KD1 Sea Scouts
Welcome to K.D.1 Scout Troop, part of the only Sea Scout Group in Kidderminster. We meet every Thursday night in term time in our hut on Hoo Road September to April and at our local Scout camp site Rhydd Covert April to September 7.15-9.15pm.
Throughout the year your child will be working towards various badges and will be asked to complete work at home, please encourage and support them to complete and return work as soon as possible. Your child will also have the opportunity to take part in events, competitions, outings and camps.
We are a uniformed organisation and a certain level of uniform is required every week. We expect a minimum of Scout uniform shirt, Necker & Woggle. However, we would also like to see every Scout in grey or navy trousers and preferably black shoes. If there is a problem with uniform, please speak to the leaders.
We charge£3 per weekto cover the cost of badges, materials etc, and also to cover the cost of insurance of both assets of the group and your child through district, county and headquarters capitation fees, whether your child attends or not.
Any child absent for more than 3 consecutive Thursdays is classed to have left, unless the Scout Leader is informed. It is important that a leader is informed if your child is wishing to leave Scouts, so we can understand the reason.
To strengthen the security of your child, parents must escort them to the building at the beginning of the night and pick them up from the building at the end of the night. Itwould be helpful if parents were there on time.
During your child’s first 6 weeks with the group, we would like to meet new parents, either before or after scout nights.
With this information sheet is a personal detail form, which needs to be completed and handed back to a leader as soon as possible. Also attached is an information sheet for your child which shows where badges go on the uniform and also has the Scout promise and law on. Your child will need to learn and remember these to be in any Scout Group.
Please inform us of any changes in your child’s health, address or telephone numbers.
Will Bratt – Scout Leader Tel: 07739 161 602
Pete Williams – Group Scout Leader Tel: 07890 738 089/ 01299 402871