Installing Frequency Finder (Run-time version)
Version 2016.xx
September 2016
Table of Contents
Chapter 1Introduction
Chapter 2Installing Frequency Finderfor the first time
Chapter 3Installing Frequency Finder when a previous version has been installed
Chapter 4General comments
1.1This manual provides guidance for installing the runtime version of Frequency Finder. The User Manual for Frequency Finder is installed together with Frequency Finder in the folder C:/FrequencyFinder on your computer. Frequency Finder has been developed with FileMaker 13 Pro Advanced.
Note: Do not change the folder where Frequency Finder is being installed since some of the functionality of Frequency Finder may not be available and gives “unexpected results” in some cases.
1.2The runtime version as distributed requires a username and password. The runtime version is distributed with the User Name: User and no password is required.
1.3The runtime version is distributed for use by ICAO Contracting States and certain aeronautical entities such as Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSP’s).
1.4 In the runtime version certain Administrator privileges that come with FileMaker are disabled.
1.5.Currently Frequency Finder can be downloaded from the website of the Frequency Spectrum and Management Panel which is placed on the ICAO website:
Select from the Home Page of the FSMP panel “Documents/FrequencyFinder” and download the zip-file FF2016.x.R where x is the most recent version number of Frequency Finder. This folder also includes other documents relevant to the installation and use of Frequency Finder.
1.6Frequency Finderhas been tested with Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit) with the latest Service Packs installed. (Windows) Administrator rights may need to be enabled on some computers to install and use Frequency Finder.
2Installing Frequency Finder for the first time
2.1Installing Frequency Finder
2.1.1The runtime version is distributed with the installer file FFxxxx.yy.R.exe(where xxxx.yy is the version number) and is normally distributed embedded in a .zip file. The installer installs the runtime version of Frequency Finder in the folder “C:/FrequencyFinder” on the C:/ drive. Frequency Finder can be downloaded from the website of the Frequency Spectrum and Management Panel as described in paragraph 1.5 above.
Note: Do not change the folder where Frequency Finder is being installed since some of the functionality of Frequency Finder may not be available and gives “unexpected results” in some cases. setup-wizard installs the folder FrequencyFinder and the necessary sub-folders on the C:/ drive of your computer. In the folder FrequencyFinder the User Manual is placed.
2.2Installing Frequency Finder with the setup-wizard
2.3.1To start installing the runtime version of Frequency Finder click the file FF.xxxx.yy.R.exe that was distributed (or downloaded from the FWMP website) and extracted from the zip file. The setup wizard opens with the window Welcome to the Setup Wizard for the Runtime version of Frequency Finder:
During the installing of Frequency Finder the user is invited to create a desktop icon.
Creating a desktop icon facilitates access to Frequency Finder.
Frequency Finder can also be started with the file FF.exe which is placed on the C:\drive in the folder Frequency Finder FF.
2.3.2The setup wizard finishes with inviting the user to open Frequency Finder.
When opening Frequency Finder, the dialog box Open “Frequency Finder” is displayed:
In this dialog box the user name is set to the Windows name of your computer.
To open Frequency Finder, you need to change the account name into “User”; no password is required.
Frequency Finder opens with the Start page from where the system VHF COM should be selected.
Note: Other modules on the Start page are currently being developed.
Chapter 3Installing Frequency Finder when a previous version has been installed
3.1When upgrading to a new version of Frequency Finder, it is recommended that the current version is removed from your computer before the new version is being installed.
3.2The following three methods are available to uninstall Frequency Finder:
a)Through the add/remove program window in the Control Panel
Click Start Control Panel Programs Uninstall a program Go to Frequency Finder version XX and uninstall)
b)Go to the folder Frequency Finder on the C:/ drive:
Click Start Computer Local Disk (C:) select the folder FrequencyFinder and click the file uninst000.exe
c)Click Start Select All ProgramsSelect program group Frequency Finder Click the icon Uninstall Frequency Finder.
Note: Before uninstalling Frequency Finder first create a backup of the local COM list as well as the Table Historical as described in §4.4.3 of the User Manual. When uninstalling Frequency Finder empty subfolders in the folder C:/FrequencyFinder. In folders that contain data (e.g. in the folder “Backup”) the existing data is kept in these folders.
3.3When installing a new version of Frequency Finder, the previous version is over-written with the new version. Before upgrading to a new version of Frequency Finder it is recommended to create a copy of the program in case the (old) version includes data that you would not like to lose. This can be achieved by copying the whole of the folder FF in the folder C/:FrequencyFinder
3.4Frequency Finder is added to the list of installed program in the Control Panel of Windows. Unless Frequency Finder is uninstalled as described in § 3.2, previous versions of Frequency Finder are not removed from this list. You can delete these as described in § 3.2 sub a).
4General comments
4.1Frequency Finder is typically distributed with databases (COM list 3, Safire Polygons and ICAO FIR Polygons) incorporated. These databases are downloaded in Frequency Finder at the time of creating the runtime version.
Consequently users may be required, when opening a new version of Frequency Finder for the first time, to perform a new download synchronization.
4.2Any draft frequency assignment in the COM list 3 or any entry in the table historical can be recovered from the back-up of the databases you have made from the previous version before you installed the new version. Such recovery is described in paragraphs 4.4 and in the User Manual.
4.3During the setup of Frequency Finder the folder FrequencyFinder is created on the C:/ drive of your computer. In the folder the following subfolders are created:
- Addresses
- Backup
- FF (includes the runtime version of Frequency Finder)
- kmlfiles
- Save documentation
- Save Excel
- Save FMP
- Save PDF
4.3.1These folders contain data necessary for the proper functioning of Frequency Finder and are used to save back-up copies of the COM list as well as for the export of the COM list 3 in Excel and FileMaker. In the folder Frequency Finder the program Frequency Finder is placed in the folder FF and Frequency Finder can be started with the file FF.exe in this folder.
4.3.2The folder FrequencyFinder also includes some manuals necessary for using Frequency Finder.
The file unins000.exe in the folder FrequencyFinder can be used to uninstall Frequency Finder.
5.Google Earth
5.1Frequency Finderrequires the use of Google Earth. Google Earth is freely available from the Google Earth website. When Frequency Finder starts, Google Earth starts automatically. Some users may need access to administrator rights to install Google Earth
5.2Google Earth requires a screen resolution of at least 1024x768 to be viewed properly. Google Earth may run with a lower screen resolution but the layout, the use of Google Earth and the display of information that is generated by Frequency Finder may not be optimized.
5.3The following settings in Google Earth are recommended:
Tools Options Navigation set Fly-To Speed to Fast
Tools Options General click KML Error Handling: Silently accept all unrecognized data.
Tools Options Navigation Click “Do not automatically tilt while zooming”
6 Creating the runtime version.
To create a runtime version of Frequency Finder do the following:
a)Open FileMaker Pro 13 Advanced
b)Click menu Tools Developer utilities
c)Click ADDand select the filesused in Frequency Finder
These are: FF-ICAOFIR.fmp12
Frequency Finder.fmp12 (set as primary file)
ICAO Contractring States.fmp12
d)Create project folder FF
e)In the window Specify Solution Options
Click Create Runtime Solution Applications
Set Runtime name: FF
f)Before creating a runtime solution remove admin access for all files selected under c). Before doing, copy these files and remove admin access from these copies before adding them to the Developing Utilities.
g)Closing splash screen: No action
h)Custom Image: Not specified
i)Delay: 2 seconds
Click Create
InstallRuntime.docx114 January 2019