Institute of demography


Higher school of economics

Master program


Degree name

«Master of Sociology»

“The XX century turned out to be a time of drastic changes for Russia— social, economic, political, cultural… These changes are hard to enumerate, but one thing is clear: this enumeration will not be complete without mentioning the demographic changes among the key ones.

Demographic changes, probably not as evident as the economic or political ones and therefore tardily recognized, had an effect on the most profound layers of human existence, fundamentally changed the most intimate aspects of human behavior, their attitude to life, procreation, love, death, urged a revision of values, moral norms and perception of the world. They spread across matrimonial, procreative, sexual, family, vital and migratory behavior of people, deeply affected the formation of a new type of personality, human’s intellectual and emotional world, individual life courses.” “Knowledge of demographic patterns is of great practical, applied importance. But applied recommendations are worth little unless they are based on reliable grounds. Demographic processes deserve more scrupulous comprehension than they have nowadays, not only by demographers, but also by sociologists, economists, historians -in short, for all people who study the patterns of the lifein any society.

Anatoly Vishnevsky, PhD, professor, director of theInstitute of Demography of the NationalResearchUniversityHigherSchool of Economics.

Target group of the program

The program is designed for the graduate students of all departments of NRU HSE as well as other universities in Russia and foreign countries (holding a BA, MA or equivalent degrees), regardless of their previous field of studies. Demography is an interdisciplinary science. It has been pushed forward by scientist with various backgrounds (sociologists, mathematicians, economists, political scientists, geographers, historians, epidemiologists etc.)

Program’s features

  • Up to 30% of hours are elective. This means that you can form your own curriculum and choose subjects that suit your academic and professional interests.
  • Around 50% of time is spent on various forms of research activities. Upon admission, NRU HSE immediately engages you in research projects.
  • Our curriculum and course programs satisfy the highest world standards.

Courses we offer

«Demographic History and Demographic Theory»

«Demographic Analysis»

«Demographic models and forecasts»

«Explanatory models and methods of social research»

«Sources of demographic data»

«Health and mortality: current trends and their research»

«Family Forming and fertility: current trends and their research»

«Migration and spatial mobility: current trends and their research»

«Spatial organization of society»

«Sociology of family and gender relations»

«Applied Demography»

«Economic Demography»

«Global Demographic problems»

«Ethnical Demography» and others

Our faculty and lecturers

  • Faculty members of the Department of Demography and the Institute of Demography of NRU HSE –A.Vishnevsky, M.Denisenko, L.Karachurina, S.Zakharov,S.Vasin, E.Kvasha, N.Mkrtchyan, E.Soroko, T.Kharkova, V.Sakevich, O.Isupova, V.Kozlovand others.;
  • Faculty members of other departments and institutes of NRU HSE;
  • Leading scientists from other institutions–Russian Academy of Science, Moscow State University, Independent Institute for Social Policy, New Economic School –– N. Kalmykova, V. Elizarov, O. Chudinovsky, E. Scherbakova, E. Andreevand others.
  • Famous guest lecturers from outside Russia -A.Blum (INED, France), M.Guillot (University of Pennsylvania, USA), V. Shkolonikov (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Germany), M. Tolts (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), S. Ivanov (Unated Nations Population Division).

Prospective careers

  • Federal and municipal government bodies (Ministry of Economic Development, State Duma);
  • Research organizations, universities;
  • Expert commissions and analytical centers;
  • Marketing departments, special marketing agencies and publishing houses («MittelMGU», «Romir», FOM, VTsIOM);
  • International funds and non-governmental organizations (World Bank, «Migration: XXI century»).


The admission is open for the citizens of Russia, ex-USSR republics and foreign citizens holding at least a Bachelor degree (or equivalent) upon successful completion of admission exams:

  • Sociology (written exam);
  • Foreign language (written exam (including listening part)).

A limited number of candidates will be admitted upon successful participation in the academic competition (march), organized in the 28 cites of Russia and CIS (registration is open from December till March at

The studying is possible on the federal financing basis as well as on the fee-paying basis.

Russian citizens can receive determent of military service. Dormitories are available for students from outside Moscow.

Foreign citizens have the same rights as Russiancitizens during admission.

Contact us:

Admission committee of NRU HSU:

Tel.:+007 (495) 771-32-42


Department of Demography:

Tel.:+007(495) 772-95-90*1823or *1824

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