Distance Education Initiative

Institute for Academic Development/Information Services Secondments

Jon Turner (Institute for Academic Development), Jeff Haywood and Amy Woodgate (Distance Education Initiative Executive, Information Services), Mark Wetton (Technology Enhanced Learning, Information Services)

Version 2, 23rdSeptember 2013

As part of the sustainability and impact strategy of the Distance Education Initiative (DEI) and the University’s ambition for Online Distance Learning (ODL) we propose the creation of a small number of DEI/ODL programme staff secondments to the Institute for Academic Development (IAD) and Information Services – Technology Enhanced Learning Team (IS-TEL) for academic years 2013/14 to 2014/15.

Creation of these secondments will have two key strategic benefits for the University. They will provide a cost effective route for sharing and extending the expertise in Online Distance Learning (ODL) gathered by DEI staff to other parts of the University through the IAD and IS-TEL. They will also provide a way of retaining this expertise in the University while the initial sets of DEI programmes make their transition to a sustainable staffing level beyond the DEI funded period. Funding for the secondments will come from existing IAD secondment and IS budgets.

Secondments would need to have the full agreement and support of the secondee, the Head of School, the Director of the IAD and the Head of IS-TEL based upon a secondment proposal and formal agreement (see appendix 1 for template agreement). The secondments would use the well-established model ofIAD secondments so there would be no change in the contractual status of the member of staff.

Secondment proposals will be linked to IAD/IS-TEL/University ODL objectives and are likely to fall into one or more of the following categories:

  • investigation and support for strategic project development around ODL (including identification of external funding opportunities)
  • direct support (via IAD and IS-TEL) for ODL staff and/or students
  • curriculum development and programme enhancement

Secondments are likely to last for one or two academic years and for the equivalent of one or two days per week, although alternative structures will be considered depending on the secondment proposal and local circumstances. Secondees would be based either in the IAD or the IS-TEL team with a clear remit to work across both areas to further reinforce collaboration and alignment between IAD, IS-TEL and IS special projects.

Appendix 2 provides background information on IAD secondments. The key difference for the scheme proposed here is that there would be a stronger focus on meeting IAD/IS-TEL/University ODL strategic priorities when developing the secondment proposal than is normally the case.

The impact and effectiveness of the scheme will be reviewed in June 2014.

Appendix 1 – IAD/IS-TEL ODLSecondment Agreement Template



Name (secondee)


Dear X

IAD/IS-TEL ODLSecondment Agreement

I am writing to confirm details of your secondment agreement as follows:

Period of Secondment

  • The secondment will be for a period of X years.
  • The secondment will commence on (date) and will terminate without further notice on (date).
  • The secondment will be for X FTE (usually on XXXXX day/days of the week)

Location of the Secondment

The seconded post will be based either at the Institute for Academic Development (IAD) offices at 7 Bristo Square or with the Information Services Technology Enhanced Learning team (IS-TEL), 19 Buccleuch Place. IAD/IS-TEL will provide office space, computing facilities and some administrative support. You will be expected to liaise and work closely with colleagues in both IAD and IS-TEL as part of this secondment.

Details of the Secondment

  • The theme/topic of your secondment will be: (including project title if appropriate).
  • Your key IAD/IS-TEL contact for your secondment will be: (LC or FL nominated by Jon Turner/Mark Wetton)

Contractual position

  • Your contractual arrangements while on secondment are unchanged, with no change in grade or salary.
  • You will continue to be line-managed by XXX (School/Service)
  • Annual leave would be taken proportionately from both secondment and home Centre time
  • [If appropriate.] There will be XXXX funds transferred for this secondment between the School/Service XXXX and the Institute for Academic Development/ Information Services Technology Enhanced Learning team.
  • A formal review of the secondment will take place in XXXX (month, year)

Planned activities while on Secondment

As below (or on separate sheet – can be a substantive proposal/work plan), the secondment aims to carry out the following activities / have the following expected outcomes (usually in this sort of format, some or all of the types of contribution):

  • One or two major projects/activities led by the secondee
  • one or two smaller scale/shorter duration activities where secondee can be part of a team
  • be a key liaison point between IAD and IS-TEL and home School/Service

Return to Substantive Position

You will return to your post of X in the School/Service of X on (date) on the same terms and conditions as applied to you and your post prior to the secondment taking place.

I have enclosed 3 copies of this agreement and would ask that you sign them all and return them to me. I will obtain the other signatures required and thereafter send you a completed copy for your personal records.

If you have any queries regarding this matter please contact me directly on 51 3585.

Yours sincerely

Dr Jon TurnerMark Wetton

Director Head

Institute for Academic DevelopmentTechnology Enhanced Learning Team

Information Services

Secondment Agreement Signatures


X (Secondee)


X (Head of School/Service for Secondee)


Dr Jon Turner, Director, Institute for Academic Development


Mark Wetton, Director, Technology Enhanced Learning Team, Information Services


Appendix 2 - Background information on IAD secondments

The standard IAD approach to organising and supporting secondments is flexible. We are keen to work with Heads of Schools or other senior staff and/or College committees, Deans etc to identify secondments (topics and people) that help to address a specific local priority. An IAD secondment can then provide time, space and a suitable environment for a colleague to do some in-depth work on this topic. The base within the IAD also helps make links for the secondee with other parts of the University and provides the means by which their work can be disseminated more broadly. Having a formal secondment agreement helps provide a structure for the secondment, spelling out its aims and how it will be supported and reviewed.

Different secondments have had a different focus, covering one or more of the following: pedagogic research, curriculum development, staff support, student experience or learning support, links to strategic initiatives or priorities. The topic and approach is something that is decided on a case by case basis.

Most secondees spend 1 or 2 days per week for one or two years based with us in the IAD although this is flexible and we have had success with other levels and periods of time commitment. Usually, once a suitable colleague and topic has been identified the biggest challenge is in fitting the secondment in with other commitments and activities, for the School and individual. Sometimes this needs secondments to be planned well in advance and we can build flexibility into the agreement (e.g. to accommodate times of very heavy teaching commitments). We (IAD) also have some funding available that can be used to help with this challenge (e.g. to contribute to additional staff cover or other costs - whatever makes sense on a case by case basis). There could also be some overlap between secondments and a teaching-focussed sabbatical. We are also happy to discuss the potential for using the IAD as a base for sabbaticals.

Further information on IAD secondments, including examples of current and past secondments is on the IAD website at <