Humble ISD Units of Study3rd Grade ELAR/1stThree Weeks Suggested Pacing Guide

Unit Title / Learning Outcomes (I Can…) / TEKS / Ongoing
Learning Outcomes (I Can…) / Available
  • Self-Monitoring and Self-Correcting Strategies
  • Comprehension
  • Fluency
  • Independent Reading
  • Discussing Books
  • Word-Solving Actions
  • Word Structure
  • Vocabulary
  • Letter Knowledge-
Relationships (Spelling, Phonics Patterns) /
  • Self-Monitor my reading to check understanding (stop, think, react), making corrections and adjustments when understanding breaks down (fix-up strategies)
  • Explain how monitoring helps me as a reader
  • Establish a purpose for reading and preview text
  • Predict outcomes, events, or actions that are confirmed or contradicted
  • Read aloud grade-level appropriate text with fluency (rate, accuracy, expression, appropriate phrasing) and comprehension
  • Make appropriate choices for independent reading and articulate why I made my choice
  • Read at expected instructional level (DRA 28-30)
  • Demonstrate the expectations for independent reading workshop time
  • Read for increasing periods of time (Humble ISD EOY expectation is 30 minutes of purposeful continuous reading)
  • Produce evidence of the texts read (e.g., generate a reading log or journal)
  • Listen to and participate in teacher-led discussions by providing suggestions that build upon the ideas of others
  • Use known words to monitor reading
  • Identify, read and write contractions (extend from 2nd grade)
  • Use and apply knowledge of letter sounds, word parts, word segmentation, and syllabication to read and spell words (extend from 2nd grade) (closed syllable, vowel digraphs/diphthongs)
  • Spell high-frequency and compound words from a commonly used list
/ Fig. 19 C, 2C
31A, 30A
24A, 1Bi,v
24C / Published Resources
  • Strategies That Work by Harvey & Goudvis
  • The Comprehension Toolkit – Grades 3-6 by Harvey & Goudvis
  • Lessons in Comprehension by Serafini
  • Guiding Readers and Writers Grades 3-6 by Fountas & Pinnell
  • Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency by Fountas & Pinnell
  • Words Their Way by Bear,
et al
  • The Fluent Reader by Rasinski
  • Making the Most of Small Group Instruction by Diller
  • Comprehension Strategies Kit
  • The Continuum of Literacy Learning by Fountas & Pinnell

HISD Resources and Links
  • Independent Reading: The First Days of Teaching
  • High-Frequency Words – Fry List (1-300)
  • Compound Words List
  • Humble ISD ELAR Dept. Website/Prof. Resources/
On-Line Resources
  • HILS Components

09/09- 1 -I:\Docs_and_Records\CURRIC\READING\UNITS OF STUDY\Sug Pacing Guides\Grade 3\Grade 3 All.doc

