JULY 16, 2014
Present: Barbara Leclercq, John Burtt, Judy Sheridan, Scott Werner, Sheila Wotring
1. Judy’s Treasurer Report was thorough and encouraging that we are in a healthy financial state.
2. As most of you have probably noticed, the Christopher Drive sign has once again disappeared. Barbara contacted PSNH to see if we could mount a new sign on their light post, but this is not allowed. So we are searching for a sturdier mounting pole on which to place the sign higher, to discourage the sign snatchers. Our signs for the end of Christopher Drive, which clarify the numbering sequence and will be up shortly.
3. When disposing of cardboard boxes, please break them down before putting them in the recycle bin. The recycle bin is emptied once every two weeks and if the boxes are not broken down they take up a lot of space. A smart reminder from Kathy Holland encourages us to use the Sandown Landfill if we are disposing of really large recyclables, like furniture boxes, appliance boxes, etc. The Town of Sandown website provides information on location and hours.
4. John Burtt brought up the need to discuss with Marty Auger the inconsistencies in how
shrubs and trees are trimmed and shaped; this coming week is the scheduled maintenance of our Condo plantings. We appreciate his willingness to contact Marty on this issue.
5. Barbara noted two units whose basement shutters have loosened from the siding;
We will be checking on everyone’s shutters and arrange for best way to reattach.
6. We discussed a series of upcoming repairs, and have recv’d bids from three paving companies for driveway sealing. The step and walkway repairs bids also have come in from three companies, and the request from two owners for repairing and refurbishing some wood, some back deck
and some front entrance issues. Additionally, two owners have greenery issues: dead bushes in one case and an unhealthy tree…..we are also researching how and when is the best time of year for these plantings to be replenished.
7. Judy brought to our attention a recent article in the Tri-Town News in which the
Fire Chief was quoting the law prohibiting the use of grills on decks in multifamily homes; consequently, she will call our insurance carrier for clarification of individual unit’s liability if something backfired (pun intended).We should hear back from our carrier before the next meeting. And Barbara volunteered to call the Fire Chief about this Assoc.
8. The Board approved the request from Ed Beauvais et al. to sheetrock the basement walls,
cover the ceiling, and to donate a dehumidifier to our Clubhouse without spending our reserve.
9. Judy presented a draft of next year’s budget, which we will finalize at our next meeting.
Respectfully submitted, Sheila Wotring, Secretary