Goodlyburn Primary School
School Handbook
Academic Session 2015/2016
School information
1. Introduction
2. Delineated Area
3. Contact Details
4. School Ethos
5. Positive Behaviour
6. Parental Involvement
7. Transitions
8. The Curriculum
a) Literacy
b) Recording Reporting & Assessment
c) Numeracy
d) Health & Wellbeing
e) Co-operative Learning
f) Expressive Arts
g) Religious Observance
9. Assessment & Reporting
10. Child Protection
11. Support for Pupils
12. School Improvement
13. School Policies and Practical Information
14. School Holidays & Term Dates
Goodlyburn Primary School is an Integrated Community School and is situated in an open area between Perth College and Rannoch Road on the south side of Crieff Road. We are fortunate to have a large playing field and playground space for the children to play on. Our children also access our Eco Garden and Woodland areas.
The school was opened in April 1958. This year we have a 30/30 Nursery Class, ten Primary Classes, a Gaelic medium class and a Nurture Class. We have a large hall, which is used for weekly assemblies, PE, drama and after school activities, a dining area, ICT room, Learning Resource Centre, stage and some small rooms for group work and a crèche. North Perth Community School staff is based in our school and they offer a wide range of learning activities and support for parents and families.
We work hard to ensure that the children who come to Goodlyburn Primary are safe and happy in school and feel that their opinions, ideas and efforts are valued. Staff make every effort to ensure that children work to the best of their ability, are polite and caring towards others and are developing skills for life. Parents are also involved in developing their skills and learning through partnership working with the Community School.
Parents are always welcome to come and meet staff to discuss their child’s learning and well-being throughout the year and we have open afternoons and events involving parents in their child’s education.
The Extended Learning and Achievement Report 2012 and follow up Report 2013 from Perth & Kinross Education & Children’s Service, outlines the work of our school and is available on our website and on request, from Mrs Smith in the office.
Gaelic Medium
We are one of two schools in the Perth & Kinross region, which has a Gaelic Medium class that is open to any child in the Perth & Kinross area. It is not necessary for children to have attended a Gaelic Nursery or to come from a Gaelic speaking home, to attend our Gaelic Medium class. The Gaelic Medium class has children from P1 – 7. At the P1–3 stages, the children are immersed in Gaelic. In P4, English is introduced and the children are taught in both languages. If you would like more information, or you would like to enrol your child in our Gaelic Medium class, please contact Mrs McGregor, Mrs McKay or Mrs Sands on 01738 454230. Any Gaelic enquiries can be directed to the Perth & Kinross Gaelic Development Officer, on 01738 477869.
Our Nursery Handbook is available on our school website and from Mrs Smith in the office. We encourage all parents in Nursery to be fully involved in developments and we welcome helpers and visits from parents. If you would like more information about Nursery, please contact Mrs Robb or Ms Scott.
Morning Nursery starts at 8.48 am and finishes at 12.00 am.
(doors open 11.50am)
Afternoon nursery starts at 12.38 pm and finishes at 3.50 pm.
(doors open from 3pm)
Delineated Area
The catchment area for our school is:Amulree Road / Angus Court (nos 1 - 5)
Amulree Court / Birnam Crescent
Appin Terrace / Bruce Crescent
Brahan Terrace (all nos 1 - 57) / Crieff Road (nos 21 - 101 & 62 - 126)
Cargill Place / Douglas Court
Dalreoch Place / Fairfield Avenue (nos 1 - 3)
Dunsinane Drive (nos 1 - 79, 2 - 86) / Goodlyburn Place
Firbank Road / Grampian Court
Goodlyburn Terrace / Hawarden Terrace
Hamilton Court / Kingswell Place
Jeanfield Road (north side & odd nos) / Kinloch Place
Kingswell Terrace / Lawers Place
Kinloch Terrace / Logie Crescent (nos 1 - 31 & 2 - 42)
Letham Road / McIntyre Court (nos 1 - 3)
McDonald Court (nos 1 - 5) / Malcolm Court (nos 1 - 30)
McKenzie Court (nos 1 - 5) / Mercer Terrace
Marlee Road / Rannoch Road (nos 1 - 223 & 2 - 118)
Moulin Crescent / Tibbermore Gardens
Strathord Terrace / Tweedsmuir Rd (nos 1-171 & 2-140)
Tulloch Road / Wallace Place
Wallace Crescent / Westgrove Avenue
Wellshill Terrace
Enrolment each year takes place in the second week in January. When you register your child you are required to bring along with you your child’s birth certificate, recent Council Tax bill and a recent utility bill establishing that you live permanently at your address.