Humble ISD Units of Study3RDGrade ELAR/2ndThree WeeksSuggested Pacing Guide

Unit Title / Learning Outcomes (I Can…) / TEKS / Ongoing
Learning Outcomes (I Can…) / Available
  • Schema (Making Connections-Activate and Connect)
  • Comprehension
  • Fluency
  • Independent Reading
  • Discussing Books
  • Word-Solving Actions
  • Word Structure
  • Vocabulary
  • Letter Knowledge-
Relationships (Spelling, PhonicsPatterns) /
  • Use my prior knowledge (schema) to help me make connections to what I am reading (before, during, and after)
  • Make meaningful connections to myself (text to self); to what I know about the world (text to world); and to what I have learned from other text (text to text)
  • Recognize that prior knowledge may be inaccurate and revise thinking accordingly
  • Respond to new learning and merge it with my prior knowledge
  • Develop schema for authors, text structures, and genres
  • Explain how using schema helps me as a reader.
  • Identify and sequence the plot’s main events.
  • Draw a conclusion based on facts or details in a text and support those assertions with textual evidence
  • Develop reading goals for myself during independent reading time
  • Respond to various texts in ways (oral and written) that reflect my understanding and interpretation and can be supported with relevant aspects of the text
  • Listen to and participate in teacher and student-led discussions by providing suggestions that build upon the ideas of others
  • Read for a sustained period of time and paraphrase what the reading was, maintaining meaning and logical order (e.g., generate a reading log or journal; participate in book talks)
  • Use and apply knowledge of letter sounds, word parts, word segmentation, and syllabication to read and spell words (extend from 2nd grade)
(r-controlled vowels)
  • Spell single syllable homophones
  • Use and apply knowledge of common spelling patterns (e.g., -eigh; -ought)
/ Fig, 19F
31A, 30A
1C / In reading, a variety of genres (different forms of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry) and instruction on their distinguishing features should be provided each three-weeks. Previously taught comprehension strategies and skills should continue to be refined and reinforced after instruction has been given.
  • Read aloud grade-level appropriate text with fluency (rate, accuracy, expression, appropriate phrasing) and comprehension (3A)
  • Read at expected instructional level (DRA 28-30) (3A)
  • Use known words to monitor reading (1E)
  • Spell high-frequency and compound words from a commonly used list (24C)
/ Published Resources
  • Strategies That Work by Harvey & Goudvis
  • The Comprehension Toolkit – Grades 3-6 by Harvey & Goudvis
  • Lessons in Comprehension by Serafini
  • Guiding Readers and Writers Grades 3-6 by Fountas & Pinnell
  • Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency by Fountas & Pinnell
  • Words Their Way by Bear,
et al
  • The Fluent Reader by Rasinski
  • Making the Most of Small Group Instruction by Diller
  • Comprehension Strategies Kit
  • The Continuum of Literacy Learning by Fountas & Pinnell

HISD Resources and Links
  • Single syllable homophone list
  • High-Frequency Words – Fry List (1-300)
  • Compound Words List
  • Humble ISD ELAR Dept. Website/Prof. Resources/
On-Line Resources
  • HILS Components

09/09- 1 -I:\Docs_and_Records\CURRIC\READING\UNITS OF STUDY\Sug Pacing Guides\Grade 3\Grade 3 All.doc

Humble ISD Units of Study3rdGrade ELAR/3rdThree Weeks Suggested Pacing Guide

Unit Title / Learning Outcomes (I Can…) / TEKS / Ongoing
Learning Outcomes (I Can…) / Available
  • Questioning
  • Comprehension
  • Fluency
  • Independent Reading
  • Discussing Books
  • Word-Solving Actions
  • Word Structure
  • Vocabulary
  • Letter Knowledge-
Relationships (Spelling, Phonics Patterns) /
  • Ask relevant questions (before, during, and after reading) to learn new information, to clarify confusion, and to understand the text
  • Ask relevant questions to locate facts and details.
  • Stop and notice when my questions are answered with evidence from text
  • Explain how using questioning helps me as a reader.
  • Summarize the plot’s main events and explain their influence on future events
  • Identify major and minor characters and whether they are static or dynamic
  • Describe the interaction of characters including their relationships and the changes they undergo
  • Use multiple sources, including print such as an encyclopedia, technology, and experts, to locate information that addresses questions
  • Participate in student-led discussions by posing questions with appropriate detail
  • Respond to various texts in ways (oral and written) that reflect my understanding and interpretation and can be supported with relevant aspects of the text
  • Read for a sustained period of time and paraphrase what the reading was, maintaining meaning and logical order (e.g., generate a reading log or journal; participate in book talks)
  • Use and apply knowledge of letter sounds, word parts, word segmentation, and syllabication to read and spell words (extend from 2nd grade) (open syllable CV; final stable syllable)
  • Use and apply knowledge more advanced spelling patterns and rules (e.g., ou as in could, touch, through, bought)
  • Spell complex contractions (e.g., should’ve, won’t)
  • Identify and use antonyms, synonyms, homographs, and homophones
/ Fig. 19B
31A, 30A
4C / In reading, a variety of genres (different forms of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry) and instruction on their distinguishing features should be provided each three-weeks. Previously taught comprehension strategies and skills should continue to be refined and reinforced after instruction has been given.
  • Read aloud grade-level appropriate text with fluency (rate, accuracy, expression, appropriate phrasing) and comprehension (3A)
  • Read at expected instructional level (DRA 28-30) (3A)
  • Use known words to monitor reading (1E)
  • Spell high-frequency and compound words from a commonly used list (24C)
/ Published Resources
  • Strategies That Work by Harvey & Goudvis
  • The Comprehension Toolkit – Grades 3-6 by Harvey & Goudvis
  • Lessons in Comprehension by Serafini
  • Guiding Readers and Writers Grades 3-6 by Fountas & Pinnell
  • Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency by Fountas & Pinnell
  • Words Their Way by Bear,
et al
  • The Fluent Reader by Rasinski
  • Making the Most of Small Group Instruction by Diller
  • Comprehension Strategies Kit
  • The Continuum of Literacy Learning by Fountas & Pinnell

