collection: Cowley recently implemented a new policy that all graduate candidates will take the Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency (CAAP) offered by ACT.
Targets: The CAAP test is a nationally recognized measurement of outcomes in core subject areas. Cowley had 203 students (out of 374 tested) exceed the national average in reading during the first year of testing. This wasthe benchmark established for the 2006 performance agreement. That agreement called for a 5% increase in target year 2 (which would be the 2007 calendar year) which is now target year 1 in the new agreement.
Key Performance Indicator 2 (Title Only): Number of students exceeding the national average in writing on the CAAP test.
Data Collection: Cowley recently implemented a new policy that all graduate candidates will take the Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency (CAAP) offered by ACT.
Targets: The CAAP test is a nationally recognized measurement of outcomes in core subject areas. Cowley had 183 students (out of 374 tested) exceed the national average in writing during the first year of testing. This was the benchmark established for the 2006 performance agreement. That agreement called for a 5% increase in target year 2 (which would be the 2007 calendar year) which is now target year 1 in the new agreement.
Key Performance Indicator 3 (Title Only): Number of students exceeding the national average in mathematics on the CAAP test.
Data Collection: Cowley recently implemented a new policy that all graduate candidates will take the Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency (CAAP) offered by ACT.
Targets: The CAAP test is a nationally recognized measurement of outcomes in core subject areas. Cowley had 229 students (out of 374 tested) exceed the national average in mathematics during the first year of testing. This was the benchmark established for the 2006 performance agreement. That agreement called for a 5% increase in target year 2 (which would be the 2007 calendar year) which is now target year 1 in the new agreement.
Key Performance Indicator 4 (Title Only): Percentage of students who successfully complete their first semester with at least a 2.0 GPA after successfully completing Orientation to College Life.
Data Collection: Cowley has made strides to strengthen our first time student orientation program with the belief that a strong foundation and support system will benefit our students' overall success.
Targets: The baseline was established by averaging the previous three years. During that time, an average of 342 students successfully completed Orientation to College Life. Of those, an average of 304 completed the semester with at least a 2.0 grade point average. This represents 88.9%. We believe that improvements in our orientation and support programs will allow more students to be successful.
Key Performance Indicator 5 (Title Only): Decrease the “performance gaps” on the Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Survey of instructional effectiveness.
Data Collection: : The Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Survey is a nationally recognized standard in measuring students’ satisfaction with their education experience. Fourteen questions relate specifically to instructional effectiveness. A “performance gap” is determined by Noel-Levitz by comparing the student’s rating of the measurement’s importance with their satisfaction. The greater the gap implies the less effective the instruction. Conversely, reducing the gap demonstrates improvement in the effectiveness of the instruction.
Targets: Cowley will use the measurements from the Spring 2005 survey as the baseline. This was the benchmark established for the 2006 performance agreement. That agreement called for an improvement in at least 6 of the measurements over the baseline scores in target year 2 (which would be the 2007 calendar year) which is now target year 1 in the new agreement.
Regents System Goal Select OneA: Efficiency/Effectiveness/SeamlessnessB: Improve Learner OutcomesC: Improve Workforce DevelopmentD: Increase Targeted Participation/AccessE: Increase External ResourcesInstitutional Goal
Institutional Goal 3: To expand Cowley’s industrial technology training in aviation airframe and power plant maintenance, automotive technology, machine tool technology, and welding.
Key Performance Indicator (Data) / Baseline / Targets / Performance Outcome / Amount of Directional Improvement
1. Number of course sections offered in industrial technology courses / 262 sections (baseline established in 2006 performance agreement). / Target yr 1: 5% increase (i.e., at least 275 sections)
Target yr 2: 7% increase (i.e., at least 280 sections)
Target yr 3: 9% increase (i.e., at least 286 sections)
2. Number of students enrolled in industrial technology courses. / 321 students (baseline established in 2006 performance agreement). / Target yr 1: 5% increase (i.e., at least 337 students)
Target yr 2: 7% increase (i.e., at least 344 students)
Target yr 3: 9% increase (i.e., at least 350 students)
3. Number of students who successfully complete an FAA airframe or power plant certification. / 15 students(baseline established in 2005 performance agreement). / Target yr 1: 50% increase (i.e., at least 23 students)
Target yr 2: 75% increase (i.e., at least 26 students)
Target yr 3: 100% increase (i.e., at least 30 students)
NARRATIVE — INSTITUTIONAL GOAL 3 (Title Only): : To expand Cowley’s industrial technology training in aviation airframe and power plant maintenance, automotive technology, machine tool technology, and welding.