*If you live out-with our catchment area, but wish to enrol your child at our school, you will need to submit a Placing Request Application Form.
Contact Details
Name: / GOODLYBURN PRIMARY SCHOOLAddress: / Crieff Road Perth PH1 2NT
Tel No: / 01738 454230
Fax No: / 01738 620730
Email /
Roll: / 219 primary + 52 nursery
Web site /
Head Teacher
Depute Head Teacher / Mrs Annemarie Sands
Mrs Andrea McCully
You will get regular information about your child’s progress and learning and teaching in our school, by regular newsletters, our school website, Parent Contact appointments in November and March, open events, e.g. Financial Education, Health Week, class assemblies, whole-school concerts, etc. However, if you have a concern, please contact the school on 454230 and we will arrange an appointment for you to come in and discuss this with your child’s class teacher or one of the management team.
Our School Staff
Head Teacher / Mrs Annemarie SandsDepute Head Teacher / Mrs Andrea McCully
Class Teachers / Mrs Catherine Robertson
Mrs Cathy Lees/Mrs Kate Blake
Mrs Lesley Jack/Mrs Claire Mitchell
Mrs Annette Jolly
Mrs Heather Ferguson
Mrs Judith Craig
Ms Gail McLaren
Mr Kenneth Watson
Mrs Jennifer Spink
Miss Amanda Rawlings
Miss Vicki Cruickshank
Gaelic / Mrs Christina McGregor/Mrs Shona McKay
Nurture Class / Mrs Patricia Barnes, Miss Sevena Jones
Nursery Teachers / Mrs Irene Robb
Ms Terri Scott
Pupil Support Teachers / Mrs Diana Bruce
Mrs Claire Lacey
Reduced Class Contact Teachers / Mr Paul Denny
Miss Rachael Crawford
Mrs Audrey McLeod
Early Years Practitioners / Ms Nicky Elder /Mrs Tracy McKillop/Mrs Jane Wilson/Mrs Lisa Simpson
Clerical Assistants / Mrs Gayle Smith
Mrs Ruth Salman
Auxiliary / Mrs Norma Crockart
Classroom Assistant / Mrs May Riva
Pupil Support Assistants / Mrs Sandra Smith
Mrs Pam Gray
Mrs Janice Watkinson
Janitors / Mr Niall McAllister
Mr Mike O’Driscoll
Lunchtime Supervisor / Mrs Sandra Smith
Community Learning Worker / Miss Rhona Thom
Clerical / Mrs Jane Hughes
Community Link Worker / Mrs Christine Cattanach
Community Link Worker / Mr Marco Allen
Community Learning Assistant / Mrs Carol DeKlerk
Family Learning Worker/Youth Rights Officer / Mrs Jane Westall
Quality Improvement Officer / Ms Rhona Jay
It is very important that our children attend school regularly. It is also important that they arrive on time in the mornings when their teacher is explaining what is happening that day. If your child is absent, please telephone the school before 9am on the first day of absence, to let us know. Our Absence Contact Line is 454243. Absences are carefully monitored so that we can help where there are difficulties with attendance. All absences are recorded electronically on a system called SEEMIS and this information is also available to Education & Children’s Services.
*If your child has a pattern of unexplained absence or absences which exceed 15% you will be contacted by Mrs Sands.
We discourage parental holidays during term time. ‘Family holidays will be marked in school as an unauthorised absence. This will be done even if you have told the school you intend to take your children on holiday. No school work will be given, although some schools may consider giving you information about what will be covered during the absence’. (Perth & Kinross).
School Ethos
At Goodlyburn Primary, we aim to:
· Provide high quality learning and teaching to promote lifelong learning
· Provide opportunities for working in partnership with parents, our community, local businesses and globally
· Foster an ethos of pride in our school community and in ourselves where everyone is valued and encouraged
· Encourage our children to work independently, enjoy new challenges and work towards achieving individual targets
· Provide effective communication links between staff, children, parents and the wider community
· Celebrate everyone’s achievements regularly in assemblies with certificates, in the media and on our website.
Children, staff and parents worked on the vision for our school and we came up with the following:
· A stimulating and innovative learning environment encouraging everyone to reach their full potential.
· Everyone behaves in a safe, respectful way.
