

BOLOGNA - Italy, June 07 – 09, 2017

Registration Form [1]

NAME - Firstname /
Firm or Institution /
Address – City /
Country /
Email / …………………………………………………………………………

Intends to attend the conference and engages himself to pay the participation fee

Participation at organizing costs / Register individually / Registration by an organization
Membre de l'Association / Non membre de l'Association / If the organization is not a member of the Association, 280 € must be added for the entire group
April, 28 / After
April, 28 / Before
April, 28 / After
April, 28
Participant / 290 € / 360 € / 360 € / 430 € / + 290 € x person
Co-Authors / 160 € / 230 € / 230 € / 300 € / + 160 € x person
Accompanying / 25 € / 95 € / 95 € / 165 € / ///
Amount………………………………..………….€ / Amount………….…………€ / Amount………….…€

ATTENTION, for an individual member a receipt can be delivered, it is not possible to deliver an invoice, an order form is not acceptable in payment; only Organizations have access to these opportunities.

Participant status refers to anyone who makes a communication or is an auditor; He is free to participate in all conferences, participates in all activities, and receives all scientific papers.

The status of co-author can be chosen by one of the co-authors of the person presenting a communication, or even by a collaborator or a young researcher associated with this work; He is free to participate in all conferences, with the same rights as the presenter. Each submission must, however, provide evidence of registration as a participant.

The status of accompanying person, allows one to join the conference for the public sessions (Thursday morning) and to participate in all the events not purely scientific.

Payment can be made by:[2]

c Credit card (Through PayPal))

c Bank transfer from Eurozone bank (no bank charges)

c Bank transfer (from non-Euro bank) (15 EUR for bank charges)

c Check payable to French resident bank (no bank charges)

c Check in EUR payable to non-French resident bank (15 EUR for bank charges)

c Payment on arrival (no reduction)

Banking references: Crédit Lyonnais 30002-Paris Friedland Agence W423
IBAN : FR10 3000 2004 2300 0000 7373 A62

Office : VDQS co FedEco 10, rue Fraternité, 66190 Collioure, France

Fax : +33 (0) 958 888232 Email : EuAWE (at) Fed-Eco.org


[1]General conditions: any taken registration can be cancelled until 06/05/2017, after this date no cancellation is possible; the replacement of the person initially planned is however free until the last moment.

For other methods of payment: please contact before by Email: EuAWE @ Fed-Eco.org

[2]Please send a copy of the bank transfer