Key Performance Indicator 1 (Title Only): Number of course sections offered in industrial technology courses.
Data Collection: Vocational training is important to the state’s workforce. Cowley is committed to expanding our course offerings. Our workforce advisory groups have identified these programs as areas of particular need.
Targets: The baseline of 262 sections was established in the 2006 performance agreement.That agreement called for a 5% increase in target year 2 (which would be the 2007 calendar year) which is now target year 1 in the new agreement. Given the higher costs associated with vocational training, we believe that a 5% increase is an ambitious but manageable goal.
Key Performance Indicator 2 (Title Only): Number of students enrolled in industrial technology courses.
Data Collection: In addition to offering more sections, the total number of students enrolled needs to increase as well in order to expand the number of qualified workers available.
Targets: The baseline of 321 students was established in the 2006 performance agreement. That agreement called for a 5% increase in target year 2 (which would be the 2007 calendar year) which is now target year 1 in the new agreement. Given the higher costs associated with vocational training, we believe that a 5% increase is an ambitious but manageable goal.
Key Performance Indicator 3 (Title Only): Number of students who successfully complete an FAA airframe or power plant certification.
Data Collection: Certain industries require national certifications. Our students in aviation airframe or power plant maintenance must be certified by the Federal Aviation Administration.
Targets: The baseline of 15 students was established in the 2005 performance agreement. Due to the success of our new Aviation Training Center in Wichta, we have significantly increased the targets. The huge spike reported in 2005 was a result of opening the new center. Due to space limitations, that percentage of growth is unsustainable. These increases are ambitious but manageable until completion of a new center is finished.
Key Performance Indicator 4 (Title Only):
Data Collection:
Key Performance Indicator 5 (Title Only):
Data Collection:
Regents System Goal Select OneA: Efficiency/Effectiveness/SeamlessnessB: Improve Learner OutcomesC: Improve Workforce DevelopmentD: Increase Targeted Participation/AccessE: Increase External ResourcesInstitutional Goal
Institutional Goal 4:
Key Performance Indicator (Data) / Baseline / Targets / Performance Outcome / Amount of Directional Improvement
Key Performance Indicator 1 (Title Only):
Data Collection:
Key Performance Indicator 2 (Title Only):
Data Collection:
Key Performance Indicator 3 (Title Only):
Data Collection:
Key Performance Indicator 4 (Title Only):
Data Collection:
Key Performance Indicator 5 (Title Only):
Data Collection:
Regents System Goal Select OneA: Efficiency/Effectiveness/SeamlessnessB: Improve Learner OutcomesC: Improve Workforce DevelopmentD: Increase Targeted Participation/AccessE: Increase External ResourcesInstituitonal Goal
Institutional Goal 5:
Key Performance Indicator (Data) / Baseline / Targets / Performance Outcome / Amount of Directional Improvement
Key Performance Indicator 1 (Title Only):
Data Collection:
Key Performance Indicator 2 (Title Only):
Data Collection:
Key Performance Indicator 3 (Title Only):
Data Collection:
Key Performance Indicator 4 (Title Only):
Data Collection:
Key Performance Indicator 5 (Title Only):
Data Collection:
Regents System Goal Select OneA: Efficiency/Effectiveness/SeamlessnessB: Improve Learner OutcomesC: Improve Workforce DevelopmentD: Increase Targeted Participation/AccessE: Increase External ResourcesInstitutional Goal
Institutional Goal 6:
Key Performance Indicator (Data) / Baseline / Targets / Performance Outcome / Amount of Directional Improvement
Key Performance Indicator 1 (Title Only):
Data Collection:
Key Performance Indicator 2 (Title Only):
Data Collection:
Key Performance Indicator 3 (Title Only):
Data Collection:
Key Performance Indicator 4 (Title Only):
Data Collection:
Key Performance Indicator 5 (Title Only):
Data Collection:
KBOR use only: Institution Name:
Summary of changes from the previous approved performance agreement
Response to any Board comments on the previous approved performance agreement
Recommendation and Comments