Insight Meditation Center of the Mid Peninsula
Board Meeting Minutes
February 3, 2005
Board Members Present: Gil Fronsdal, Ines Freedman, Catherine Byers, Gerry Sarnat, Mick Bennett, Chris Clifford, Elena Silverman, Claudine Latombe, David Ezequelle, Don Johnson
Board Members Absent:, Jim Podolske
Guests: Lynne Sopchak, Jim Bronson, Bruce Freedman
5:30 Reading & Sitting: Ines Freedman
Board Minutes December 9, 2004: Approved
Treasurer’s Report: Claudine Latombe
- Year-end Financial Reports where reviewed including the General Fund, Retreat Fund and Building Fund.
- Gil will try to deliver the final check to the Evans’ or in his absence, Susan Ezequelle.
- We need to consult with a real estate lawyer about the deed etc. Gerry will find out from Susan E. which lawyer at Wilson Sonsini she worked with in the past.
- Finance committee needs to consider what to do with reserve funds, whether it should be invested, etc.
- $3500 went to Beth Goldring’s AIDS project in Cambodia.
- Motion was passed to approve parsonage allowance of $30K for 2005.
Sign change needed for Dana box since since the General Fund will now include subsidizing retreats. Sign should read “IMC Expenses (operations, retreats etc)
Retreat Fund Report: Mick Bennett
- Mick reviewed the Financial Activities 2004 and Anticipated Income and Expenses 2005.
- The board discussed making IMC retreat expenses part of the General Fund after informing the sangha (in the newsletter, insight-announce, dana sign). Final verbiage to be approved at next board meeting.
- Gil will be giving an evening talk in July as a fundraiser for retreats.
Other Business
- Discussed giving a donation to Sarvodaya Foundation in Sri Lanka for tsunami victims. Considering that it is probable that with the current world-wide financial support, they may not be able to process more donations effectively right now, it would be wise to wait some months and in the meantime, bring up the donation of surplus funds to worthy organizations at a community meeting.
- List of Building Renovation Options for 2005 presented byChris Clifford. Adding storage, remodeling conference room, improve library furnishings, and fixing the squeaky floor in the meditation hall are agreed to be the most important priorities for the Building Committee to begin design and costing work on. It is suggested that the kitchen could be painted and minor landscaping could be accomplished with volunteers.
New Business
- Next board meeting to be determined. Catherine will set a date for an additional meeting to discuss the agenda for the community meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Elena Silverman
Insight Meditation Center of the Mid Peninsula
Board Meeting Minutes
April 7, 2005
Board Members Present: Gil Fronsdal, Ines Freedman, Catherine Byers, Jim Podolske, Mick Bennett, , Elena Silverman, Claudine Latombe, Don Johnson
Board Members Absent:, Gerry Sarnat, Chris Clifford, David Ezequelle
Guests: Jerry Parks, Cheryl Hylton, Jim Bronson, Bruce Freedman
5:30 Reading & Sitting: Catherine Byers
Board Minutes February 3, 2005: Approved
Treasurer’s Report: Claudine Latombe
- First Quarter, 2005 Profit & Loss Statement and Balance Sheet presented in a new clear format.
- Gas bill seems high possibly due to hot water heater only needed once a month for potluck.
- Two 5-month certificate of deposit (one for $50K and one for $20K) were purchased last weekat a rate of 3 percent.
Mortgage Burning Celebration: Catherine Byers
- Patty McLucas will be coordinating pot luck (finger food).
- Steve Gasner in charge of actual burning of the mortgage facsimile. Bruce will be the fire marshall.
- All 4 IMC presidents to take part in the ritual.
- Itinerary for the event includes a sitting, talk and cake.
Retreat Fund Report: Mick Bennett (Attachment A)
- Proposals regarding the Retreat Fund were presented for vote. To summarize:
- The dana from two sittings per year, as well as some retreat days, will be designated for the Retreat Fund.
