Hong Kong Society of Accountants

A New Publication in September 2002

Hong Kong

Corporate Insolvency Manual

Philip Smart, Charles D. Booth and Stephen Briscoe

Unit Price:HK$400.00 for HKSA/ IIG Member/ HKSA Student

HK$450.00 for Non-Member

Insolvency has been a growth industry in Hong Kong for the past several years. With the increase in the levels of corporate insolvency has come the recognition of the need for specialised publications to assist accounting and legal professionals working in the area. The Hong Kong Corporate Insolvency Manual* is designed to meet this need.

Published bythe Hong Kong Society of Accountants, Tthe Hong Kong Corporate Insolvency Manual takes a practical and up-to-date approach to the liquidation of insolvent companies, drawing heavily upon illustrations from Hong Kong practice. The Manual also provides invaluable checklists to assist professionals handling the day-to-day administration of a winding-up.

Philip Smart and Charles D. Booth are both Associate Professors in the Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong. Stephen Briscoe is a Licensed Insolvency Practitioner (UK) and an Executive Director of RSM Nelson Wheeler Corporate Advisory Services Ltd.

* A companion volume, the Hong Kong Personal Insolvency Manual, will be released in January mid-2003.

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Hong Kong Society of Accountants

Hong Kong Corporate Insolvency Manual

Order SlipForm

Unit Price :HK$400.00 for HKSA/ IIG Member/ HKSA Student

HK$450.00 for Non-Member

Surname: _________ Other Names:______

Tel: ______ Fax:____________ e-mail:______

HKSA Membership/ Registered Student/ IIG Membership No.*: ______

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To: Joan Wong, HKSA, 4th Floor, Tower Two, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway,

Hong Kong (tel: 22877054; fax: xxxx xxxx).

Please supply me/us with ______copy/copies of Hong Kong Corporate Insolvency Manual at HK$ XXX each. (Please add HK$ 10.00 per copy for p&p.).

I herewith enclose a cheque at a total amount of HK$___________ payable to the Hong Kong Society of Accountants.


  1. Cheque should be made payable to the “Hong Kong Society of Accountants” and should be made in Hong Kong Dollars.
  1. Manual can be purchased at the Society’s counter, 4/F., Tower Two., Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway, Hong Kong. For enquiry, please call 2287 7228 or by mail from Ms. Flora Leung, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong, 4/F KK Leung, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong (tel: 2859 2941)..
  1. Those who wish to obtain his/her copy by mail should add an additional postal charge of HK$30 per copy (for local mailing address).
  1. As HKSA does not offer overseas mail order services, interested parties should contact Professors Charles Booth (e-mail address: ) or Professor Philip Smart (e-mail address: ) for arrangement.
  1. Please complete the following label for mailing purpose.

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I/we enclose a cheque (cheque number ) for HK$ (payable to the ‘Hong Kong Society of Accountants’).