Gateway Engineering Education CoalitionConferencing Services Instuctions Ver. 1.0


For Gateway Engineering Education Coalition Participants Only

Installing & Configuring

Microsoft NetMeeting

For Use With




Gateway Engineering Education Coalition


For Gateway Engineering Education Coalition Participants Only

Table of Contents

Section 1: Installing & Configuring a New MS NetMeeting 3

Downloading MS NetMeeting Installer 3

Running Installer 3

Running NetMeeting for the First Time 3

Using NetMeeting 8

Displaying Other Users 9

Making a Call 9

Quick Tips 10

Section 2: Configuring a Previously Installed Copy of NetMeeting 11

Section 3: Getting Help 13

Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Installing & Configuring Microsoft NetMeeting

For use with Gateway Conferencing Services

SECTION 1: Installing & Configuring a new MS NetMeeting

Step 1: Downloading MS NetMeeting installer application.

You can obtain the installer application (File name: nm211.exe) from the Gateway Coalition Web Site ( or by directly visiting Microsoft Homepage (

Step 2: Running the installer obtained in Step 1 by double clicking on the nm211.exe.

After running the installer follow with the following steps and answer the questions posed by the installation wizard:

Click 'Yes' to the terms of license agreement

Wait for progress

Click 'OK' to the location of the installation directory. Also please note that the installer will automatically put a shortcut of NetMeeting into your Star Menu > Programs > Accessories > Communications folder.

Click 'OK' to the information box indicating successful completion of installation

Click 'Yes' in order to restart your computer

Wait while your computer restarts. After it finishes the restart process, continue with Step 3.

Step 3: Running MS NetMeeting for the first time.

Start MS NetMeeting for the first time by clicking on the 'Start' Menu, then 'Programs', 'Accessories', 'Communications', and selecting 'NetMeeting'. Once the application starts it will initially run the setup wizard. Answer the questions posed by the setup wizard

Click 'Next' in the initial step which informs you of NetMeeting features

In the following step make sure the check box next to 'Log on to a directory server when NetMeeting starts.' is selected. Change the directory server name inside the text box titled 'Which directory server you would like to use?' from '' to ' Then click 'Next'.

The next step inquires about your personal information. Please fill out all the information requested and once finished click 'Next'

In the next step please select 'For business use' and click 'Next'

The next step is selecting the network connection speed. If you are within a campus or a office local area network (i.e. Connected with Ethernet), or have the luxury to afford a high speed network connection elsewhere, select 'Local Area Network' and click 'Next'. If you are using your computer at home and/or using a modem to connect to your Internet Service Provider (ISP) facilities to access the Internet, select the choice appropriate to your modem. If you are unsure as to which speed to use, please contact your system administrator or your ISP.

Now you have completed the initial setting and will proceed to 'Audio Tuning Wizard' to setup your audio settings. Click 'Next' to continue. Establishing the audio settings requires you to have an active microphone, either an external one plugged into the microphone or audio input port of your computer or a microphone already built into your computer. You will also need either headphones or speakers attached to the audio output of your computer. Best performance is obtained with an external microphone and headphones.

The first step of the 'Audio Tuning Wizard' is to select the wave device for audio. If there are selections already in place, click 'Next', otherwise choose the 'Recording' and 'Playback' devices from both dropdown menus, and then click 'Next'. Please note that the selections shown in the figure above are just samples and your machine may in fact use completely different devices. Please consult your hardware manufacturer for further assistance if you experience any difficulty selecting the appropriate devices.

The second step of the 'Audio Tuning Wizard' is to test and adjust the audio playback. To proceed, click 'Test' and adjust your sound volume. Please note that at this stage of the setup, you must make sure that you have earphones or speakers connected to your computer. If you are unsuccessful in hearing the test sound make the necessary adjustments, such as adjusting the volume, making sure your speakers are turned on and plugged in etc. Once you adjust these, try again by clicking 'Test' and when finished click 'Next'.

The second step of the 'Audio Tuning Wizard' is to test and adjust the audio recording volume. For this part of the setup, make sure that you have propoerly plugged in your microphone. Follow the on screen instructions and once finished click 'Next' to proceed.