HISD Resources and Links
  • Single syllable homophone list
  • High-Frequency Words – Fry List (1-300)
  • Compound Words List
  • Humble ISD ELAR Dept. Website/Prof. Resources/
On-Line Resources
  • HILS Components

09/09- 1 -I:\Docs_and_Records\CURRIC\READING\UNITS OF STUDY\Sug Pacing Guides\Grade 3\Grade 3 All.doc

Humble ISD Units of Study3RDGrade ELAR/4thThree Weeks Suggested Pacing Guide

Unit Title / Learning Outcomes (I Can…) / TEKS / Ongoing
Learning Outcomes (I Can…) / Available
  • Visualizing (Creating Mental Images)
  • Comprehension
  • Fluency
  • Independent Reading
  • Discussing Books
  • Word-Solving Actions
  • Word Structure
  • Vocabulary
  • Letter Knowledge-
Relationships (Spelling, Phonics Patterns) /
  • Use the text and my prior knowledge to create a picture in my mind of what I am reading
  • Identify language that creates a graphic, visual experience and appeals to the senses
  • Describe the characteristics of various forms of poetry and how they create imagery (e.g., narrative, lyrical, humorous, free verse)
  • Adapt and revise my mental images to incorporate new information in the text and new interpretations I develop
  • Follow and remember multiple events in a story, often involving the stories of multiple characters to understand the plot
  • Visualize to recall information to sequence and summarize the main events of a story or text
  • Explain how visualizing helps me as a reader
  • Monitor and adjust comprehension creating sensory images
  • Read at expected instructional level (DRA 30-34)
  • Respond to various texts in ways (oral and written) that reflect my understanding and interpretation and can be supported with relevant aspects of the text
  • Read for a sustained period of time and paraphrase what the reading was, maintaining meaning and logical order (e.g., generate a reading log or journal; participate in book talks)
  • Use and apply knowledge more advanced spelling patterns and rules (complex consonants)
  • Spell words with common syllable constructions
  • Identify problem at word, sentence, or schema levels; uses a variety of strategies flexibly and appropriately
  • Alphabetize a series of words to the third letter and use a dictionary or a glossary to determine the meaning, syllabication, and pronunciation of unknown words
  • Identify and apply playful uses of language (e.g. tongue twisters, palindromes, riddles)
/ Fig. 19C, 6A
Fig. 19C, 6A
Fig. 19C, 6A
Fig. 19C
Fig. 19C
4D / In reading, a variety of genres (different forms of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry) and instruction on their distinguishing features should be provided each three-weeks. Previously taught comprehension strategies and skills should continue to be refined and reinforced after instruction has been given.
  • Read aloud grade-level appropriate text with fluency (rate, accuracy, expression, appropriate phrasing) and comprehension (3A)
  • Listen to and participate in teacher and student-led discussions by providing suggestions that build upon the ideas of others with greater complexity (31A, 30A)
  • Spell high-frequency and compound words from a commonly used list (24C)
/ Published Resources
  • Strategies That Work by Harvey & Goudvis
  • The Comprehension Toolkit – Grades 3-6 by Harvey & Goudvis
  • Lessons in Comprehension by Serafini
  • Guiding Readers and Writers Grades 3-6 by Fountas & Pinnell
  • Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency by Fountas & Pinnell
  • Words Their Way by Bear,
et al
  • The Fluent Reader by Rasinski
  • Making the Most of Small Group Instruction by Diller
  • Comprehension Strategies Kit
  • The Continuum of Literacy Learning by Fountas & Pinnell