- Board may transfer an appropriate amount of funds from the General Fund into the Retreat Fund in the case of a shortfall.
- The board voted unanimously to adopt these measures.
Volunteers: Ines Freedman
- If you chair a committee, please make sure that all contact information is correct in Who Does What.
- We need a committee of 4 volunteer coordinators instead of one person in order to cover all regular sittings.
- We also need an Event Manager Coordinator.
- All volunteers and committee members need to give Ines a job description, the basic skills involved and the amount of time required.
Other Business
- Catherine reported that the LGBT workshop had 38 participants and may prove to be the beginning of our diversity program.
- Jill Boone is setting up a non-profit for Theravadan nuns and would like to use IMC as an address for official documents. Catherine will check with our lawyer to make sure this would be appropriate and pending that, the board gives its approval.
- Claudine suggested that the mailbox system be redone to protect cash donations.
- The new Building Committee will have a meeting on Monday, April 11th at 5:30pm.
EAR Council: Cheryl Hylton (Attachment B)
- Ethics and Reconciliation Council and Teacher’s Code of Ethics was presented. With minor changes the Board voted to approve the ethics document. Cheryl will write an article for the next newsletter and the document will be posted on our website.
- By unanimous vote of the Board, Mick Bennett, Jim Podolske and Cheryl Hylton are appointed as the first EAR council.
Respectfully submitted,
Elena Silverman
Insight Meditation Center of the Mid Peninsula
Board Meeting Minutes
May 19, 2005
Board Members Present: Gil Fronsdal, Ines Freedman, Catherine Byers, Gerry Sarnat, Mick Bennett, Chris Clifford, Elena Silverman, David Ezequelle, Don Johnson, Jim Podolske
Board Members Absent: Claudine Latombe
Guests: Jim Bronson
5:30 Reading & Sitting: Chris Clifford
Board Minutes and Attachments of April 7, 2005: Approved
Issue at Hand Reprint: Ines
- The board voted to approve a reprint of “Issue at Hand” — 5,000 copies instead of the previous count of 3,000, as long as the cost does not exceed $7500.
- We will need storage for extra copies and a way to keep track of where they are. Catherine has volunteered to keep some cases in her garage.
Volunteers: Ines Freedman
- We are still in need of a committee or task force to oversee volunteers as one person can’t possibly cover it all. Jim Podolske agreed to work with Audrey with possibly a third person, preferably a board member, needed.
- Audrey will be contacting all volunteers to remind them to write a job description.
- Since many people are motivated to volunteer in order to meet other people in the sangha, we discussed other ways to make the center friendlier to newcomers and present more opportunities to socialize. One suggestion was to have tea and muffins available after the Sunday sitting (excepting the monthly potluck). Catherine and Chris will set that up for this coming Sunday’s sitting which also happens to be the Vesak celebration. Another suggestion was to start up the book club again, led by a senior student. Don suggested a discussion group based on something shorter such as a sutta or article.
Fundraising: Catherine Byers
- The fundraising committee will be meeting soon and needs a recommendation from the board. After some discussion the group agreed that fundraising for the General Fund allows us the most flexibility although where funds will be spent should be clearly defined. (i.e. Issue at Hand reprint, Renovations, Retreat Fund etc.)
- Claudine will be asked to make the financial statements available to the community as a handout once a year.
State of the Sangha: Gil
- Building renovations: Peck has come up with some exciting solutions to renovate the social hall and sitting hall. She will do 3-D drawings to present to the Building committee. The need for a new audio system was discussed. Building renovations could be topic for a future community meeting.
- Upcoming events include Kevin Griffin (Buddhism and the 12 Steps during July and August), a Joanna Macy benefit for Sarvodaya (September 16) and a book reading when Gil’s translation of The Dhammapada is published.
- Gil welcomes all feedback, including criticism.
