Tara N. Gilpin

The United States History course is a two-semester class that offers a survey of American History since the 15th century. This is a College Preparatory course; therefore, emphasis on reading, writing, and study skills useful in college will be emphasized. The class concludes with the End of Course exam (EOCT), which is prepared by the state of Georgia. The EOCT will be administered May 2017.

In addition to course topics, several key themes will be emphasized throughout the year. Themes include society’s beliefs and ideals influence decisions; conflict causes change; culture is a result of traditions and government; values and beliefs combined with current law dictate the distribution of power and goods and services; the actions of individuals, groups, and institutions have intended and unintended consequences; rule of law affects citizen behavior and limits government; and location, movement/immigration and technological innovation affect all aspects of society.

Required Materials:Suggested Materials:

-3” (3 ring) Binder with dividers- Paperback Pocket Dictionary

-Turnitin.com Account- Public Library Card

-Black/Navy Blue Pens - Internet Access

***Students who wish to use the internet at Burke Co. Public Library MUST have a parent complete and sign the designated form at the library.


  • Formative Assessments – 60%
(Writing Assignments, Class work, Quizzes, Homework Assignments)
  • Summative Assessments – 40%
(Unit Exams, Unit Projects, Document Based Essays)

EOCT = 20% of the Final Yearly Average

Grading Scale:

All grades at Burke County High School will be done using a 4-point grading scale. All courses will use this scale to measure the mastery of each state standard.

Letter Grade / Numerical Value
A / 90-100
B / 80-89
C / 70-79
F / Below 70

Course of Study

1st Nine Weeks2nd Nine Weeks

Three Worlds MeetThe Union in Peril

The American Colonies EmergeThe Civil War

The Colonies Come of AgeReconstruction and its Effects

The War of IndependenceChanges on the Western Frontier

Shaping a New NationThe Industrial Age

Balancing Nationalism and SectionalismImmigrants and Urbanization

Reforming American SocietyLife at the Turn of the Century

Expanding Markets and Moving WestThe Progressive Era

3rd Nine Weeks4th Nine Weeks

America Claims an EmpireThe New Frontier and Great Society

The 1st World WarCivil Rights Movement

The Roaring Life of the 1920sThe Vietnam War Years

The Great Depression BeginsAn Era of Social Change

The New DealThe Age of Limits

World War LoomsThe Conservative Resurgence

The United States in Today’s World Review for the EOCT

Class Procedures and Expectations

1)Bring the following to class EVERYDAY: notebook, paper, and pen.

2)You must be in your seat BEFORE the tardy bell rings. This is a school policy that will be strictly enforced. Remain in your seat unless given permission to be up. Raise your hand to be recognized before speaking.

3)NO late work will be accepted, except in extreme circumstances, as determined by the teacher.

4)Make up work will be done on Tuesdays and Thursdays ONLY, after school within 3 days of the absence. Please refer to Bear Facts for school policy. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain missing assignments or information.

5)Plagiarism and cheating (including copying another student’s work) WILL NOT be tolerated. See the BCHS Honor Pledge in reference to this.

6)Respect is the rule, the rule is respect. This includes people, their property, and their opinions. You are expected to be polite, to behave appropriately, and to have a positive attitude.

7)NO eating or drinking in class.

8)TWO restroom passes will be distributed each nine weeks – NO MORE NO LESS! – One of these can be redeemed to drop the lowest grade for the 9 weeks.

9)No sleeping or head on the desk in class.

10)All rules in the student handbook will apply in this class.

1st Offense – Verbal Warning

2nd Offense – In School Detention

3rd Offense – Office Referral

Note: Your success in this class is extremely important to me. If you have difficulty meeting the requirements of the class, please discuss the problem with me as soon as possible. Together we can develop a plan to help you meet the standards as set forth in the course objectives.

Student and Parent Contract

I, the undersigned, have read and understand the requirements, expectations, and work load that I am accepting by taking 11th Grade US History. I realize that this is a college level course, and as such commit to do the work assigned and take charge of my own education.


Instructor: Tara N. GilpinDate


Student’s SignatureParent/Guardian Signature

****This signed syllabus must be returned to Mrs. Gilpin no later than Friday, August 5th.