HISD Resources and Links
  • Single syllable homophone list
  • High-Frequency Words – Fry List (1-300)
  • Compound Words List
  • Humble ISD ELAR Dept. Website/Prof. Resources/
On-Line Resources
  • HILS Components

09/09- 1 -I:\Docs_and_Records\CURRIC\READING\UNITS OF STUDY\Sug Pacing Guides\Grade 3\Grade 3 All.doc

Humble ISD Units of Study3rdGrade ELAR/5th–7thThree Weeks/Page 1 of 2 Suggested Pacing Guide

Unit Title / Learning Outcomes (I Can…) / TEKS / Ongoing
Learning Outcomes (I Can…) / Available
  • Inferring
  • Comprehension
  • Fluency
  • Use my prior knowledge (schema) and clues in the text to come up with an idea or an answer to my question that is not explicitly stated by the author or in the text
  • Use my prior knowledge and textual clues to draw conclusions and form unique interpretations of the text
  • Infer to surface the big ideas and themes supported by evidence from the text
  • Paraphrase the themes and supporting details of fables, legends, myths or stories
  • Use the context to infer the meaning of unfamiliar words and concepts or distinguish among multiple meaning words and homographs
  • Identify what happens (effect) and why it happens (cause) when it is explicitly stated in text and infer the cause and effect when it is not explicitly stated
  • Infer characters’ feelings and emotions from descriptions, what they do or say, and what others think about them
  • Hypothesize the significance of the setting in influencing characters’ decisions and attitudes in literary texts
  • Explain how inferring helps me as a reader
  • Compare & contrast the setting in myths and traditional folktales
  • Explain the elements of plot and character as presented through dialogue in scripts that are read, viewed, written, or performed
/ Fig, 19D
Fig. 19D
7A / In reading, a variety of genres (different forms of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry) and instruction on their distinguishing features should be provided each three-weeks. Previously taught comprehension strategies and skills should continue to be refined and reinforced after instruction has been given.
  • Read aloud grade-level appropriate text with fluency (rate, accuracy, expression, appropriate phrasing) and comprehension (3A)
/ Published Resources
  • Strategies That Work by Harvey & Goudvis
  • The Comprehension Toolkit – Grades 3-6 by Harvey & Goudvis
  • Lessons in Comprehension by Serafini
  • Guiding Readers and Writers Grades 3-6 by Fountas & Pinnell
  • Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency by Fountas & Pinnell
  • Words Their Way by Bear,
et al
  • The Fluent Reader by Rasinski
  • Making the Most of Small Group Instruction by Diller
  • Comprehension Strategies Kit
  • The Continuum of Literacy Learning by Fountas & Pinnell

HISD Resources and Links
  • Single syllable homophone list
  • High-Frequency Words – Fry List (1-300)
  • Compound Words List
  • Humble ISD ELAR Dept. Website/Prof. Resources/
On-Line Resources
  • HILS Components

09/09- 1 -I:\Docs_and_Records\CURRIC\READING\UNITS OF STUDY\Sug Pacing Guides\Grade 3\Grade 3 All.doc

Humble ISD Units of Study3rdGrade ELAR/5th-7thThree Weeks/Page 2 of 2 Suggested Pacing Guide

