North Laurel High School

2015 Summer Baseball Camp

DATE & TIMES: Monday, June 8 – Thursday, June 11 9:00am-2:00pm

LOCATION: North Laurel High School Baseball Field

WHO: Players 5 years old – 13 years old

COST: $60.00 per camper paid with Check

Cash Discount $50.00 per camper if paid in Cash

(Camp T-shirt, Certificate and Prizes) Lunch will be provided

WHAT TO BRING: Tennis shoes, cleats, baseball glove and bat. Catchers may bring gear. Baseball pants are optional. We will provide water. There will be snacks and drinks offered during break at the expense of the camper.

DAILY ACTIVITIES: This camp will include an emphasis on the fundamentals of hitting, fielding, pitching and baserunning. Periods of skill competition will also be conducted.

RESERVATIONS: Mail the bottom of this form along with your check to:

Att: Darren McWhorter

North Laurel High School

1300 E. Hal Rogers Pkwy.

London, Ky. 40741

Make checks payable to: NLHS Baseball Boosters

For questions call: 606-843-0809 or 606-309-4995

or e-mail at:

You may register the day of camp from 8:00-9:00.


Name______Players Age______Players Grade: 2015-16______

Home Phone ( ) ______Emergency Phone:( )______

Address______City______State KY Zip______

T-Shirt Size circle one: Adult: Small, Medium, Large, X-Large

Youth: Small, Medium, Large, X-Large

PARENTS RELEASE (Signature Required)

As a parent or guardian of the above player I give permission for him to participate and verify that he is covered by some form of insurance or medical card. I also understand that North Laurel High School or its employees are not responsible for accidents or injuries while participating.

Date: ______Parent Signature: ______