Programme Specification
Innovative Manufacturing Engineering - M.Eng
Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that students are expected to achieve if full advantage is taken of the learning opportunities that are provided. More detailed information on the learning outcomes, content and teaching, and learning and assessment methods of each module can be found in Module Specifications and other programme documentation and online at
The accuracy of the information in this document is reviewed by the University and may be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education.
Awarding body/institution;Department; / LoughboroughUniversity
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Teaching institution (if different); / As above
Details of accreditation by a professional/statutory body; / IMechE /
IET / Being sought
Established √
(e.g .BA, MSc etc) / MEng
Programme title / Innovative ManufacturingEngineering
Length of programme / 4 years
UCAS code; / H790
Date at which the programme specification was written or revised. / March 2010
1. Programme Aims:
- To train passionate and competent manufacturing engineers and technologists on a degree programme that sets a new standard in partnership between higher education and industry.
- To demonstrate, through active learning opportunities, the rewarding career opportunities that exist in manufacturing engineering and the variety that such careers can offer.
- To produce high quality graduates with a strong academic background, combined with excellent communication skills and the ability to progress rapidly to a position of responsibility, and subsequently provide technical and managerial leadership.
- To deliver a broad understanding of engineering knowledge, and a critical awareness of current insights in the fields of manufacturing engineering and manufacturing management.
- To encourage students to manage their own learning and make use of primary source materials.
- To foster an appreciation of the essential practical and commercial aspects of engineering.
2.Relevant subject benchmark statements and other external and internal reference points used to inform programme outcomes:
Periodic Programme Review
Framework for Higher Education Qualifications
QAA Benchmark statements for Engineering
Engineering Council-UK, UK SPEC “The Accreditation of Higher Education programmes”
I.Mech.E Accreditation report from accreditation visit 2/5/02
LoughboroughUniversity Learning and Teaching Strategy
3. Programme Learning Outcomes
The programme is aimed at the most ambitious of students who wish to develop high-flying careers within manufacturing industries and to become the future leaders of industry in companies concerned with Manufacturing Engineering. On completion of the programme, graduates should have acquired technical depth in core engineering subjects and a number of specialist applications and studied sufficient breadth to understand a wide range of technologies and related disciplines. More specifically they will have:
3.1Comprehensive Knowledge and Understanding of:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:-
K1.the underpinning science, mathematics and other disciplines associated with a career in manufacturing engineering. principles and relevant numerical methods and an understanding of the role of information technology in providing support for manufacturing engineers. of practice, industry standards and quality issues applicable to a career in manufacturing. and business techniques appropriate to manufacturing industry.
K5.the commercial and economic context and an awareness of the nature of intellectual property issues and of environmental and legal and ethical issues within the modern industrial world.
K6.manufacturing processes with associated materials selection and health and safety requirements together with a realistic appreciation of accuracy of production, cost and environmental issues.
K7.a number of specialist engineering science disciplines in greater depth than is normally associated with a first degree award.
K8.the design process and the ability to apply and adapt techniques to unfamiliar situations.
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated:
Acquisition of the above knowledge is primarily through a combination of lectures, tutorials and seminars, and understanding is developed through co-operative projects with industry, internal group and individual projects, practical laboratory work.
Assessment is through written examinations, computer based tests and coursework. Coursework assessment varies from module to module using a wide spectrum of methods but, most usually, knowledge and understanding is demonstrated in written reports and through viva voce examination.
3.2Skills and other Attributes:
(a) Subject-specific cognitive skills:
The MEng graduate will also be able to use such knowledge and understanding in a creative way and be able to:
C1.define an unfamiliar manufacturing related problem and generate innovative solutions ;
C2.apply appropriate methods (inc. the use of IT) to model and assess such solutions;
C3.extract, from given data, that which is pertinent to a problem, and apply it in its solution;
C4.Show initiative, innovation and intellect to tackle complex and unfamiliar problems, working with technical uncertainty.
