Tobacco Smoke In Class Assignment

Name:______PD. Date:______

Directions: Please use pages 428 and 429 to answer the following questions.

Smoke Damage

1.  Tobacco smoke contains more than ______chemicals.

2.  Define mainstream smoke-

3.  Define sidestream smoke-

Sidestream smoke has more ______than mainstream smoke?

4.  Secondhand smoke/environmental smoke are made up of what TWO types of smoke?

5.  Passive smoking & involuntary smoking are terms used to describe:

6.  Define a Group A Carcinogen-

7.  List major health risks of passive smoking for Adults & Children

8.  Explain how smokeless tobacco increases the risk of developing oral cancer.

9.  Define Leukoplakia-

10. Explain how smokeless tobacco causes problems with the gums and teeth.