God is for The Alcoholic Workbook
Study Guide for
God is for the Alcoholic
By Jerry G. Dunn
Prepared by
P. M. A. Inc. Riverside, California
Used by permission by the
International Union of Gospel Missions
National Research Committee
Reverend John J. Willock, Chairman
Education Department
Association of Gospel Rescue Missions
1045 Swift Street
Kansas City, MO. 64116-4127
Phone: (816) 471-8020
God is for the Alcoholic
We would like to introduce this third lesson by quoting from the Introduction of Part III of Rev. Dunn's book, God is for The Alcoholic.
The first two sections of this book have been written to help
pastors, counselors, and the families of alcoholics to under-
stand people like me - and you. If you have a drinking problem,
this section is directed especially to you. I hope you have
carefully read what has gone before. I hope you have studied
the chapters on the alcoholic personality and the cycle.
Whether you want to admit it or not, we alcoholics are addicted
to ethyl alcohol. If you are going to break the hold alcohol
has on you, you are going to have to face up to the problem and
totally abstain from the use of beverage alcohol for the rest of
your life.
Prayerfully read through each chapter of Part III, and then endeavor to answer the questions listed under the various chapter headings.
Chapters I and II
1. How does Romans 7:15 describe the struggle that goes on in the heart of an
alcoholic? ______
2. Who alone can deliver one from this struggle (Romans 7:24,25)? ______
3. What was it that caused Rev. Dunn to consider God as the answer to his
alcoholic problem? ______
4. What is the first step toward help, according to Alcoholics Victorious?
5. What one thing can keep us from transferring our dependency from the bottle
to God? ______
6. Where does spiritual life begin? ______
7. What is described as the food of the newborn Christian? ______
8. What is prayer (read the Bible verses mentioned on page 199, Psalms
145:18,19)? ______
9. How can you become a member of God's family (Romans 8:15,16)?
10. Then, what does God become to you? ______
11. In I Corinthians 10:13, what promise do we have to cling to when tempted?
Chapter III
1. The third step is to share yourself. This is to be done first by sharing ourselves
with God. How is this done? ______
2. What are the two ways of sharing with others?
A. ______
B. ______
3. What is the first big test for the alcoholic in regard to sharing himself (see
page 143)?______
4. How can an alcoholic share himself with others by giving help? ______
Chapter IV
1. What three things must you believe in order to live a successful life
(page 221)?
A. ______
B. ______
C. ______
2. What was being illustrated by the pastor who said, "Life is a cinch by the inch,
but hard by the yard?" ______
3. Why is a complete physical checkup a great help to the alcoholic? ______
4. Are fatigue and irregular eating a major problem for an alcoholic to keep sober?
5. Philippians 4:7,8,9 tells us what about the type of things to which we should
expose ourselves? ______
6. Ephesians 5:18 contrasts two types of control, what are they? ______
Chapter V
1. How should a person take inventory of himself? ______
2. List the five ways alcoholics can help themselves.
A. ______
B. ______
C. ______
D. ______
E. ______
Summary Remarks
Any questions or summary remarks that you might have regarding this book, please write them below or on the back of this page. Remember, all questions and communications will be held in the strictest confidence.
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