Closed Session
Discussion of recruitment for new board members, since David Ezequelle and Gerry Sarnat are leaving the board. The Board voted unanimously to accept Jerry Parks and Jim Bronson as new board members. Many thanks to David and Gerry for their contribution and service to IMC’s board over the years.
Respectfully submitted,
Elena Silverman
Insight Meditation Center of the Mid Peninsula
Board Meeting Minutes
July 26, 2005
Board Members Present: Gil Fronsdal, Ines Freedman, Catherine Byers, Mick Bennett, Chris Clifford, Elena Silverman, Don Johnson, Jim Podolske, Claudine Latombe, Jim Bronson
Board Members Absent: Jerry Parks
Guests: None
7:30 Reading & Sitting: Jim Bronson
Board Minutes and Attachments of May 19, 2005: Approved
Catherine will include minutes from previous meeting with agenda for upcoming meeting.
Financial Report: Claudine Latombe
- Newman’s Own Organics made a donation of $2500 for the retreat fund.
- We will look in to changing phone (SBC) plan to receive a better rate.
- Audiodharma will continue for another year at no charge thanks to the generous donation of one of our sangha members.
- Before the meetings that the financial reports are to be presented, Claudine will email a copy to each board member. As always, financials are clear and easy to comprehend.
- The board will be reviewing the 2006 budget at the December 6th board meeting. Claudine would like all budget proposals submitted to her by November.
Retreat Fund: Mick Bennett
- Jikoji Retreat (May 27-30) had 34 attendees. $3600 in dana was collected for future retreats, this time with 3 baskets rather than a letter sent out afterwards. This coming weekend’s retreat at Jikoji has 31 people signed up and the Hidden Villa retreat in September has a waiting list.
- Don, Mick, Chris, Jim and Gil will discuss possibility of an IMC residential retreat at Coastside.
Renovation Committee: Chris Clifford
- The renovation committee is currently doing cost estimates for the renovation of the conference room. The proposal includes walling in the current windows, adding new windows, turning the outside door into a closet and perhaps buying a fold-up table. The plan and construction budget will be reviewed at the next board meeting on August 18th.
- The proposed changes for the meditation hall, community hall and landscaping will be finalized in time for review and feedback at a community meeting in October.
Fundraising: Catherine Byers
- Catherine is in the process of working on the fundraising letter. Should we include an insert like last year’s bookmark? Perhaps a refrigerator magnet? The committee will discuss potential options.
Volunteers: Jim Podolske
- Announcements regarding volunteer positions will be made at each of the sittings: Jim on Monday, Audrey on Sunday, and Chris on Thursday.
- We have a new Event Manager Coordinator (Juli Idelman), new Audio Editor (Jeff Stine), and Sunday Tea coordinator (Frankie Borison). Sangha member Cindy Heyer has expressed an interest in organizing a Welcoming Committee.
- Audrey is still in the process of gathering volunteer job descriptions.
- Ines, Mick and Jim P. will discuss ways of bringing the volunteers together. Some possibilities are: a volunteer appreciation event (one large event, or a series of smaller group events); inviting different committees to come to board meetings and make a presentation.
Other Business
- Catherine and Chris will do exit interviews of board members Gerry Sarnat and David Ezequelle.
- Board Retreatwill be held on Thursday, September 29 (10:30 to 5) and will be a potluck.
- Ines sends out the Calender and ‘Who Does What’ every month. Please check your info to see that it is current.
Respectfully submitted,
Elena Silverman
Insight Meditation Center of the Mid Peninsula
Board Meeting Minutes
August 18, 2005
Board Members Present: Gil Fronsdal, Ines Freedman, Catherine Byers, Mick Bennett, Elena Silverman, Don Johnson, Jim Podolske, Claudine Latombe
Board Members Absent: Chris Clifford, Jim Bronson
Guests: Peck Yee Tan, Juli Idleman, Lynne Sopchak, Paul McKenna, and Bruce Freedman
7:30 Reading & Sitting: Elena Silverman
Board Minutes and Attachments of May 19, 2005: Approved with changes.
