Instructionsfor Application for Section106 Review

NevadaState Historic Preservation Office

Section I: General Information

a. Pleaseprovide thenameofyour project.

b. Providethe street address ofyour project ifapplicable. If no street addressexists, pleaseleavethis blank. Pleaseincludethe Assessor’s Parcel Number for theproperty on which this project is located.

c. Pleaseprovide thecountyorcounties in which this project will takeplace.

d. Everyproject has afederal funding, licensing, orpermittingagency. Include the name, mailing address, and telephonenumberof the contact person at thefederal agencyif known. A federal agencyor federallydelegated authoritycontactishelpful forour review. Projects notreceivingfederal assistance, norrequiringafederal permit or license, arenotsubject to Section 106 review. Ifyou do not knowyour federal agency, please contact thepartyrequiring you to applyfor Section106 review forthis information.

e. Include thename, mailing address, and telephonenumberof thecontact person at the stateagency. If this is agrantprogram,note thename ofthe program (i.e.CDBG, HOME, etc.)

f.Pleaseprovide thename,mailing address, telephonenumber, andemail address of the contact person to whom questions maybedirected.

g. Pleaseprovide amap that clearlyillustratesthe location ofthe project as wellasallof the proposed activities associated with the project. Forinformation about the preparation ofamap, pleasevisit our website compliance/guidelines.html

h. Themap should use aUSGS 7.5 minutequadrangle(1:24000 scale where 1 inch =

2,000 feet)backgroundwiththe location ofthe projectclearlymarked. Provide the name ofthe quadranglemapwhich can be foundon the USGSwebsite.

i.An entirequad map doesnot haveto besubmitted;an 8.5x11 inch sectionofthe map maybesubmitted. Map scales should beno larger than 1:50,000 (1 inch =4,166 feet) and no smaller than 1:10,000 (1 inch =833 feet). Photocopiesof actual quad maps areacceptable as longasthe map and locationare clear. Street maps, platmaps, and satellite imagesarenotacceptablesubstitutes; however,theymaybeincludedas additional information.

j.Township, Range, and Section refer to the PublicLand SurveySystem(PLSS). These arenumbers such as T21N, R2W, Section12 and areoften incorporated into plat assignments at thecountyassessor’s office. Do not putnames oftownships in this

location. Alternatecoordinates, such as UTMs orLatitude/Longitude, maybe submitted in additionto theTownship, Range, andSection.

NOTE:Weneedto havemailing addresses ontheforminorder to provide copies of letters. Ifyouwisha party to receive a copy ofour response, please ensure that themailing addressis includedin Section I.

Section II: Project WorkDescription andArea ofPotential Effects(APE)

a.This is a detailed description of thework that will be undertaken. Include any information about buildingremovals, rehabilitation, and landscape alteration such as sidewalk or treeremovals. TheSHPO is mandated to assess the effects that a project will haveon the historicresources if theyareeligible fortheNational Register of Historic Places.

b.Localized map highlightingthelocation oftheproject (i.e. a copyof a portion plat ora citystreet map). Maps must provide thepreciselocation ofthe project. If the project will occurin several locations (i.e. curb and gutterreplacement at several places alongaroadway),allsuchlocations must be noted. Please ensurethat street/road names areincluded and legible.

c.Draw/Outline/Highlight theAPE foryourproject.

d.Describethesteps taken to identifytheAPEand justifythe boundaries chosen. The APE is defined as thegeographic areaor areas within which an undertakingmay directly, or indirectly, cause changes in thecharacteror useof historicproperties.

In most instances, theAPE is notsimplythe project’s physical boundaries, or right- of-way. TheAPE is influenced bythe scaleand natureof an undertakingand may bedifferent fordifferentkinds of effects caused byan undertaking. In definingthe APE,you must considernot onlyphysical effects butalso visual, auditory,and atmospheric(i.e. land use, trafficpatterns, publicaccess) effects.

Section III:Ground-Disturbing Activity

a. Describethe proposeddimensions of grounddisturbingactivity. Plans and specifications canbeincluded as well. Example: 4 feet wide, 20feet long,2 feet deep. Pleaseincludeadescriptionof allassociatedactivities (laydown areas;borrow pits, access roads, etc.)

b. Describetheprevioususe of the land. Was itfarm land, an industrial site, a homestead, etc.? Was thereautilitycorridor placed on the property,weresewerand waterlines placed there10years ago,etc.?

c. Describethe current use and condition of theproperty.

d. Ask thelandowner(s)if theyare awareofanyartifacts beingdiscovered on the propertyat anypointin time. Include their description ofitems that havebeen found, if any.