Unit Title / Learning Outcomes (I Can…) / TEKS / Ongoing
Learning Outcomes (I Can…) / Available
  • Independent Reading
  • Discussing Books
  • Word-Solving Actions
  • Word Structure
  • Vocabulary
  • Letter Knowledge-
Relationships (Spelling, Phonics Patterns) /
  • Respond to various texts in ways (oral and written) that reflect my understanding and interpretation and can be supported with relevant aspects of the text
  • Read for a sustained period of time and paraphrase what the reading was, maintaining meaning and logical order (e.g., generate a reading log or journal; participate in book talks)
  • Use and apply knowledge of more advanced spelling patterns and rules (double consonants in middle of words)
  • Use syllables and doubling final consonants when adding an ending as a cueing source in reading to decode words in context and independent of context
  • Identify the meaning of common prefixes (e.g., in-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -full, -less), and know how they change the meaning of roots
/ 20C
4A /
  • Listen to and participate in teacher and student-led discussions by providing suggestions that build upon the ideas of others with greater complexity (31A, 30A)
  • Read at expected instructional level (DRA 30-34) (3A)
  • Spell high-frequency and compound words from a commonly used list (24C)
  • Identify problem at word, sentence, or schema levels; uses a variety of strategies flexibly and appropriately (1E)
/ Published Resources
  • Strategies That Work by Harvey & Goudvis
  • The Comprehension Toolkit – Grades 3-6 by Harvey & Goudvis
  • Lessons in Comprehension by Serafini
  • Guiding Readers and Writers Grades 3-6 by Fountas & Pinnell
  • Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency by Fountas & Pinnell
  • Words Their Way by Bear,
et al
  • The Fluent Reader by Rasinski
  • Making the Most of Small Group Instruction by Diller
  • Comprehension Strategies Kit
  • The Continuum of Literacy Learning by Fountas & Pinnell

HISD Resources and Links
  • Single syllable homophone list
  • High-Frequency Words – Fry List (1-300)
  • Compound Words List
  • Humble ISD ELAR Dept. Website/Prof. Resources/
On-Line Resources
  • HILS Components

09/09- 1 -I:\Docs_and_Records\CURRIC\READING\UNITS OF STUDY\Sug Pacing Guides\Grade 3\Grade 3 All.doc

Humble ISD Units of Study3rdGrade ELAR/8thThree Weeks/Page 1 of 2 Suggested Pacing Guide

Unit Title / Learning Outcomes (I Can…) / TEKS / Ongoing
Learning Outcomes (I Can…) / Available
  • Determining Importance
  • Comprehension
  • Fluency
  • Identify the topic and locate author’s stated purpose in writing the text
  • Identify and recognize what the author is trying to persuade the reader to think or do
  • Recognize that there is sometimes a difference between what the reader thinks is important and what the author is trying to convey
  • Draw conclusions from the facts presented in text and support those assertions with textual evidence
  • Notice how the author has organized an informational text (categories and subcategories, sequence, and others)
  • Use text features (e.g.. bold print, captions, key words, italics) to locate information and make and verify predictions about contents of text
  • Distinguish important ideas from unimportant information in order to identify key ideas or themes as I read (Does the detail matter? Does it impact the story?)
  • Understand how to glean and use information to locate and use specific information in graphic features of text
  • Follow and explain a set of written multi-step directions
  • Explain the difference in point of view between a biography and autobiography
  • Identify whether the narrator or speaker of a story is first or third person
/ 12A
12A, 14A
Fig. 19E, 13A
8C / In reading, a variety of genres (different forms of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry) and instruction on their distinguishing features should be provided each three-weeks. Previously taught comprehension strategies and skills should continue to be refined and reinforced after instruction has been given.
  • Read aloud grade-level appropriate text with fluency (rate, accuracy, expression, appropriate phrasing) and comprehension (3A)
/ Published Resources
  • Strategies That Work by Harvey & Goudvis
  • The Comprehension Toolkit – Grades 3-6 by Harvey & Goudvis
  • Lessons in Comprehension by Serafini
  • Guiding Readers and Writers Grades 3-6 by Fountas & Pinnell
  • Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency by Fountas & Pinnell
  • Words Their Way by Bear,
et al
  • The Fluent Reader by Rasinski
  • Making the Most of Small Group Instruction by Diller
  • Comprehension Strategies Kit
  • The Continuum of Literacy Learning by Fountas & Pinnell

HISD Resources and Links
  • Single syllable homophone list
  • High-Frequency Words – Fry List (1-300)
  • Compound Words List
  • Humble ISD ELAR Dept. Website/Prof. Resources/
On-Line Resources
  • HILS Components

09/09- 1 -I:\Docs_and_Records\CURRIC\READING\UNITS OF STUDY\Sug Pacing Guides\Grade 3\Grade 3 All.doc