Geoids Musical Theatre Annual General Meeting

The committee of Geoids Musical Theatre invites all members, recent members and interested parties to the Annual General Meeting 2017.

Where:Upstairs at the Mulberry Bush,89 Upper Ground, London, SE1 9PP
When:Friday 19th May 2017 at 6.30pm for a 7pmstart

The meeting will consist of a summary of what the society has achieved over the year, the treasurer’s presentation of the accounts and the election of officer and trustee roles for the coming year and any additional motions submitted by members or the committee. If you are not a current member, you can rejoin at the AGM by paying £15 in cash.

Additional items for the agenda, in the form of a motion, should be emailed to the Secretary by 23:59 on Friday5th May 2017.

Elections to the committee

There are three officer roles: Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. There are places for a maximum 12 other members of the committee, who are also trustees. There will be a proposal on the agenda to enable this number to be varied from time to time and if approved up to 5 members will be elected. You may put yourself forward for more than one role – if elected to a post, your nomination to any other post will be withdrawn. If you have any questions about the process, please email .

To stand for the committee you must follow this process:

1)Download the nomination form.

2)Note which role(s) you’re standing for by deleting/crossing out the others.

3)Find another society member to propose your nomination for the role(s) you are standing for and to sign the form (typed signature are accepted).

4)Sign the form yourself (typed signatures accepted).

5)If you have printed the form, please scan it in. Email the completed form to 23:59 on Friday5th May 2017 along with a statement of up to 150 words in support of your nomination(s) which we will email to members.

IMPORTANT: Both you and your nominator must be paid up members for 2017/18. Memberships for 2016/17 lapsed at the end of March so unless you pay by standing order or have paid as part of auditions/being cast in My Fair Lady, you will need to renew. Our bank details have not changed so you can transfer £15 direct to us. If you need the account details please email Ruth at

Nominations must be received by email by 23:59 on Friday5th May 2017. No nominations will be considered after this date.

If more than one person is nominated for a role, there will be hustings at the AGM with speeches of up to three minutes and opportunities for questions at the discretion of the chair of the meeting.

Current committee:

Nichola Welch (Chair), Ruth Porteous (Treasurer), Will Howells(Secretary), Siobhan Aarons, Angela Hay, Blake Klein, Hannah Parker Smith, Daniel Paul, Ed Steward, Lesley Birch and Giles Burden.

Being on committee is your chance to shape Geoids’overall strategy, which involves deciding our programme of shows, socials and workshops; developing marketing strategies; fulfilling our charitable remit; and supporting the logistics of staging a show. Committee meetings generally take place at someone’s office or house and are normally held on a monthly basis, although there are additional meetings around the time of shows if needed.

If you would like more information about serving as a committee member, current members would be happy to discuss the role and how you can help contribute to the success of the society.

Best wishes,

The Geoids Committee