Residential Retreats: Mick Bennett & Gil
- Retreat fund: If dana received from retreatants at the September Hidden Villa retreat is at least as great as the amount of dana received from retreatants at our 2004 Hidden Villa retreat, the Retreat Fund will end 2005 in the black and not require any support from the General Fund until 2006.
- Mick is working on a tentative schedule for six 2006 residential retreats.
- Gil is enthusiastic about IMC offering more residential retreats on the Peninsula. The two main issues are (1) having enough volunteers to put on the retreats, and (2) finding creative ways to augment the retreat fund so as not to have to rely on the General fund.
- To streamline the accounting process, Claudine requested that we have retreatants write one check instead of several checks (teacher(s), cook, and the retreat fund). Mick and Claudine will meet to develop a pre-printed envelope for allocations.
New Business: Catherine Byers
- We received a generous donation from the Tan Teo Charitable Foundation.
- Board retreat on September 29 – will be a ‘brown bag’ lunch instead of pot luck.
- The West Bay Chapter of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship and Network of Spiritual Progressives are developing a new Speaker Series entitled Spiritual Activism in a Time of Crisis. Although the series will take place at IMC, we need to be clear that it is not an “IMC event”. We want to remain politically neutral and inviting to people on all sides of the political spectrum.
- Our neighbors, Planned Parenthood have circulated a letter asking support to change the Redwood City municipal code regarding the distance that protestors can approach those visiting their building. Their intention is to protect vulnerable patients from being harassed. Mick will look into whether signing such a letter is in violation of our religious/non-profit status. Gil also offered to write a letter outlining his personal observations to the City.
Building Renovations: Peck Yee Tan with Paul McKenna
- Peck presented plans for renovating the conference room and library. Peck and Ines will let the library committee know of the proposed plans in case there are any other needs.
- The board voted to approve $40K for the renovation. Peck will get bids from both ‘green’ and traditional contractors and the Building Committee will iron out the details.
- The next Building Committee meeting will be on Monday, August 29th at 2pm to complete the design phase of this project.
Respectfully submitted,
Elena Silverman
Insight Meditation Center of the Mid Peninsula
Board Meeting Minutes
October 18, 2005
Board Members Present: Gil Fronsdal, Ines Freedman, Catherine Byers, Mick Bennett, Elena Silverman, Don Johnson, Claudine Latombe, Chris Clifford
Board Members Absent:, Jim Bronson, Jim Podolske
Guests: None
7:30 Reading & Sitting: Don Johnson
Board Minutes and Attachments of August 18, 2005: Approved
Financial Reports: Claudine Latombe
- End of 3rd Quarter reports including Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, and Budget. We are in good shape.
- Don is working on gathering estimates of 'irregular' (non-annual) expenses and a way of estimating how much money we would need to set aside each year to handle them.
Retreat Fund Report: Mick Bennett
- February ’06 retreat has been cancelled due to an appropriate facility being unavailable at the time due to short notice.
- Board agreed to paying full travel expenses for retreat cooks beginning in 2006.
- Retreat fund is holding its own with two potential new sources of dana as presented by Ines:
- Sangha member Carol Collins, who is a retired realtor, is offering to contribute the finder’s fee that she receives when she negotiates a broker’s fee for sangha members who go through her to buy or sell property.
- On our website page for Recommended Books is a link to Amazon. If items are purchased by anyone entering Amazon through our site, we receive a small percentage of their amount of their purchase which will be earmarked for the retreat fund.
Building Renovations: Chris Clifford
- Peck is concentrating on the conference room/library renovation but continuing to work on plans for the hall to incorporate zafus, shoes, statuary etc.
- Jack Buktenica said he would be happy to work with us on the outside landscaping this coming spring.
- We will revisit whether or not to keep the stage as we get closer to the next phase.
Board Recruitment: Catherine Byers