Insert Paper Title– (First Letters of each Word in Capitals except for Prepositions)

Author A. Lastname1, Author B.Lastname*2,and Author C. Lastname3

1Author A. Institution, 2Author B. Institution, 3Author C. Institution

*Corresponding author:postal address, email address

Abstract:This document offers instructions for preparing your paper to be published in the Proceedings of the IberianCOMSOL Multiphysics Conference. This document is intended for use as a template and contains important information about preparing your final manuscript. Please review it carefully before preparing your paper. Type your abstract here by highlighting this text and replacing it with your own. The same applies for all the following sections. This section is usually a single paragraph summarizing the problem, approach, and results that are in the paper. Limit the text to 150 words.

Keywords: Insert two to five keywords that are descriptive of the work presented in the paper. Separate keywords by commas.

1. Introduction

The body of the paper consists of numbered sections that present the main findings. These sections should be organized to best present the material.Typical components of a COMSOL conference multiphysics modeling paper include (but are not limited to): Introduction;Governing Equations; Methods; Theory; Numerical Model; Experimental Results; Discussion; Conclusions;References;Acknowledgements;Appendix.

Your final manuscript should be 4 – 7 pages long. The following sections contain important paper preparation details. Please read them carefully.

1.1 Subsection

Insert subsections in this manner, as needed.

2. Format and Font

Do not adjust the styles and formatting of this page to fit more text. To facilitate the printing process this document should contain only Times New Roman fonts. Using this template ensures that your paper will be formatted correctly. The list of fonts used in this manuscriptappears in Table 1 of the Appendix.

3. Use of COMSOL Multiphysics

This section should contain a mathematical description of the problem being solved in the current study. Governing equations, initial and boundary conditions and any other pertinent information can be included. A description of how COMSOL was used/ will be used in this study should be listed. Information should include the different application modes being used and any other information which the authors deem of value to the COMSOL modeling community.

4. Figures

We recommend that you use color images in your manuscript. Ensure that images are aligned with columns and that caption text is legible. Figures should appear in numerical order (within the text) and on the same page or after their first reference in the text. Figures can either fit into the column or span the entire page. It is preferable to have figures appear at either the top or bottom of the page. Avoid wrapping text around figures. Figures, along with their captions, should be separated from the main text by at least 0.2 in. or 5 mm. Make sure that the final resolution of your figures is 300dpi.

Figure 1.The caption should be centered underneath the figure and set in 9-point font.

5. Equations

Check that your equations are imported properly and that they appear legible.

6. Submitting your Manuscript

You can submit the paper by email: .

Your fully edited Manuscript needs to be submitted no later than June 5, 2015.

7. Conclusions

Type the conclusions of your work here. Your final manuscript should be 4 – 7 pages long. For questions regardingthe manuscript- preparation procedure,please contact by email at . Get the most current conference information here:

8. References

Type your references here, as needed.

1. Author, Article title, Journal, Volume, page numbers (year)

2. Author, Book title, page numbers. Publisher, place (year)

3. Author, Article title, Journal, Volume, page numbers (year)

4. Author, Article title, Journal, Volume, page numbers (year)

5. Author, Article title, Journal, Volume, page numbers (year)

6. Author, Article title, Journal, Volume, page numbers (year)

7. Author, Article title, Journal, Volume, page numbers (year)

8. Author, Article title, Journal, Volume, page numbers (year)

9. Acknowledgements

Type acknowledgements here, if needed.

10. Appendix

Table 1: Fonts used in this manuscript

Item / Font / Size
Paper Title / Times New Roman / 16 point
Abstract & Keywords heading / Times New Roman / 10 point, bold
Author Information / Times New Roman / 11 point
Corresponding author contact / Times New Roman / 10 point
Main Headings / Times New Roman / 11 point
Subsection Headings / Times New Roman / 10 point,bold
Body Text / Times New Roman / 10 point
Figure number &Table number heading / Times New Roman / 9 point, bold
Figure caption &Table caption / Times New Roman / 9 point