Click 'Finish' to complete the initial setup and start using NetMeeting.

Step 4: Using NetMeeting.

After running the installer, and initial setup wizard, you are now ready to start using NetMeeting. At this point, you will see a window on your screen similar to the figure below, except that your name, plus anyone else who is logged on, will also appear..

You can confirm that you are connected to the Gateway Coalition directory server by looking at the status, which will say 'Logged on to at the bottom of the program window. (See figure on previous page)

Step 5: Displaying users currently connected to the directory server.

You can find out other users connected to the Gateway Coalition directory server by clicking on the 'Directory' icon on the left side of the program window. (See figure on previous page) Once you click on 'Directory', you will see all others actively connected, and their connection status.

Step 6: Making a call.

Once you locate a user you would like to call, you can initiate this by double clicking on the user's name. This will display a window on their screen informing them of your call request. Once they accept the call, you are now in a conference and could perform one or more of the following means of communication:

Audio (If available at either party)

Video (If available at either party)

Whiteboard Sharing

Application sharing

In order to find out more on how to use these features, please refer to the help facility inside MS NetMeeting

Quick Tip

If you would like NetMeeting to start running in the background everytime you log onto MS Windows, and monitor incoming calls make sure the option indicated below is selected. You can get to the preferences and options under: 'Tools' Menu, then 'Options'.

This option places a small icon in the Task bar, next to your clock, with the NetMeeting logo. In addition to listening for incoming calls and automatically login into the server for you, when double clicked, it conveniently opens up NetMeeting.

SECTION 2: Configuring a Previously Installer Copy of NetMeeting

If you already have MS NetMeeting installed on your computer you do not need to re-install NetMeeting, but simply configure settings to use your current NetMeeting installation to access Gateway Directory Server. In order to configure your installation, please follow the steps below:

  1. Confirm You Have NetMeeting: The first step is to make sure you have a copy on Net Meeting installed on your computer. Based on the version, NetMeeting would typically be installed in one of two possible places. Either under Start Menu>Programs>Accessories>Communication>NetMeeting, or Start Menu>Programs>NetMeeting>NetMeeting.
  1. Find Out Version of Your NetMeeting: The second step after you start NetMeeting is to find out what version of NetMeeting you have. If you have any version less than 2.1, we strongly advise you to start over from Section 1of this document, and install the latest version of NetMeeting. If you have NetMeeting 2.1 or later, you may proceed with Step 3.
  1. Update Your Configuration: In order to use Gateway Conferencing Services you must make sure that your NetMeeting installation is correctly configured. To confirm this, please open the 'Options…' menu item, under 'Tools'. Once the Options window is displayed, you may now review all your settings from tab to tab (See figure below). The critical settings to access Gateway Directory Server are under 'My Information' and 'Calling' tabs. Under 'My Information' tab, please make sure that you have selected 'Business Use' option and that all your personal information is correctly filled out (See 1st figure on next page). Under 'Calling' tab, you must make sure that is entered into the text field titled 'Server Name:' and that 'Log on to the directory server when NetMeeting starts' is checked (See 2nd figure on next page).

  1. Finalizing Setup: Click 'OK' to finalize setup. You are now ready to connect and use Gateway Directory Server and Conferencing Services.

SECTION 3: Getting Help

If you have any questions or comments regarding the installation and setup of MS NetMeeting, please email Gateway Webmaster at . If you have questions regarding the features and functions of NetMeeting, please refer to the help facilities within the application or visit NetMeeting "How-To" guide (see below). If you experience any other difficulties, please seek help from local IT support and/or your manufacturer.

Microsoft NetMeeting "How-To" Guide

The Microsoft "How-To" guide includes common questions on the features of NetMeeting and how to use them. The help topics you can find inside this guide are as follows:

How to establish a connection through a firewall

How to make a NetMeeting link on a Web page

How to access files that have been sent to you

How to cancel sending a file to someone else

How to use NetMeeting with America Online (AOL)

How to start a NetMeeting conference from a command line

How to use the Whiteboard tool in NetMeeting

How to share programs in NetMeeting

How to transfer files in NetMeeting

How to Use Chat in Microsoft NetMeeting

How to Make a Video Call with NetMeeting

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