Innovative Approaches Program

2010-2011 Proposal Template

1. Project Title
2. Project Start Date / 3. Project End Date
4. Proponent Information (attach proof of active corporate standing)
Proponent or Organization Name:
Contact Name regarding this proposal (if different from above):
Telephone: / Fax:
5. Profile and History of Proponent Organization
5a. Proponent profile Give a brief description of your organization’s history, mandate and/or objectives, and interest in agri-environmental issues.
5b. Proponent experience Provide information that demonstrates the ability of the proponent to successfully complete the project, i.e. describe past experience with projects of similar nature and scope.
5c. Previous AAFC funding List funding previously received from AAFC in the past three years, including amount and program involved.
6. Project Summary. Provide a brief description of the project’s anticipated results and/or end products, and how they contribute to the objectives of the Innovative Approaches Program (maximum 250 words).
7. Innovative nature of the project. Describe how the project is innovative, what new information will be provided, what gap(s) or challenge(s) will be addressed, how it will more effectively advance agri-environmental outcomes, and/or how it will inform future policy and or program delivery.
8. Project Collaborators and Support.Describe the expected role, contributions (technical and financial) and outputs of all organizations that will be part of the project. Letters of support are encouraged but not mandatory and if obtained should be appended to the proposal.
9. Project Description
9a. What are the specific objectives of the project?
9b. What is the scope of the project: national, regional, or local? Consider not only the physical location of the project, but the extent to which findings can inform implementation in other locations.
9c. What are the project deliverables? Describe in sufficient detail the deliverables anticipated from the project, and a description of how and to what audiences project outcomes will be communicated, as appropriate.
9d. Describe the methods to be used for developing recommendations on the future use of the mechanism, tool or approach investigated. Describe in sufficient detail how the project costs and benefits will be evaluated, and how the environmental, social and economic outcomes will be assessed.
9e. How will the project benefit agricultural producers, other stakeholders and Canada? Please provide a response for each of the three groups listed, provided they are applicable to the project.
9f. What are the project milestones and timelines? Define the major stages and associated key accomplishments for each stage of the project, and indicate the anticipated completion dates for each stage.
9g. Outline the project methodology and activities. Describe in sufficient detail the proposed project methodology/technical approach, rationale for the methodology, and associated activities.
9h. Demonstrate project team technical expertise. For each individual that will contribute to the technical (i.e. non-administrative) activities of the project, list the name, organization and project role, and briefly describe their relevant expertise and experience. CVs or résumés for each individual MUST be attached to the proposal.
10. Describe the major risks or challenges to the project, and how these will be managed or mitigated.
C. Other Required Information
11. Have you applied to and/or have you received funding from other government sources, including AFFC, for any activities in this proposal? If so, please outline the activity being funded, and the amount and source of funding.
12.Assurance of incremental activities. Briefly detail how the activities in this proposal are incremental to existing activities in the proponent organization and all collaborating organizations.


-Proof of active corporate standing of proponent

-CVs or résumés for each project team member listed in Section 9h (i.e. those involved in technical activities only)


-Letters of support

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