Sustainability Awards 2014- Nomination Form

Nomination Guidelines and Details

The Sustainable Homes and Communities Program 2014 Sustainability Awards will recogniseand celebrate the environmental achievements of individuals, community groups, educational organisations and businesses, within both Darebin and Banyule municipalities.

The Awards are open to all Darebin and Banyule residents.

Nominations open: Friday, 1stAugust2014

Nominations close: Friday, 12thSeptember 2014

Award categories include:

  • House and garden
  • Community group
  • Local hero
  • Educational institution (school, TAFE etc)
  • Business
  • Community Leader in Sustainability (only open to those who participated in this year’s Community Leaders in Sustainability course)

You may nominate yourself or someone you know by:

  • Completing and lodging the Sustainability Awards Nomination Form below (or online at
  • Including a minimum of three images that support your nomination
  • Including other supporting documents as appropriate – for example – utility billing data, newspaper articles, case studies

*Nominees in the Community Leaders in Sustainability category do not nominate by completing the Sustainability Awards Nomination Form, but rather by submitting a short video (see information on page 3)

Please note that applicants who are nominated by a third party will need to consent to their names being made public before being considered.


Contact the Sustainable Homes and Communities Program Coordinator on or 8470 8373.

Completed nomination forms can be returned in 3 ways:

1. Post to:

Sustainable Homes and Communities Program Coordinator

c/- City of Darebin, 274 Gower Street, Preston VIC 3072

2. Deliver in person:

To the address above

3. Email application:

Email to:

Note: your application must be less than 10MB in size.

Prizes – what you can win:

A $200 voucher for environmental products or services from a choice of one ofseveral environmental businesses will be presented to the winner of each category in each municipality.

Judging process:

All nominations submitted by the closing date will be judged by a panel which will include Darebin and Banyule Council staff and members of each Council’s community environmental advisory group. If further information is required for judging purposes, a member of the judging panel may contact and/or visit the nominee. Arrangements will be made with the nominee prior to a visit being made.

Awards announcements will be at the Sustainability Awards Night:

When: Thursday 30th October 2014, 6.30pm – 9.00pm

Where: Preston City Hall, 284 Gower Street, Preston

You will need to register for the event at


The Sustainable Homes and Communities Program, including the Sustainability Awards is funded by Darebin and Banyule Councils.

Award Nomination Form

Please select the category for your entry:

Home and garden (residents including Council staff*)

This category recognises the efforts and actions of individuals, households and families who have made their home and/or garden more sustainable.

□Community group

This category recognises the efforts and actions of groups and organisations that have made a significant contribution to sustainability in Banyule and/or Darebin.

Educational institution (child care, school, TAFE, university)

This category recognises the efforts and actions of educational organisations, including children’s centres and kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, tertiary institutions, training organisations and other educational organisations that have made a significant contribution to sustainability.


This category recognises the efforts and actions that small, medium and large commercial and social enterprises and home-based businesses have made to minimise negative environmental impacts and maximise positive contributions to the local community and environment.

Local hero (individuals)

This category recognises the efforts and achievements of an individual who has meaningfully contributed to improving sustainability.

□Community Leaders in Sustainability**

This category recognises the efforts and actions of course participants who have worked to deliver their course projects within the community. Please note that the project need not be complete to apply in this category.

* Darebin and Banyule Council staff who are also residents of either municipality are eligible to apply in the home and garden section only.

**Please note that this category is only open to participants in the 2014 Community Leaders in Sustainability course.

**Please also note that nominees in this category are required to submit a short video (approximately 3 minutes, and no more than 5 minutes), rather than a written nomination form. The short video should answer questions 1-8 included in this nomination form.

Contact details for person submitting the entry (nominator):

  • Name: ______
  • Telephone: ______
  • Email: ______
  • Home Address: ______

Contact details for nominee:

  • The same as above? □ Yes (do not complete the details again below)
  • Name: ______
  • Telephone: ______
  • Email: ______
  • Home Address: ______

Are you a Darebin or Banyule City Council staff member?

□ Yes □ No

Project description:

Project/activity/initiative name:


Please tick as many boxes as apply to the nominated project/activity/initiative:

□Energy efficiency

□Water efficiency and/or protecting waterways

□Sustainable food

□Sustainable gardening

□Biodiversity and natural environment

□Waste and consumption

□Sustainable transport

□Sustainable procurement (business category only)

□Other (please specify)


  1. Please provide details of the project/activities/initiatives which have been achieved by the nominee (maximum 300 words):
  1. Please provide a summary of these project/activities/initiatives which have been achieved by the nominee (50 words maximum - to be used for promotional purposes)
  1. What have been the benefitsof the project/activities/initiatives and how do they protect/enhancethe natural environment or sustainability? (maximum 200 words)
  1. What have been the benefits of the project/activities/initiatives to the broader Darebin and/or Banyule communities? (maximum 200 words)
  1. How has the nominee shared knowledge and experiences with others that were learned throughout the project/activities/initiatives? (maximum 200 words)
  1. What partnerships with other organisations/groups/individuals been formed in undertaking the project/activities/initiatives? (maximum 200 words)
  1. Please provide any other information you would like considered in this nomination (optional) (maximum 200 words)
  1. Category specific question–tick the box for the category that you are applying for and only answer the one question that relates to your category below:

□Home and garden: How has the project/activities/initiatives influenced neighbours, friends, family, other members of your community? (maximum 200 words)

□ Community group: How has the project/activities/initiatives influenced your local community? (maximum 200 words)

□ Educational services (child care through to university): How has sustainability/care for the environment been integrated into your teaching?How have students been involved in the project/activities/initiatives?(maximum 200 words in total)

□ Business: How has sustainability been integrated into business practices? Please provide details of the business’ sustainability management practices? (maximum 200 words)

□ Local hero (individuals): How has the nominee demonstrated leadership in sustainability within the local community? (maximum 200 words)

□ Community leaders course participants: How has the projectdelivered positive environmental benefits to the local community?

Answer your category specific question below:


Please provide the details of a referee who will confirm the authenticity of the nominated project/activities/initiatives:

  • Name: ______
  • Telephone: ______
  • Email: ______

How did you hear about the Sustainable Homes and Communities Program 2014 Sustainability Awards?

□Sustainable Homes and Communities Program website (

□Local newspaper

□Poster or postcard in council customer service centres, libraries, neighbourhood houses, maternal child health centres, or local café/shop

□Council newsletter (Sustainability News/Darebin Community News/GreenWrap/Banyule Banner)

□City of Darebin website/City of Banyule website

□Other (please specify)


Please note that the information provided in the nomination process will be treated as confidential and only used for the purpose of the awards.

Thank you for taking the time to apply for our Sustainable Homes and Communities Program Sustainability Awards 2014.

We will see you at the Sustainable Homes and Communities Program Sustainability Awards Night 2014at 6.30pm on Thursday 30thOctober 2014 at Preston City Hall, 284 Gower Street, Preston. Bookings are essential and may be made at