Instructions for Capital Fund Budget Request: Electronic Technology Equipment

PLEASE NOTE: The University considers requests for funding for amounts equal to or greater than $500.

Requests for less than $500 should seek other funding sources (e.g. internal grants, external grants, special funds,

and school or college funds). Electronic Technology includes computers, printers, software or computer-connected equipment (Do not include items such as camcorders, DVD players, etc.)

School/College/Department requesting equipment: If you are requesting this equipment at the departmental level, please be aware that this request must be approved at the Dean and Vice President level.

Contact Person: The Electronic Technology Advisory Committees may require clarification of some details in your request. Please provide the name of a contact person who is knowledgeable about all aspects of the request. Also provide the email address for this person.

Requests for personal computers:The majority of existing computers will be scheduled for replacement on the replacement cycle and should not be included as Technology Requests here.In the event a requested computer is a higher cost than the standard configuration, the department will be responsible for providing the funding differential or may request the full amount of the computer on a technology request separate from the replacement cycle.Whenever possible, PC/Mac requests should be chosen from the standard configurations at the link provided. If a non-standard PC/Mac is required, please work with John Haverty in ITS to determine the appropriate configuration and pricing. Any non-standard PC/Mac should be justified in the statement of need at the end of the application.

Configuration: Indicate which of the standard PC/Mac configurations is being requested. If a non-standard PC/Mac is requested, please be as specific as possible.

Department/Building/Room/Employee: Indicate where this computer will be located and who will be the assigned user.

Replacement Y/N: Computers currently in use on campus should generally not be requested on this form, since they will be replaced on the normal replacement cycle. The only exception to this would be if an earlier replacement is necessary because of a change in usage or extremely poor performance which necessitates an earlier replacement. If a replacement is for an existing computer, the replaced computer will be removed from the area when ITS installs the replacement unit. Please include the justification for the need for an early replacement or for additional equipment in the statement of need at the end of the application.

Printer requests: Whenever possible, printer requests should be chosen from the standard configurations available at the link provided. If a non-standard printer is required, please work with John Haverty in ITS to determine the appropriate configuration and pricing. Any non-standard printer should be justified in the statement of need at the end of the application.

Configuration: Indicate which of the standard printer configurations is being requested. If a non-standard printer is requested, please be as specific as possible.

Department/Building/Room: Indicate where this printer will be located and in which department.

Replacement Y/N: When a replacement printer is requested, the replaced printer will be removed from the area when ISS installs the replacement unit.

Software or Computer-Connected Equipment: Technology requests are for software, computers, or peripherals which will only work if connected to the computer. Therefore, items such as camcorders, DVD players, etc. are not considered technology and should be requested through the "Other Equipment" budget.

Software/Equipment Description: Please be specific as to name, make, model, version, and other key details.

Location of Equipment: Please be specific as to building and room number. If software is requested, please indicate on which server software will be installed.

Estimated Cost of Equipment: Enter the approximate cost of the equipment, software, and all components. If an extended warranty is available and appears to be cost-effective, the cost of the extended warranty may be included as part of the original purchase price.

Estimated Cost of Installation and Security: Enter the approximate cost to install and secure the equipment, including requirements to connect to the campus network, if applicable. Please work with Kevin Halgren in ITS to determine the appropriate installation, wiring, and security costs.

Estimated Life of Requested Equipment. Enter the estimated life of the computing equipment being requested. (Use your best judgment.)

Description of Extended Warranty: Please indicate the length of the warranty and the main coverage features.

Budget Covering Operating Costs: Which budget will be providing funds for the ongoing costs of operating and maintaining the equipment? Check all that apply, as different units may be responsible for different aspects of operating costs for one piece of equipment.

Installation: Who will be responsible for installing the equipment/software, including establishing network connectivity?

Maintenance: After the software/equipment is installed, who will be responsible for ongoing maintenance?

Repair: Who will repair the equipment in case it fails to function? This includes installation of replacement parts provided under warranty.

Funding priorities: More than one funding priority can be checked.

Requested Last Year: Mark “Yes”, if your school/college/department made this same request last year. If “Yes”, provide appropriate explanation in the available space.

Characterize the Request: Please choose the most appropriate category for your request. This helps in comparing your request with established funding priorities for this year. If you choose the “other” category, please be specific.

Priority: All requests must be prioritized at each level. Departments assign an initial priority number. On this form, please indicate the priority assigned for the level of School/College/Department indicated at the top of the form.

Statement of Need: Justify the request in the space provided. Please keep in mind that each year electronic technology requests in excess of $1,000,000 are received but only about $400,000 to$600,000 is available in any given year. Briefly include any information that may help the committee prioritize your request.

Approvals: Each level of administration will approve the request, indicating the request has been reviewed and is of sufficiently high priority to be submitted to the next level. This form is intended to provide much more detailed information than in the past to those who will be considering funding your request if it is approved for final consideration.

Deadline: Return the completed form to your unit head by the assigned date

Technology Request Form Instructions

Revised 9/24/12