C5.generate an innovative design for manufacturing systems or processes to fulfil new needs;
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated:
Lecture, tutorial, industrial visits, and directed laboratory or design activities are used to enhance cognitive development – where understanding of engineering science (covering materials and processes) and management techniques (relevant to organisation of manufacturing resources) need to be assimilated and applied. The strategy is to engage the student in undertaking engineering applications throughout the course from the earliest stages. The basic science of engineering and manufacture is drawn out through integrating studies (across specific subjects) and design studies (product and process) that use laboratories, tutorials, and case studies against a backdrop of applications. This allows broader aspects of the social, financial, ethical and environmental implications to be addressed. The strategy for assessment is mainly based on a range of coursework and project assignments that allow for analysis, modelling and evaluation against stated aims from which conclusion and recommendations are drawn.
(b) Subject-specific practical skills:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:
P1.use appropriate computer software numerical modelling methods and/or computational techniques to solve engineering problems;
P2.use laboratory and basic workshop equipment competently and safely;
P3.research for information;
P4.apply engineering techniques taking account of commercial and industrial constraints;
P5.present data in alternative forms to create good understanding and/or impact;
P6.manage manufacturing related design process taking account of customer constraints such as cost, health and safety and risk.
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated:
Early supervised use of a wide range of fundamental manufacturing processes and machines in coursework assignments provides an important foundation for the development of cognitive and practical manufacturing engineering skills. Coursework assignments in later stages of the programme typically require students to develop and apply different combinations of practical skills, guided by formative assessment and feedback. Group projects and the third year project are particularly important for developing and assessing core practical skills. In group based assignments, students are given the opportunity to submit evidence of the relative work per group member. The third year project carried out in industry develops and tests each student’s ability to bring their various skills and knowledge together in a comprehensive investigation chosen by the student.
(c)Generic skills:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:
T1.learn new theories, concepts and methods inside and outside the discipline area.
T2.monitor and adjust a personal programme of work on an on-going basis and learn independently;
T3.develop, monitor and update a plan for others, to reflect changing requirements;
T4.undertake most of the technical roles within a team and exercise leadership.
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated:
The teaching and learning of the IME course makes full use of the industrial consortium - the companies that open their doors for visits, placements and projects in support of the curriculum. This is done in various modules such as Integrating Studies, Insight to Industry, Industry Based Project, Personal and Professional Development, all of which are done in a way that is unique to the IME course. Working closely with industry in this way provides the mechanism through which exceptional strong professional development of the students can be driven and supported – covering interpersonal skills, communication skills (oral and written) team working skills, dealing with uncertainty, as well as general competency and commitment to achieving stated goals on time. Assessment is based on industrial reports, project reports, orals presentations and viva voce examination and personal development records.
4. Programme structures and requirements, levels, modules, credits and awards:
The ethos of this programme is to fully integrate academic learning with real world experience. The M.Eng programme in Innovative Manufacturing Engineering is a four year, eight semester full-time programme with one semester being based in industry. Further industrial experience is gained both within the university based modules and there is a requirement for short training blocks during the summer vacations. Many students may choose to extend these summer placement block by agreement with the company. The pattern is described in Fig. 1.
Full details can be found in the Programme Regulations at:
IME Programme StructureOct / Nov / Dec / Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / Jun / Jul / Aug / Sep
Semester 1 / Semester 2 / Summer Vacation
Year 1
/ 2wks / 4wks (any time in vacation)Year 2
/ 10 weeksYear 3
/ 15 weeksYear 4
Optional Industrial Training
5. Criteria for admission to the programme:
Full details can be found at:
6.Information about the programme assessment strategy:
The method of assessment for each module is described within the relevant module specification (see section 4 above).
Examinations are held in each subject for which an examination is required in the assessment period at the end of the semester in which it is taught. At the end of each year the results from examinations and coursework assessment are combined into a single module mark. Percentage scores are calculated to one decimal place and then rounded to the nearest integer.
At the end of the year, the results for each module are compiled and considered by an examination board, which awards credit for each satisfactorily completed module. Students who achieve sufficient credit to meet the assessment requirements of their programme regulations will be allowed to proceed to the next year/part of their course.
