COE Installation Quality Bulletin

** Issue 2 is Rescinded **

Installation Quality Bulletin Number: 02-06 Issue 3

To: QTI / Design Engineering Representatives / Quality Managers / Field Engineering Representatives / AMC Representatives / All Contracted Installation Service Suppliers

Date: Tuesday, January 4, 2011

From: QWEST Installation Quality Assurance

Subject: Letters of Deviation Per TP 77350 Issue N Par. 2.11

Reason for reissue: Complete Form Reformatting

Action Required:

YES: / Ö / NO:

Description of Bulletin:

The purpose of this Bulletin is to introduce all approved installation service suppliers to a standardized format for obtaining a Letter of Deviation per TP 77350 Issue N Par. 2.11. To reiterate, Letters of Deviation are only used in the installation process when acceptable methods and standards contained in Qwest Technical Publications or technical documentation cannot be met due to unforeseeable conditions existing within a specific central office environment.

In those instances, a Letter of Deviation may be requested to “provide a safe, reliable and well-engineered alternative where the standards cannot be met.” Only the Qwest Design Engineer is permitted to issue a Letter of Deviation (see attached). To obtain a Letter of Deviation, the Service Supplier will first discern the rationale for the deviation and then complete and submit an Application for Letter of Deviation to the Design Engineer to initiate the approval process (refer to attached sheets).

Summary of Change:

The reason for change is to update the current RG 47-0168 and RG 47-0169 Forms with current information.

Acknowledgments to Rick Stockton of the AMC Group for his contribution to the content of this Bulletin. All inquiries can be directed to Rick at (303) 707-7567.

Qwest Installation Quality Assurance
Jeff Bostow 612-798-2460 mailto:

Application for Letter of Deviation RG 47-0168

Date of Application: ______

State: ___ Central Office: ______Job No./BVAPP: ______

Location within the Central Office: ______

Deviation submitted to Design Engineer: ______

Name, Company, Contact Information of Application Originator:


(Completed by the Engineering or Installation Service Supplier when prevalent conditions dictate):

·  Issued in rare cases when all other viable engineering options have been explored and eliminated.

·  Used for one-time, site-specific conditions and is documented accordingly.

·  Not valid solely for wholesale or economic concerns.

·  Not used to remedy quality workmanship defects.

·  Not to be used to continue non-standard practices that may have been applied in the past, or where new standards have superseded the old (i.e., earthquake bracing upgrades due to seismic zone changes).

·  A Letter of Deviation should be approved prior to the installation start date, but must be approved prior to the installation complete date.

·  All affected Central Office drawing layers must be marked accordingly.

Engineering and/or Installation Service Provider:

Provide a detailed description of the rationale for applying for a Letter of Deviation

(include: all applicable reference drawings / sketches, safety, environmental, technical, and service concerns. Identify the exact Qwest AMC, technical documentation or Technical Publication chapter / paragraph / section the deviation applies to):

Letter of Deviation RG 47- 0169

LOD #:______

Format: LOD-[state, 2 digit code]-[CLLI]-[xx (where xx = CL (clearnace), AS (asile spacing), OT (other), or MI

(multiple issues)]-[mmddyy]. Example: LOD-CO-DNVRCOMA-AS-120110

Date Letter of Deviation Submitted for Approval: ______

State: ___ Central Office: ______Job No./BVAPP: ______

Location within the Central Office: ______

Deviation granted to the Individual performing the work: (Company, Name, Contact

Information, Department Title) :


(Completed by the Design Engineering Representative)

·  A letter detailing the condition and method used to provide a safe, reliable, and well-engineered alternative where a Qwest standard arrangement cannot be utilized.

·  Issued in rare cases when all other viable engineering options have been explored and eliinated.

·  Used for one-time, site-specific conditions and documented accordingly.

·  Not valid for more than one central office location.

·  Not valid solely for wholesale or economic concerns.

·  Not to be used to continue non-standard practices that may have been applied in the past, or where new standards have superseded the old (i.e., earthquake bracing upgrades due to seismic zone changes).

·  A Letter of Deviation should be approved prior to the installation start date, but must be approved prior to the installation complete date.

·  All affected central office drawing layers must be marked accordingly.

Brief description of the job activity. Describe scope of the work and description of equipment to be installed, removed, or relocated:

Identify the exact Qwest AMC, technical documentation or Technical Publication chapter / paragraph / section the deviation applies to:

Detailed description of the engineered solution and exact location within the Central Office:

·  Impact. Describe the potential impacts and/or risks associated with implementing the design solution (safety, environmental, technical, service, capacity, maintenance, access concerns):


Original Requestor: ______Date ______

Title/Company/Contact Info: ______

Qwest Engineer/Contact Info: ______Date ______

Originating Department: ______

Verified by AMC Representative: ______Date ______

May require multiple signatures depending on impacted departments.

Approved by: ______Date ______

AMC Supervising Mgr.

Approved by: ______Date ______

Supervising Mgr – (Affected business units, i.e., Power, Switch, IOF, Collocation, Data Services)

Approved by: ______Date ______

Supervising Mgr – (Affected business units, i.e., Power, Switch, IOF , Collocation, Data Services)

Not Approved

Representative: ______Date ______

(signature/contact information of party rejecting the deviation)

Note: Once a deviation is approved, a copy of the signed letter will be sent to the Installation lead representative to be included in the site job information. The Qwest Design Engineer will file the original “Letter of Deviation” in their engineering job folder.