Section IV:IdentificationofHistoric Properties

a. Listand provide construction dates forallresources50years of ageorolderlocated in theAPE. If research has been doneand no approximate date is found, theterm “not found”is acceptable. Ifyour project is located in a National Register eligible, listed orlocal historic district it is not necessarytolist everystructure. Identifythe district and describeitsgeneralcharacteristics andrangeofconstruction dates.

b. A historic propertyisdefined asanyprehistoricor historicdistrict, site, building, structure, orobject that is 50years of ageor olderand is listed in, or eligible for listingin, theNational Register ofHistoric Places. It isyour responsibilityto makea reasonable andgood faith effort to carryout appropriate identification efforts, which mayincludebackgroundresearch, consultation, oral historyinterviews, sample field

investigation, and field survey. Searchingour websiteor theNational Register liston the National Park Servicewebsite willnot identifyproperties eligible forlistingin the National Register, and does not fulfillyour responsibilityto identifyhistoric properties. Staffinglevels, budget constraints, and federal regulationdo not allow SHPOstaff to conduct research for Section 106 complianceactivities.

c. List all resources previously determined eligible for NRHP listing either by another federal agency or during a previous inventory effort.

d. You can locate a list of Certified Local Governments here.

e. Please chooseone. Pleasedescribethe condition, previous disturbanceto and historyof anyhistoric propertylocated in theAPE and identified on sectionIV of this form.

f. Please choose one.

g. Keyidentified historicproperties onto alocalized map. This can bethesamemap that was created in SectionIII.b,c.

Section V: Photographs

Photographs maybe color orblackand white. Printed digital photographsareacceptable provided theyhaveahigh dpi and clearresolution. Photographs must provide clear views(i.e. subject of thephotographshould not be obscured byshadows, trees,cars, or anyothertypeof obstruction) of anyhistoric properties in the project’s areaof potential effects. If submitting a project which is, or maybein, a historic district (especiallyincommercialor residential neighborhoods fifty years of ageor older)pleasesubmit representative streetscapeviews ofthe built environment in theproject’s areaof potential effects to provide theSHPO with an ideaof the architectural context. Remember to keyallphotographs toyour map.

a. Pleasephotograph thelocation wherethe project will be takingplace. Ifthe project covers alargearea, pleaseprovide several views.

b. Pleaseprovide photographs of properties identified inSectionIV.a. Ifthe project is located in aNational Register eligible, listed orlocal historic district it is not necessaryto photographeverystructure. Streetscapephotographs thatclearly illustrate thedistrict aresufficient.

Section VI: DeterminationofEffect

Following a reasonableand good faith effort to identifyhistoric propertieswithin the project’s areaof potentialeffectsprovidethe SHPO withyour findingof theproject’s effect upon historic properties within theproject’s areaof potential effects.

a. Foradetermination of:(1) no historicproperties affected[36 CFR 800.4(d)(1)]in which thereare either nohistoric properties present or no historic propertiesaffected, includethe justification forthis determination.

b. Foradetermination of:no adverse effect[36 CFR§ 800.5(b)]; explain whythe criteria ofadverseeffect [36CFR§ 800.5(a)(1)]werenot foundapplicable and include anyconditions to avoid, minimize, or mitigate adverseeffects. Adverse effects must be resolved in consultation with the SHPO pursuant to 36CFR§ 800.6. Pleaseindicate theefforts undertaken to seek views provided byconsultingparties and the public pursuant to 36CFR§ 800.6(a)(4),and provide copies or summaries of this information to the SHPO.

c. Foradetermination of:adverse effect[36 CFR§ 800.5(d)(2)]; explain whythe criteria ofadverseeffect [36CFR§ 800.5(a)(1)]were found applicable and include anyconditions to avoid, minimize, or mitigate adverseeffects. Adverse effects must beresolved in consultation with theSHPO pursuant to 36CFR§ 800.6. Please indicate the efforts undertaken to seek views provided byconsultingpartiesand the publicpursuant to 36CFR§ 800.6(a)(4),and provide copies orsummariesofthis information to the SHPO.

Questions: Please contact SHPO Staff