Briefly, all 120 credits are needed for progression in each year of this M.Eng degree however, in addition, this programme demands that students achieve a minimum standard of 50% in four fifths of modules. Students on the M.Eng programme are therefore expected to demonstrate both breadth of learning and a high overall standard. Readers are directed to the programme regulations (attached) for full details of this and the criteria for the award of a degree. The method of assessment for each module is described within the relevant module specification (see section 4 above).
Candidates in parts A or B not meeting the criteria for progression will have the right to transfer to the B.Eng programme in Manufacturing and Management or be re-assessed on one further occasion. The student may choose to be re-assessed in the University’s Special Assessment Period in early September or in the next academic year.
There is an alternative route through the regulations for candidates that cannot secure an industrial placement for their industry based project in semester 1 of their third year of study. Candidates can only follow the alternative route with the agreement of the Programme Director and by reason of unexpected external industrial or economic factors, that are beyond the control of the candidate, which prevents a placement being possible. The alternative route enables the third year individual project to be University based. It is hoped this alternative route will not need to be evoked but allowance is made in the regulations for such an eventuality – such as might conceivably happen during an economic recession or depression for example.
7. What makes the programme distinctive?
The Innovative Manufacturing Engineering programme is an M.Eng only programme with no B.Eng variant. It is structured around the need to attract and educate high calibre students who are expected to make an early contribution to manufacturing industry and to go on and take up a leadership role. The IME programme uniquelyoffers:
- a four-year M.Eng (Hons) degree targeted at the most able potential students;
- financial support whilst at university
- a substantial element of industrial involvement and training that compares with many five-year degrees is built into the programme.
- a high-calibre learning experience;
- a consortium of companies actively involved and committed to the programme.
- exceptional employment prospects upon graduation.
All the students on the course are sponsored, or otherwise supported, by industry and receive payment during the course of their study. The unique feature of this course is that academic study is carried out during the period of the major industrial placement for the student. This means the IME student can complete an MEng course and gain the best part of one year's industrial placement experience and achieve all this all within four calendar years. For an ambitious student this compares favourably to the five calendar years typically required with other MEng programmes that have an industrial training placement year outside the academic timetable. This tightening of timescales for IME students makes the programme both challenging and rewarding in equal measure.
The initial phase of the IME programme incorporates a structured introduction to industry via formally assessed study visits and a short summer placement as well as an 'insight to industry' group project. This is done prior to the major industrial placement which takes place after the second year and during the summer and the subsequent semester 1 of the third academic year. During this period the student undertakes their major individual project and other assignments to enhance their professional and personal development in line with the five professional engineering competences of knowledge, application, leadership, interpersonal skills and professionalism - against which they are assessed. This particular feature of the course is fairly unique, amongst engineering courses, and can only work with the dedicated commitment of the industrial consortium working in tight partnership with the University in delivering the programme.
This link between student and industry provides the impetus and context for further study in the latter stages of the programme that provides an educational experience of broadening studies (environmental, teamwork and leadership, etc) and deepening studies (via an individual choice of specialist elective modules). The content of this study will be chosen appropriate to the individual student and their industrial sector context. This is because for the latter phase of the programme the individual student has an individual sponsoring company for the first time in the programme as this affiliation is not established until the end of the second year - effectively half way through the programme of study.
Career prospects are well established for graduates as the normal expectation is that the sponsoring company will provide continuity into full time employment - and the students are encouraged to think strategically and long term at the time they chose a sponsoring consortium company. The IME programme is a direct gateway into employment.
8. Particular support for learning:
Information on all the university support services can be found at
Additional WolfsonSchool Services:
Industrial Placements and Careers:
The WolfsonSchool employs a full time officer to give advice regarding careers and industrial placements. Also the University’s Careers Office run timetabled tutorial sessions within the programme’s curriculum.
Computing Facilities:
The School has installed many computers to enhance the extensive central facilities provided by the Computing Services. There are four networked computer suites within the WolfsonSchool building that are used for both teaching and Private study with access 24hours 7-days per week.
Pastoral Care and Mentoring:
All students are allocated a personal tutor with whom they meet on a regular basis. The school operates an innovative peer mentoring scheme within a special induction programme to ease the transition from School or college to university.
9. Methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standards of learning: