Minutes of a Regular Meeting
Date: February 10, 2015 Time: 8:00 a.m.
The Putnam Redevelopment Agency met for a Regularly Scheduled Meeting on Tuesday, February 10, 2015, in the Conference Room located on 156 Main Street, Putnam, CT 06260.
The Chairman opened the meeting at 8:01 am.
The Chairman appointed Alternate member John Dignam as a voting member
ROLL CALL: Delpha Very, Paul Pikora, Paul Grenier, Doug Cutler, Jackie Lefevre, Selectmen Liaison Scott Pempek and Alternate member John Dignam.
Absent: George Dimopoulos, Alternate member George Tsanjoures and Selectmen Liaison: Renee Lasko.
Late arrivals: Delia Fey and David Brotzman
APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES –January 13, 2015*: Paul Grenier motioned to approve the meeting minutes of January 2015, seconded by John Dignam motion passed.
Expenditures Review -January 2015: No questions/comments
Annual Election of Officers*: John Dignam nominated Paul Pikora as Chairman, and Delia Fey as Vice-Chairman, Paul Grenier seconded, passed unanimously.
2015 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Application: Application for a $ 400,000 housing rehabilitation program will be submitted in the 2015 CDBG grant round. Executive Assistant attended workshop for the 2015 Community Development Block Grant in January. A response for proposal (RFP) is planned for consultants to assist with application/program.
PRA SC12 - CDBG Housing Rehabilitation - DECD Audit: the SC2012 Housing Rehabilitation Grant Program was recently audited. Representatives from Dept of Economic and Community Development (DECD) and Dept. of Housing (DOH) attended as well as three representatives from the consulting office of Lisa Low and Associates.
Cargill Falls Mill: Documents have been sent onto the State of CT DECD project manager. Project is being reviewed by CT DECD for possible need to go out for second bid.
Proposed PRA Budget FY 2015 -2016* : The Director explained in the past a Putnam Redevelopment Agency (PRA) town budget didn’t exist. A PRA budget was proposed and accepted last fiscal year due to consultants taking over CDBG Program Income. Cuts have been made from last year’s budget:
$ 2,000 was cut in Professional Services and $ 1,000 in Engineering. Dave Brotzman motioned to approve the PRA budget as presented, seconded by John Dignam, passed unanimously.
Historic Brownfield Revitalization Application Award: The Redevelopment Agency received notification of a $ 300,000 grant award through the State of CT Historic Brownfield Revitalization program to assess environmental and structural and conditions, and conduct community-driven reuse visioning and planning exercises for historically significant Brownfield sites. Funding will be used to assess the Belding Mill, for environmental and structural conditions, located at the intersection of Kennedy Drive and Providence Street (107 Providence Street). The Facilities Committee has been invited to tour the Belding Mill building for potential town uses.
Former Putnam Foundry Demo: Demo work was slated to start Monday, February 16th; however, weather as delayed the start.
ADJOURNMENT- There being no further items to lawfully come before such meeting, Dave Brotzman , motioned to adjourn the February 2015 Redevelopment Meeting, seconded by John Dignam, passed unanimously. Meeting ended at 8:31 a.m.
Respectively Submitted by:
Delpha M. Very, Director