· Everyone is valued and actively involved in the life of the school community.
We are very fortunate to have North Perth Community School staff based in our school - Family Support Worker and Community Learning Worker. This partnership working brings together, family support, community learning and health promotion, within our community. If you would like any further information please contact Mrs Jane Hughes, Community School 454250 or Mrs Sands, Head Teacher, 454230.
We have very good links with Perth College staff and students. Our children have visited departments and college students come into our school regularly. Social Vocational students, staff, and our children and staff in the Happy Hive are sharing their learning and teaching and everyone benefits.
Our Active School Co-ordinator works well with our school to provide a wide range of sporting activities for our children e.g. rugby, cricket, swimming etc. We have strong links with Tesco and Dobbies nearby, who support our school.
We have been re-accredited with both Third Green Flag in Eco Schools and also Health Promoting Schools Standard and we have been accredited with Level 1 of UNICEF’s UK Rights Respecting Schools’ Award.
Children regularly take on leadership roles in our school – Eco Warriors, Tree Trackers, Junior Road Safety Officers, Children’s Council, House Captains, Rights Respecting School Steering Group. Groups update the whole school on developments at Assemblies and information is also shared via newsletters and our school website.
Positive Behaviour
We recognise the importance of positive behaviour and positive thinking in our learning environment. This helps our children to be successful learners. We believe relationships are paramount in developing trust and we encourage children to have responsibilities within the life of our school. This develops confidence and our children are encouraged to voice their opinions, feelings and concerns and they are active participants in school life. Community Link Workers and Community Wardens are also involved in developing and maintaining a positive ethos in our school.
Each class has drawn up a Class Charter which reinforces the values of our School. There is a ‘class of the week’ and certificates are handed out to children from each class at assembly. House points are collected weekly by the House Captains who announce the results at assemblies. Weekly photographs are taken by children and displayed in the foyer.
To enhance current positive behaviour strategies Restorative Approaches are being used. This puts repairing harm done to relationships and people over and above the need for assigning blame and dispensing punishment. RA enables our school to reflect on existing effective practice and identify possible areas for development to continue to ensure a receptive, positive culture.
If you would like more information on Restorative Approaches, please contact Mr Watson.
We are fully involved in a wellbeing and resilience programme called Bounce Back and we are currently embedding Bounce Back approaches in all classes.
Several staff in our school are trained in nurturing principles. Our Nurture Class is called The Happy Hive and it is a room for a small group of children. At various times in our children’s lives they may benefit from a little extra nurturing, this could be for a whole host of reasons including, bereavement, family break-ups or dealing with change. At these times the children may not be able to focus on their learning and the Nurture environment helps support them in readiness for learning. The children learn through practical experiences with a balance of learning and teaching in a home like setting. Numeracy and literacy are all accessed through active learning. Social skills are promoted through games, baking, puppets and role play, etc. The children remain part of their mainstream class by participating in PE, art, drama, music and assemblies. Parents and carers are encouraged to visit and to join in activities with their children which including games, sewing, craft and cooking. Children usually return full time to their class after two to four terms.
Parental Involvement
Every parent in our school is a member of the Parent Forum and can bring any matter to the attention of the Parent Council. We have a supportive and active group of parents who are very committed to taking our school forward in the promotion of excellence. The Parent Council meet regularly throughout the year and are more than happy for new parents to become involved. Our Parent Council Chair is Mr Colin Gordon and our Vice Chair is Mr Martin Glen. Our local councillors – Councillor Maclachlan, Councillor Flynn, Councillor Gillies and Councillor Doogan also support our school well and get involved in developments through our Parent Council.
Children receive regular homework and this has to be handed in by the end of the week. Homework will always be related to activities your child is doing in class and it is a good opportunity to e.g. hear reading or join in with an activity together. Sometimes children are asked to do some research work, which also fits in with their learning. We value your role as parents in helping your child to be a successful learner. We run a Homework Club to support children and their parents each Tuesday. In our school we also have ‘The Big Talk’, this is a development of the writing work we do for the ‘The Big Write’. To support this we have introduced Talk homework. The talk subject will be given at assembly on a Friday and the whole school will talk about the same topic/area. Children will be asked to talk about this topic at home before a class discussion on Monday or Tuesday. This will not take long (10 minutes) and we ask you to chat in a quiet area with no TV or computers on to distract your child/ren. The talk homework will be sent home on a sticker each week.